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View Full Version : Cleaning Ice Pinch Slide

03-31-2009, 11:29 PM
I wasn't sure where to throw this thread up so here it is. Ive been having trouble cleaning my Toro Ice Pinch slide for a while now. There is always remnants of resin around the ice pinches no matter what I do. I figured Grunge Off would be a quick fix with how much praise its been getting, but no luck even after 24+ hours of soak. Anyone have a technique or solution they use to rid the rest of the resin as I know I'm not the only one around with this problem. All responses are appreciated, thanks. Ive tried using cutips and toothpicks but no luck as they are in tough to reach places.

Five To One
03-31-2009, 11:46 PM
one word..... q-tip

03-31-2009, 11:51 PM
I mentioned in my initial post that cutips don't help. Thanks though.

Do you have a toro pinch where a cutip works fine? Maybe I have some surface scratches that are binding these remnants?

04-01-2009, 12:25 AM
try pipe cleaners. i have an ice pinch and is deffinitally a bitch to clean.

Five To One
04-01-2009, 12:31 AM
I guess i missed that lol, how do q-tips not work?

04-01-2009, 12:39 AM
In one spot the toro thumb pull is in the way and cant get to the underside of an ice pinch. The other spot the ice pinches are too close together and cant get enough of the cutip in their to do anything. Bah maybe I'll upgrade to a Royal pinchy, I dont think I'll ever go back to a normal push or martini, the flow is too nice!

Edit: Ahhh a pipe cleaner, that should solve my problems! Thanks

04-01-2009, 01:18 AM
Egad Holmes! A pipe cleaner for cleaning a pipe? What will they think of next? :p

04-01-2009, 01:28 AM
Haha pipe cleaners are so old school I can't remember the last time I saw one let alone use one. Be nice :(

04-01-2009, 01:48 AM
throwback to art class in gradeschool
i dont have a toro icepinch, (honalee)but i have the same issue with mine, the pinches definitely hold the resin/ash well. Ive found iso alcohol + salt gets it sparkling,if it doesnt come off like that try heating the alcohol.
If anyone tries this, dont heat alcohol over an open flame PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE.
a microwave is the preferred method for me, 45 seconds or so gets a nice rolling boil without the possiblity of vapors exploding in my face, and boiling isopropyl rends resin from glass really well.

04-01-2009, 02:48 AM
I've got a 18.8 Toro ice pinch and I've let it get pretty damn dirty, and 10 minutes in GO rinsed with hot water usually always does the trick. For tough spots I'll get a qtip and dip the tip in GO then go about scrubbing. I really don't know how they don't work for ya...GO and qtips have never failed me for cleaning any of my slides, regardless of how dirty they were.

sweet sweet hangin'
04-02-2009, 09:29 PM
this is funny as it is my first post and i find this thread.

i have the same problem with my toro ice pinches--

i've found quick use of the new black short bottle GO (super soaker), even a few minutes, works just as well as a long soak onthese, and gets most everything off EXCEPT the pesky resin on the pinches. usually in my experience very hard to get to. if i work on it a long time and keep putting a bit of GO in it and rinsing, sticking my pinky in there, using pokers, i can get it mostly clean with this extra effort.

however, if you're like me and clean often, it is a drag. someone here said it's a problem with all pinches, but here i must disagree. and this is what drives me the most crazy about what it up with the toros (i love the toro slides, don't get me wrong, they turned me on to pinched slides!). i recently purchased a few royal ice pinch slides, and even though there is much less space in the pinches, they clean right out with the new GO--no extra work!:pipe:

i think maybe it's a different texture of glass? also wonder if scratches in the toros hold resin somehow

anyway, just wanted to let you know you're not crazy, dude!:)

04-03-2009, 01:28 AM
Oh what a relief. Thanks for the great response. I clean my pinch once or twice a week and I go through about 10 cutips trying to get the last pieces of resin out its fucking frustrating!!!!! And not once have I been able to get everything. Great news with the royal, I need a little color in my life anyway. It looks by your post that you can't ever get it completely clean either. Thanks everyone for your input!