View Full Version : Comparing Tubes
04-14-2009, 11:46 AM ( for making it all possible
04-14-2009, 11:50 AM
if it was me id get the us tubes us tubes have major joint thickness
04-14-2009, 12:35 PM
I would choose US.. but I guarantee you'll be satisfied with either choice.
04-14-2009, 02:19 PM
us tubes. and buy a roor .de diffy for that bad boy, your smokin' gooooood
04-14-2009, 02:48 PM
i love 7mm thick glass tho. 3.2mm thick neck is too thin for me. itd feel too flimsy and cheap, and id be scared as shit to bang it on anything by accident. altho, the narrow bore probably makes it a really fun and unique hit that you probably cant find that easily in most other tubes. also, the US joints are the thickest around, so that def wont break, lol. i guess it breaks down to the bore and wher you want the thickness of the glass to be located. 7mm all around or like a 30mm thick joint? =)
04-14-2009, 03:13 PM
how many inches is the roor?
04-14-2009, 04:21 PM
The RooR is 14"
04-14-2009, 04:28 PM
us tubes. and buy a roor .de diffy for that bad boy, your smokin' gooooood
I thought all US tubes came with D-cut diffusers which I hear work better than roor diffusers. Anyone prefer a roor diffuser over the d-cut us tubes one?
04-14-2009, 05:10 PM
My buddy just scored a deal on a US tube from a friend and we've all been enjoying it too the fullest. I'm sure you won't be disappointed. I mean the US tube diffused down stem was holding us down for a week or so. But I gave him my Illadelph down stem, which has 8 diffused slits, compared to the 4 on the US.
I ripped it numerous times with both the down stems, and honestly could not really tell the difference.. But what ever your head is saying to you bro just go for it. don't listen to us hahaha.
04-14-2009, 05:12 PM
how much does an illadelph diffuser go for usually??
04-14-2009, 05:21 PM
Illa diffies are pieces of shit.
Shenkuel just save for a german roor. I think the huge ass joints on UST's look ugly. I also read that that using other gong parts may induce wobble because the UST's use china joints.....
04-14-2009, 05:22 PM
I thought all US tubes came with D-cut diffusers which I hear work better than roor diffusers. Anyone prefer a roor diffuser over the d-cut us tubes one?
UH yeah anyone who knows anything knows that the german roor diffuser is the best thing around.... D cuts... ROFL
04-14-2009, 05:28 PM
Well I guess I don't know anything. Sorry.. I honestly don't really notice a difference between the US down and the Illadelph Down.
04-14-2009, 05:31 PM
Thats because they are both horrible diffusers.
04-14-2009, 06:15 PM
So your saying that the Roor .DE is the dopest of the dopest diffusers? I've never got the chance to try one before. But how are the Roor .US diffys holding up compared to the .De diffys or even the illadelph diffys and US diffys?
04-14-2009, 06:29 PM
Shenkuel just save for a german roor. I think the huge ass joints on UST's look ugly. I also read that that using other gong parts may induce wobble because the UST's use china joints.....
you sir are very mis informed. us tubes actually makes there own joints in-house in berkely. and are by far the best joints on the market
04-14-2009, 06:54 PM
I didn't think they used China joints...
04-14-2009, 07:02 PM
Dog, they don't. The name Is US Tubes, Im telling you.. top notch all day. Even if you do go with the roor man. Fuck it, their both sick sick sick tubes. Decisions decisions decisions..
04-14-2009, 10:10 PM
I read on TC that the joints were china.... Also the fucking name of a bong doesn't mean a god damn thing, it's all in the reputation.
So your saying that the Roor .DE is the dopest of the dopest diffusers? I've never got the chance to try one before. But how are the Roor .US diffys holding up compared to the .De diffys or even the illadelph diffys and US diffys?
Anything with d cuts is null, they flat out don't preform as well.
the us roor ones fucking suck IMO because the large whole at the end of the diffuser prevent the smoke from being fully diffused because the smoke just goes all out the one large hole instead of the smaller one.
German roor and Ehle diffusers are hands down the best.
04-14-2009, 11:42 PM
I read on TC that the joints were china.... Also the fucking name of a bong doesn't mean a god damn thing, it's all in the reputation.
Anything with d cuts is null, they flat out don't preform as well.
the us roor ones fucking suck IMO because the large whole at the end of the diffuser prevent the smoke from being fully diffused because the smoke just goes all out the one large hole instead of the smaller one.
German roor and Ehle diffusers are hands down the best.
Do you have a source for where you read that US Tubes joints are made in china?
04-15-2009, 12:28 AM
Uh I said I read it on TC, I'm perma banned on there so it's hard for me to search for a certain post.
04-15-2009, 02:37 AM
I tried out your diffuser theory today and found that Manifest slit (LASER CUT) diffusers work best.
04-15-2009, 02:49 AM
I feel as though your lying.
ive got a roor us diffy, d cut diffy, laser cut diffy and german diffy. The german diffy works the best, but the US roor one is my favorite for everday use cuz it doesnt get filled with chunks of ash as easily as the german one.
04-15-2009, 04:16 AM
just get a carbon filter bro^
streetrider nick
04-15-2009, 04:36 AM
I also read that that using other gong parts may induce wobble because the UST's use china joints.....
US tubes uses glass made in china but grind their joints and assembles the tubes in house.
I have heard that accessories with china joints wobble in US tubes joints but I have not yet experienced this.
04-15-2009, 02:07 PM
German roor and Ehle diffusers are hands down the best.
I have an Ehle pillbottle a/c and really wish the diffy on it was open-ended. I have to fully clean it twice a week to keep it from clogging
04-15-2009, 02:30 PM
People who complain about German RooR (or Ehle) diffys clogging should use an ashcatcher. That way you get the superior diffusion for your hit, and leave the clogging for the ashcatcher. The diffys are meant to diffuse smoke, not ash & half burned material. If you regularly suck the ash and crap right through into your bongwater, then all your hits are going to taste like crap after the first 1 anyway, and I think you would not be able to tell the difference between diffys like that. Clean up your act, get an ashcatcher to go with the diffy, clean your bong less, and have tastier hits
04-15-2009, 04:31 PM
I have an Ehle pillbottle a/c and really wish the diffy on it was open-ended. I have to fully clean it twice a week to keep it from clogging
Idk about you but I clean my shit after 5-7 bowls..... Judging by you statement I wouldn't wanna know.
04-15-2009, 04:55 PM
Edit: By the use of DE the first time I mean Delaware.
My home doo at my local head shop in DE said manifest was the ish' now that you said that. I did'nt take his word though like a dumbby, and went with the 40 dollars extra single down stem illadelph ash catcher... Still satisfied. I wanta hit up a RooR .DE so so bad now, I've never tried anything from DE yet I dont beleive.
04-15-2009, 07:54 PM
I love all my German RooR diffys, and recently I have aquired a nice Ehle diffy, which I consider quite comparable in function to the model. I got them all from ( and the difference in the hit between a straight downtube and a DE diffy is so great as to be almost a different smoking experience on the same tube.
04-19-2009, 06:37 PM
Idk about you but I clean my shit after 5-7 bowls..... Judging by you statement I wouldn't wanna know.
roughly the same. i change the water daily and rinse everything out, but i only wash with iso and salt 2-3 times a week.
04-19-2009, 07:50 PM
Does anybody make aftermarket downstems for US tubes? I plan on getting a 60x9beaker and would love a diffuser.
04-19-2009, 07:54 PM
Does anybody make aftermarket downstems for US tubes? I plan on getting a 60x9beaker and would love a diffuser.
Go to ( and they have diffys in many sizes, you need to know the fitting size and length, they have a little measurement chart to help you size your diffy.
04-19-2009, 07:58 PM
I'm aware, but I plan on getting the 24mm joint for the US tube, should have mentioned that first!
04-20-2009, 03:22 AM
Whats wrong with the US Tubes diffusers? I hear some say they wobble but I haven't heard of any US Tubes owners verifying that. Anyone want to step up and let us know their opinion on this? To me it seems like the US tubes diffusers would outperform the others but wobbling would definately be an issue and a deciding factor in preference. Post up peoples!
04-20-2009, 04:48 AM
why would they out preform any other because they only have 5 holes....
04-20-2009, 05:47 AM
they're not regular holes their vented cuts, i still haven't had the chance to use one but the consensus is theyre very good
04-20-2009, 06:14 AM
I don't see how they are so good.
04-20-2009, 07:09 AM
Also, anybody know how to get a PW for I've emailed and haven't gotten a response for about 6 days now...
04-22-2009, 11:59 AM
I don't see how they are so good.
Do you have an agenda against them? I've been testing out my diffy and my us tubes diffy. They both have the same problem; 3 or 4 holes max being used at once. The vented D-cut makes your tube roar and cools the smoke way more.
04-22-2009, 12:22 PM
I thought US tubes used schott tubing for there tubes. My best bud just picked up a 9mm straight and the thing rips. It rips pretty much just as good as my german icemaster, super smooth. The thing is beastly like 8.5 lbs we have been calling it frank the tank.
04-22-2009, 05:11 PM
Yeah I named mine Heffer, like from Rockos Modern Life.
04-22-2009, 07:28 PM
Also, anybody know how to get a PW for I've emailed and haven't gotten a response for about 6 days now...
HAHA im having the same problem. DOH! help is appreciated!
04-22-2009, 07:43 PM
It is kind of a hassle. They email you back asking you to scan your state ID.
I thought US tubes used schott tubing for there tubes. My best bud just picked up a 9mm straight and the thing rips. It rips pretty much just as good as my german icemaster, super smooth. The thing is beastly like 8.5 lbs we have been calling it frank the tank.
Yes schott indeed, my buddy and i both have a us tube, i the 7mm beaker and he has the 5mm straight, lets not get UST confused with US Tubes, UST is a glass manufacturer as far as i know and they have nothing to do with US Tubes, us tubes have the thickest joints around, all made in house in cali.
The diffusors are fucking great, the number of holes in the US Tubes downstems is not the focus, its the "vented" style on the slits, they are actually little triangles, the tops of the slits are sharp and flame polished to specifically cut the bubbles of smoke as they come out, so far i have not had any problem with wobble at all on my tube, with the US Tubes stock tini, a custom roor push, and a Blue push, no wobble on any of em.
one of the points of US Tubes is to step away from chinese prodo, they are definitely not china glass
us tubes all the way, my roors dont get enough lovin anymore cuz of the us tube
info from tc and my tube experience
EDIT:UST is a wholesaler and distributor of mass glass
04-22-2009, 09:03 PM
Yes schott indeed, my buddy and i both have a us tube, i the 7mm beaker and he has the 5mm straight, lets not get UST confused with US Tubes, UST is a glass manufacturer as far as i know and they have nothing to do with US Tubes, us tubes have the thickest joints around, all made in house in cali.
The diffusors are fucking great, the number of holes in the US Tubes downstems is not the focus, its the "vented" style on the slits, they are actually little triangles, the tops of the slits are sharp and flame polished to specifically cut the bubbles of smoke as they come out, so far i have not had any problem with wobble at all on my tube, with the US Tubes stock tini, a custom roor push, and a Blue push, no wobble on any of em.
one of the points of US Tubes is to step away from chinese prodo, they are definitely not china glass
us tubes all the way, my roors dont get enough lovin anymore cuz of the us tube
info from tc and my tube experience
EDIT:UST is a wholesaler and distributor of mass glass
Thank god finally someone who knows what they are talkin about when it comes to US Tubes. I was really skeptical of all this crap being talked about US Tubes when in my mind it was all bogus because they came up in the game with a purely scientific approach to the glass game and they definately take the dimensions of their tubes and apparatus very seriously to ensure that they are putting out a leading product. Soon as my pay check comes I should be picking up a 24 mm diffused bad boy.
04-29-2009, 11:14 PM
heady glass took like 3 weeks to get back to me, then after i sent them my scanned id like a month. so just be patient to anyone waiting on a response from them they will get back to you.
as for all you cats bitching about diffys.
i dont no i have an ehle, a roor .de and us diffy n i smoke my diffy the most. i dont know why maybe the bigger hole at the buttom but i feel it "chugs" better and just gives a more comfertable feel to what i like to smoke. so its all personal prefrence.
By the way what tube did u end up deciding ? i woulda got the .de just cause im not feelin the us tubes ... maybe just the name ... lol
04-30-2009, 12:57 AM
ROFL you like the chug hahaha
I like those SYN tubes, they, um, are like, really great and stuff. And they don't scan your ID, or, yeah.
04-30-2009, 01:16 AM
I like those SYN tubes, they, um, are like, really great and stuff. And they don't scan your ID, or, yeah.
thats not biased at all
hahahahah nope, not a bit. that guy knows his
Sorry had to.
04-30-2009, 01:36 AM
I like those SYN tubes, they, um, are like, really great and stuff. And they don't scan your ID, or, yeah.
yea those SYN cats diffently hook it up fat !
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