View Full Version : Production Pieces
- from tube to pipe
- Roor us Mike Fro Martinis
- ROOR PARTS, get ya roor parts.
- My new toy: pHx bong!! woohoo!
- I'm searching for this piece in canada
- A fresh ROOR
- Roororgy
- Roors one by one
- my new roor firefly
- My TORO setup
- New Toro DD for the freak...
- New limited edition FP Toro triple perc.
- batiba and me going to roor part 1 + 2
- my little sista's eulogy
- Toro, Fro, and more For Sale from Me.
- My visit to the RooR HQ Germany
- 420 Exclusive: Inside Illadelph Glass Gallery
- Toro Chubbler
- Want to Buy: 14.5 Toro Ice Pinch Slides
- new saxo
- Phx trinity beaker CHEAP!!!
- 18mm Honalee slides, Ice pinch and regular.
- New Bubble bowl design...
- FS: Ehle and Freeek
- 3 Foot Zong
- WTB Toro
- N3RD Inline tube for sale/trade?
- New Glass Rules
- For Sale : SG Sovereignty Stand-Up Bubbler
- Worked DUB BUB
- WTB Sovereignty Standup Bub?
- German (Brand New) 14MM Diffuser 5.2 inch
- Are Roors THAT good...?
- Wtb: Roor Jars
- WTB: Sovereignty Tree Perc
- The Original Zong
- Wtb Bubble Globe and Nail set.
- TheNewBlueBubbler
- Reducer
- Inline A/C and Inline Tubes
- 24" Lux perc
- quad perk 3-footer blue dot
- WTB: Your beater tubes.
- My Glass Tube Family- RooR, Toro, Kind Creations, Sovereignty, Hedman Headies, more-
- FS: SG Sovereignty 4 arm Inverted Tree Perc and TORO 8 Arm Fixed Stem Single Perc
- For Sale - Illadelph w/ illy AC ..and.. 18'' Medicali 4arm Perc
- Dont tell me this is a green roor...
- WTB Rasta and Black 14mm Slide(s)...
- NewPickUp-US Tubes 7mm Beaker
- 24" Green Illadelph
- Ever seen a "defective" RooR ?
- Cleaning Ice Pinch Slide
- Glass discussion
- Comparing Tubes
- Cleaning Percs
- Carbon Filter... worth it?
- Hey all......
- 12 arm fixed
- Crystal Fog Dub Bub
- 12 arm tree perk one for us, what do ya think?
- Factory seconds? anyone? cheap tubes?
- SG SOV 3X chamber beaker
- Something new in the oven today......
- Rasta Labels.... what do you think?
- Lux mini
- Reason SYN hasn't been on
- in America
- Roor
- my new 7 tree/9tree beaker zob
- Us mini's and some slides
- K-Clips Question
- Royal Steel Wool Micro TIni
- Any Issues with Wicked Sands Mini Tubes?
- rare ROOR maybe fake?
- just got my SYN fixd !
- *New Toro inline/13 rip video*
- Beware: Cheap Chinese Stems
- SCI Glass/Gramps
- The Original Buddy
- Toro? SG?
- New Roor, No Signature
- My New Glass - 8-Arm SG Beaker
- SG A/C and RooR.US Diff
- Toro Circ Diffused Ash Catcher
- New Toro Inline/13, Milkshot Vid!
- Wtb sg bubbler
- ----repair in new york----
- Broken Trashcatcher
- WS 10-arm Tiny with wildrok?
- Diffy brand comparison
- Forgive Me Lord For I Have SYNed
- **Advice Thread** dealer's cup
- My first TORO
- She's finally here Colored Zumini
- Need info on These torpedo things
- straights vs beakers
- Kind Creations 6-arm AC review
- Toro Circ Dual Joint
- Coping with passing up a good deal?
- art and utility!! never seen this before show me the ones youve seen
- Carbon Filter
- Brand New Toro Stemless Disc and Trashcatcher
- Resin Lock
- How mch is shipped glass inspected?
- RIP SSFG ice pinch...
- **Advice Thread** Black Lablel Roor set
- omg, labeled the wrong address
- Toro Rebirth -- "Makaveli"
- Base on trashcatcher?
- New pick up SALT 14.4 RAM HEAD
- I am the dumbest person to ever own decent glass...
- New 5mm Orange Label RooR Zumo
- fixable?
- Dementia Glass
- Does anyone know of any...
- US Tubes Downstem Length?
- Rice Stuck in the bong
- carbon filter q
- Quick question for blowers
- Looking for some help!
- Price Check
- A Question About Toro
- Custom piece idea - Advice n thoughts?
- Gimme your opinions/thoughts
- Got a new tube FINALLY
- mini's 19" WRKD beaker bong
- new Medicali straight tube
- Lux mini + purple days vaporizer
- ice + smoke
- itza glass the tale of a scum bag
- how much would you pay for
- getting some new glass
- WTF Illadelph coil problem
- Broken Roor...turned into an inline? can anyone help
- paypal safe?
- Sovereignty 4 Arm A/C Repair
- Ehle ice twist???
- F me - broken diffy. can it be fixed?
- review?
- Question about Toro
- Water levels
- 21" Crush Fixed Inline.
- **Waterlocked Joint Need some help please!**
- Shower Head Diffy vs Gridline Diffy
- ill creation
- jagito bubbler or hops inline ashcatcher
- Illadelph Website
- video tubes...
- Glass on Glass = Bad?
- DIY T/C Base
- new pic
- Lol? fully glass on glass grommet?
- new downstem
- China glass bust
- Volcano Questions
- New beaker stemline :D
- RooR .US no longer exists?
- new toro circ/circ
- Toro single chambers?
- The Production Pieces Milkshot Thread!
- new illadelphs label problems?
- let's play real or fake!
- New Inline: Zong Mini + Blue Dot Glass A/C...
- reinforced arms necessary?
- Zob
- Philly Fixed Stems..
- badbackglass inline tube
- phx honeycome perc
- Problem w/Phire Tube
- toro fixed ac fit on toro bub?
- us.Roor tree percs, whats the deal?
- VHW Vrip heat wand *REVIEW*
- bong size differences?
- Glass Cleaning Question
- Migrant Tube
- Question related to digital whip-style vaporizer
- Trinity glass
- gong slide- joint repair
- Vaporizer Whip Question
- Place to buy glass
- Does anyone no...
- Better Diffuser - Slits or Holes?
- Headin to Hertel now offers
- Which states are we and which states are we not ...
- glass trading forums???
- what to do with my glass?
- Dome vs. Bell
- I opened a forum
- Luke Wilson - Mini Beaker - 10 arm - mini 5 arm downstem
- Need help saving my diffuser
- Broken jagito/ Need help contacting Steve Hops
- 14 male to 18 female converter help
- left coast glass
- Anyone know a place to pick up Freeek slides in So. Cal?
- Glass Repair (base)
- roor US bub
- Glass repair on central coast
- RooR @ Cannatrade
- german roor
- Is this a real U.S made ROOR?
- For sell: Roor (German) big brother \w Toro Chubbler
- Waffles' Production Pieces
- Sg inverted 4
- glass on glass stuck
- Where to buy: toro minis
- CGC Gone For Good?
- Stoneglassworks x Luke Wilson Waffle to 10-arm
- What's up guys been busy as hell
- Natty vs striaght tube.
- recomendations for a good a/c unit
- A few new slides
- Hops XL Toobito
- New Mobius worked ash catcher - from Humboldt Glassblowers
- micro bubblers
- Healthstone Glass meets Essential Extracts Solvent-less Hash
- Luke Wilson 15-arm Dewaar Bubbler
- Some of my glass and a friends.
- Looking for a Jerome Baker
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