View Full Version : Head Pieces
- shad head piece from 2000
- Na Kona Glass @ djiboogo studios SF
- AG's glass
- New 14mm Slide Set from El Hefe
- ready for some new ones?
- New inline AshCatcher Totally Worked
- FYC Tube Company.
- my new tube...mnp
- Hello
- Glass from the Stash
- A unique style bong from Cool Liquid
- Heady Custom Roor
- Custom Bubbler ART
- RooR 14.5mm Slide for Sale
- RooR 14.5mm yellow/black Slide for Sale
- Roor 18.8mm Diffuser/Slide Combo for sale
- Mike Fro Slides
- Mike Fro 14.5mm Slide for sale
- Mike Fro 18.8mm Slide for sale
- Tubes Galore!!
- Roor Hoodies! Get em while you can!
- RooR repair?
- Pieces for sale...
- TuffGong's History
- Anyone got a RooR (us) poker?
- Another piece...
- Hammer Bub
- Sherlock bub
- my roor de custom
- My new Sling Shirley
- Some Toro Pickups...
- kind creations double bubbler
- Another sherlock..
- Mike Fro + .de RooR inside.
- TORO-inside
- Mini DC-TAKE A LOOK<<<
- Glass on glass bowls...
- linsen's collection
- Some of my collection for sale
- I and I..
- 24" Gear perk, Diablo zong 26", 34" Redeye monster
- Rasta inline a/c with mouthpiece...
- ECH Slide..
- Trying to get in touch with Hef
- Slides for sale: Morgan and Fro
- Check out my new Hops inline a/c
- headies t funk
- some glassblowin vids
- koalaphin's glass thread
- My degenerate art experience...
- My new slide`
- New Inline
- Diffused Layback Bubbler
- let's see some marbles...
- Lets see everyones daily drivers!
- Obtaining Unobtainium while on the Vortex..
- bubble curve/fmcd smoking set
- In through the looking glass..
- My Family Shots
- Can I get anyone to blow me bell of 14.5?
- FS: SW!SS army GL@SS BY: sheepdawg
- My Setup
- yo b-man
- WTB Ice Pinch Slide
- my dry pieces
- Check the new piece i bought
- Glass collection for sale!!!!
- 3 piece inline..
- WANT TO TRADE: RooR 18" beaker perc w/ Luke Wilson bowl
- FOR SALE: Rojas Sherlock
- Newly added Jerome Baker to the family
- Some glass (56k no way)
- FS: 14mm Bearclaw graal slide
- Some more slides for sale
- Roor Products!
- Sherly for sale..
- My Brand0n natural perc.
- Hefe HD
- 18mm slides 4 Sale
- Dichro hammer...
- Available saxo...
- Sick Toro worked percs
- Some more of my crap...
- Glass Aficionado Magazine
- WTB Strobel Slide
- 14mm FRO faceted bowl
- looking for glass and money on hand!
- WTB THICK n' heady bowl to fit a....
- anyone know where to buy glo rods?
- Any One Know Where To Get Bubble Slides?????
- How much would you spend on glass.....
- Glass Munky Layback bub for sale
- Glass Munky webed dry
- some stuff i need to sell
- FS: 14mm AK Slide
- new slides
- FS:New Roor 18" 5mm bistabil
- custom bushing diffy and matching slide
- Chillum/Inline for sale
- Super Krunk 18mm AK Push slide with 3 Opals and moldavite
- Josh Sable anyone? Rare 14mm slide
- WTB Ice Pinch or Disc Diffuser bowl
- Glass for sale
- 18mm Blade Wig-Wag Oil Slide
- toro chublock and pakoh-carlson collab slide
- New Glass Rules
- WTB Toro Chubbler
- Wtb Sg
- Italian Chilum, anyone?
- Pakoh Pabst Blue Ribbon Slide
- tree perc inline a/c?
- Freeek Brain Spoon
- The Glass Oooooo, Ahhhhh Thread
- Dichro Stemless Dubler for sale
- WTB opas slide
- 18.8 Mike Fro Slides w/ disc handle
- 3 chamber Bubbler
- 14mm and 18mm slides from CooLiquid
- WTB matching rasta diffy and bowl
- wtb unique 14mm slides
- New shit
- WTB 4 Arm SG Ashcatcher
- WTB Bubss
- FS: Toro 18/18 7-arm Black Rasta Label Trash-catcher
- A couple of bowls..
- illadelph headie hash bong
- FS:Custom Dry Piece
- Any Blowers willing to Fix a hammer bub??PLeaseee;)
- WTT for RooR
- wooden bong
- N3rdglass White Honey Comb Slide
- (((SheepDawg Dub Bub..Inline/Stemless)))
- WTB Straight tube 18.8 water pipe!
- (((Some older pics of some Swiss Army Inlines)))
- Glassss For Sale! Black Friday Blowout
- RooR Genius's
- WTB Salt Slides* 18
- ~Some more headie pics feryah~
- My New Stemless Bubbler?
- $$Stemless Bub Gone Savage$$
- FS: side car and saxo
- Shipping Glass?
- Glass for sale!
- FS: Chris Carlson B/W 08 sherly
- FS:One of few JBD mafia edition tubes
- Melting Point Glass Art extravaganza
- Degenerate Art Show
- Blackened Heart
- My RooR Fairmaster!!!!!!
- Thank You Martin/RooR
- WTS mini roor, big z slide & hefe ice pinch
- True heads pipe
- Stylie hammer...
- custom pro dealer...rasta.....
- Ryno Stemless Bubblers!
- Big Z slide 18.8
- i like
- finally got my custom icemaster.w/ matchn fro slide n diffuser
- My New Z.O.B 7arm 9arm
- Real?
- 420 Repair
- Fresh Technique from Banjo
- (((Just wanted to say Happy New Year to all you folks on FMB)))
- new slinglock
- %%Stemless Bub W/ some fun PahNub%%
- Custom hammer..
- My Heady Glass Slide Collection- Hefe, VoorHees, Big Z, more-
- Confusion about Rules
- Some glass thats been collecting...Trade?
- Inline for some action....
- Blood and water
- Jesse Taj Grateful Dead Mibs and More....
- Mike fro set with measurements
- new sling/SG
- de or us???? ROOR
- please don't post fs threads here
- SG King Dub
- (((Pandamonium!! Sweet double inline A/C)))
- Where's CX live(Lies)?
- SNOB - Hash Bong
- SandBlasted "Ray Gun" Mini Tube made by Blade
- ANDY D #2 of 10 inline dub bub
- New pickups for my 21st birthday
- CX lives
- new hefe slide
- Dry Freeek
- New To The Community........
- my "custom" Roor concentrate bowl
- the whole collection
- My new Mer Bowl
- SNIC Electroformed Slide
- Pull the pin, let it rip. EXPLOSIVE GLASS
- Zack P. Mini Inline
- Scott Deppe
- New toro fixed stem 8-13 arm
- Some Shitty quality Milk Vids
- Dry pipe
- inline a/c for roor steamroller
- AWESOME Blue Dot Double Natural perc 24" Rasta Tube
- This is for all my budz!
- OriginalDutchMasters Collection
- illadelph COIL
- salt for a friend
- Black label RooR double perc
- Roor Pure Smoke Kulture TShirts
- Roor Beanies BLOWOUT
- 43 inch bong
- TOK3's Curio Glass Display
- Sasha's work progression thread !!
- Glass bubblehash Bub
- Bitfreak, how does the dibs work?
- Dirty glass
- 18m B&W Roo set
- My new toro 13-13 fixed stem and some of my other glass
- My New 8-13 arm toro fixed stem w. trashcatcher!!!!!!!
- My new toro 13-13 arm, with Trash catcher!!!
- New custom slide holder by GotKush?
- The start of the Slide Collection..
- NEW KC Custom 4 Tree Inline Ashcatcher
- Slinger/Snic collab. bub w/ Dali clock
- My new Zob Double 8-arm mini w/ Matching 8-arm a/c
- austin themed slide holder by got kush
- Glass tube collection
- My new Toro!
- Broken Roor.... where can I fix it
- Sourdawg Is An Imposter!!
- weedcity custom roor
- Looking for a case for your heady slides? I have your affordable solution
- Custom Bowl Holder by GoTKuSH?
- My RooR Family
- Toro fixed stem circ/circ perc
- 4/18 toro and pakoh
- Toro 13/17
- Hedman Headies New TUbe
- White label custom ice master + diffy + crown roor bowl
- some new sheeit
- New shit!
- Busting Johnny's ballbag........
- in progress.....
- New Trashcatcher
- Purple people eater...34 arm triple with fixed a/c downstem.
- New S4L
- 18mm stuff.......
- My new Toro 13/13/13
- SG King Dub
- Medicali Glass
- The Glass Case
- - Hops recent work -
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