View Full Version : Cannabutter
I've been playing with making extra-strength butter lately & took some pics of the last batch I made which turned out pretty well.
I'm using dry sift jamaican, get lots of it & don't smoke it because good bubble is so much nicer.
I use the double broiler way & put a bowl on top of a boiling pot to heat it up without burning it, start with 2 cups of hot water & add in 1/2 to 3/4 of a lb of butter. melt in the butter then dump in the kief. I'm using 150 grams in this batch, I found using any more than about 1/2 lb kief to a lb of butter & the butter won't solidify again.
I keep stirring & let it steep for an hour or so then dump it all through the strainer (I usually use a few layers of cheesecloth, but realized I didn't have any after I was cooking this so used a t-shirt), & into a cup so it can go in the fridge & harden up.
Then I take the squeezed out leftovers, put some in the french press (coffee press), add hot water, stir it up & recover some more of the butter.
After all is recovered & the butter is hardened up just drain off the water & you're left with kick ass butter.
Using 4 oz of butter in a batch of 2 dozen cookies, 1 cookie is enough for the most hardcore user, & will leave a lightweight crawling on the floor.
04-13-2009, 08:49 AM
Wow ftw, looks incredible! Fuck id give my left nut for a few of those cookies :drool:
Kif it Kunta
10-04-2009, 07:35 AM
6.25 grams of kif per cookie.........damn! I'd be buzzed sideways on a quarter of a cookie.
sativa cannabutter = hours of waves of fun, high as phuck with equal body and head effects.
indica cannabutter = usually boring, dumbing, paralysing then sleep inducing..great for some medical patients, but not my idea of fun.
for recreational cannabis enjoyers, good advice would be to only use sativa strains for cooking and make hash out of the others.
I haven't made cannabutter for awhile, but the last time I did was with some outdoor grown landrace sativas and hazes, the high was an excellent, waves of fun. We were out at a bar with cool lighting and music. The high would come on and be almost too much for a few minutes (" Hold on, hold on!") then gradually ease off then the high would build again. It was a very enjoyable body and head high. To me, eating sativas is about as close as you will ever get to light mushroom buzz.
07-17-2010, 06:45 AM
Just finished a batch out of 25grams of white widow 160u bubble and 2 stix of butter.3 and a half hours cook time.
I will post some pics I took as well as a review of the Nutella/Peanut butter cookies.
Thanks FtW and Bubbleman. Bubbleman you have change my outlook on the future of my time left on this rock.
How long do you cook it.. I have seen 3 4 and 1 hr.. I will be using 160 and unsalted butter. any help would be great
ty Leah
04-25-2013, 05:17 AM
Why would you infuse in butter? It's only 5% fat and is extremely low in medium-chain-triglycerides - you are not getting all those goodies out of your material and into a bio-available form.
On the other hand, coconut oil is 100% fat and 66% of that is in the form of is FAR SUPERIOR.
At any rate, just using coconut oil is not even the half of it....there are a lot of factors in play when infusing THC into ingestible formats. Go to and search the forum section for the thread "incredible edibles". I found it a couple of weeks ago and it has literally changed my life.
The thread will blow you away, and I can attest that BadKittySmiles' Canna Oil recipe (on page 22 of the thread) works so well you won't even be putting butter on your morning toast - you will have forgotten what butter is! :D
04-25-2013, 05:29 AM
Just finished a batch out of 25grams of white widow 160u bubble and 2 stix of butter.3 and a half hours cook time.
I will post some pics I took as well as a review of the Nutella/Peanut butter cookies.
Thanks FtW and Bubbleman. Bubbleman you have change my outlook on the future of my time left on this rock.
If you want to avoid wasting any of that time Og, go to and find the forum thread "incredible edibles" (see my post above and other recent posts elsewhere on this site...). If you want to use edibles at maximum efficiency you MUST learn BadKittySmiles' techniques.
I mean, why would you cook up an oz of herb in butter when you can get a stronger effect from a 1/4oz infused correctly into coconut oil?
Follow BKS's tutorials TO THE LETTER and you will be grinning as never before. :D
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