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View Full Version : super low humidity...

11-25-2008, 07:04 PM
Whats up people? This winter seems to be unseasonally dry where i'm at. I can't remember the last time i've had to humidify the air...But anyways, i pulled out my humidifier, filled it and let it go. I come back a few hours later, the tank has lot water, but the humidity hasn't changed a bit. I started thinking back, and remembered going to a buddy's house a few years ago and he was set up in a little closet. He ran a humidifier for several days, and said it never went up either. Anyone else notice this?

11-25-2008, 07:26 PM
make sure your heating element is not covered with calcium buildup. any addition of humidity is better than no addition. you may not notice to difference at all, but the plant probably does.

11-25-2008, 07:58 PM
Oh its as clean as new, i'm a little OCD when it comes to the finer points. I'm stuck with 20% humidity, so i almost don't wanna use my gas. Temps are a little lower than i'd like, so if i raise my temps the humdity will go down even more. I was kinda thinkin of making my own ghetto set-up, with a five gallon bucket, an aquarium heater, and an air pump to move it all around. Just kinda wondering if the "dry fog" that humidifiers put out has something to do with it...

11-25-2008, 09:09 PM
You're not that bad off, except for propagating. I live in the north cali coast and humidity is always 50-90%, fighting PM constantly. It is a bummer makes me want to move in fact.

11-25-2008, 09:16 PM
I'd rather have a higher humidity, as i can just bring it down with my dehumidifier. I use a 45 site power cloner, so that won't be a problem. I just know that when i up my temps my humidity is gonna drop even more, almost making co2 a bad thing. At least in a cost/effectiveness standpoint. I don't like warm dry air with co2, seems to exhaust plants resources TOO fast. Anyone using full climate control w/co2 and a dialed in hydro system will know what i mean.