View Full Version : 12 arm tree perk one for us, what do ya think?
22 inches tall, 12 arm perk, beaker, 75mm x 5mm to 50mm x 5mm
showing the anchor in the back....
04-29-2009, 12:23 AM
its beautiful.
04-29-2009, 12:23 AM
mike this bad boy might be sold ! pm sent
04-29-2009, 12:24 AM
Lookin' damn good.
What would one of these go for?
You're killing it man, keep it up.
It's yours if you want it bro, or if you want to wait for the rasta lables that's cool too, they should be here by monday
Around 350 maven And thanks for the compliment
04-29-2009, 12:29 AM
Around 350 maven
Alright, sick man - thanks for the heads up on that!
Rasta labels coming in soon, huh. Sounds good, hopefully we'll get a chance to see one of those as soon as you get 'em in.
Gonna show this tube to a few friends looking for something along these lines, maybe scoop one for myself at some point too. :)
Anyhow, thanks for posting the latest here for us to check out, much appreciated.
04-29-2009, 12:33 AM
ya ill grab it mike.
itll just give me a reason to grab another SYN next week , when your rasta labels get here .. hahahaha
pm sent .
sweet I think you'll love it.
04-29-2009, 12:40 AM
ya ill grab it mike.
itll just give me a reason to grab another SYN next week , when your rasta labels get here .. hahahaha
pm sent .
milk shots are a must once you pick it up :pipe:
04-29-2009, 12:57 AM
Jesus dread, are you furnishing a warehouse or something?
Nice work Syn I'm loving all of your new product. Are you going to offer any 7 or 9mms eventually?
04-29-2009, 01:07 AM
Jesus dread, are you furnishing a warehouse or something?
Nice work Syn I'm loving all of your new product. Are you going to offer any 7 or 9mms eventually?
grabbing this instead of the fix stem. really not all that much .
and Mikes just killin it , couldnt let it pass me regret it too much.
04-29-2009, 01:24 AM
Oh I could of sworn you've picked up like 5 tubes within a week or two in glass market. Who knows if my memory is serving me correctly. Anyways, nice pickup I'm diggin it. I know you've been sellin a couple of tubes also maybe thats what is confusing me. I'm psyched to see what SYN has in store for us in the near future!!!!
04-29-2009, 01:46 AM
I would have figured retracting a dibs would be against the rules....
I don't think it was a public dibs. He was trying to decide between 2 pieces that are both ours. eebrew, we are trying to make a tree that fits the bill for those minis, but I had to order smaller tubing for the arms, I am going to have some 8 arm fixed stems with the 50mm x 5mm bottom and a 38mm x 5mm top sometime tomorrow.
SyN I want one with the rasta label.....PLZZZZZZZ
04-29-2009, 10:37 AM
Why are the ice pinches so high up?
04-29-2009, 03:41 PM
I think it looks good right below the label. But other than that it may be to reduce the amount of ice so you wouldnt have to constantly adjust water levels on the perc.
05-05-2009, 11:33 PM
What do you think ?
i love it mike. ..
The beast arrived today.. It came in a normal brown box ( not a recylced box) witch i was very grateful of.. inside this box was pacaging (snow) and another box. in this box the tube was bubblewrapped, the a/c was in its own box, and the bowls were all sepratly bubblewraped.All in some more pacaging. Everything was 100% perfect due to this bomb ass shipping...
SPECS: the specs on this tube are already posted but ill do it again
beaker buttom
ice pinchs
12 arm anchored perc
5mmx50mm to 5mmx70mm
Anyway this thing is truely amazing. Mike killed it. the perc is fucking huge, ( i cant even fit my hand nearly aroudn it) ... theres two slits on each arm with an open buttom (witch i very much like , flows alot easier i find ...)
Drag? whats drag .. haha this tube hits just as good as a striahgt no percd tube, even with the pill bottle a/c this shit flows...
Anyway i suggest anyone looking for something new to look no further ...
SYN is here, and there stepping there shit up....
i give a big thumbs up to mike and the rest of the SYN crew you guys are really killing it. ...
ever heard," a pictures worth a thousand words" haha well let them do the talking ;
05-05-2009, 11:44 PM
please post up a milk vid im dying to see some flow.
Glad it made it.....glad ya like it...
Five To One
05-06-2009, 12:44 AM
<----- Very, very impressed.
05-06-2009, 12:44 AM
please post up a milk vid im dying to see some flow.
uploading to youtube.. have some patience
05-06-2009, 01:09 AM
YouTube - FMB NEW SYN (dread_head)
EDIT: once again youtube has made my video 2x darker then what it orignal was..any ideas why it does that ?
ill take a new video tommorw in natual daylight lol should work ALOT better .. hope that gets u by isimon
05-06-2009, 01:15 AM
wow youre a lucky man with a sick ass tube dread. have fun with that thing. cant wait to see a bright video although that one still showed the sickness.
Five To One
05-06-2009, 01:24 AM
yo for the percs with more tree's you have to use a bigger upstem in the perc other wise you don't have enough airflow for the amount of tree's. Just a heads up but very very nice piece, and for a sick price.
05-06-2009, 01:28 AM
yo for the percs with more tree's you have to use a bigger upstem in the perc other wise you don't have enough airflow for the amount of tree's. Just a heads up but very very nice piece, and for a sick price.
all 12 arms bubble and push out smoke .... the only way the dont is if the tube is tilted ... is that what u mean 521 ...
ummmm I don't understand that logic. the flow of air is dictated by the smallest point the smoke travels through. when milking a tube that would be the bowl hole, and the diffy is the smallest point when you clear them. The tree trunk is as large as the diffy, so should not affect the flow. maybe I'm wrong but I have a solid understanding of the physics involved in tubes (static pressure, rate of flow, ect.)
Can you explain it a bit? I must be missing it.
Five To One
05-06-2009, 03:33 AM
the airflow is not only dictated by the bowl hole.... Im not saying that it's not bubbling or anything like that... i just said when you have 10+ full sized tree's it helps to have a wider in the middle of the tree percs (don't know the exact term sorry)
05-06-2009, 03:43 AM
bottom line..they all diffuse and that tube is sick as fuck
your making me drool syn...stop that! haha
05-06-2009, 03:45 AM
bottom line..they all diffuse and that tube is sick as fuck
your making me drool syn...stop that! haha
agree 100% lol
Yeah I agree about the up stem on a 4 arm it is usually 12mm, and we take it to 16mm in the 12 arms, I could maybe go a bit bigger but it makes a hard fit, we just got the smaller tubing for arm so we will do more arms and some micros soon. The arms we use now are 9.5mm x 2.5mm. the new ones are 6mm x 2ish mm.
Five To One
05-06-2009, 04:04 AM
Yeah I agree about the up stem on a 4 arm it is usually 12mm, and we take it to 16mm in the 12 arms, I could maybe go a bit bigger but it makes a hard fit, we just got the smaller tubing for arm so we will do more arms and some micros soon. The arms we use now are 9.5mm x 2.5mm. the new ones are 6mm x 2ish mm.
Sweet, that will give you more room for the upstem :pipe:.
16mm is good though, it looked smaller in the vid but it's hard to tell
05-12-2009, 12:12 AM
05-15-2009, 06:26 PM
The SYN crew is really stepping their shit up. So sick to see Fat mike listen to the public and continue to try and upgrade things.
I tend to agree with 521. I think that a bigger upstem tends to help with once you get past ~8 trees but I am sure that Mike is right on about being tough to fit. I am sure they will get everything hammered out.
I must have missed something but were you saying that you were gonna make micro trees to put in your mini tubes? I saw the mini domes this week at Kulture and I would love one with mini trees.
05-15-2009, 09:09 PM
That's because the listen to feed back
I'm telling you mike, try to make a super fat upstem... 14 open ended arms from a lot more than a 4 arm with 4 slits....
05-18-2009, 06:09 PM
05-19-2009, 01:04 AM
man this things sick. I really want one, You guys At Syn got any rasta label ones?>? let me know!!
05-19-2009, 01:09 AM
Very Nice !!!!!!!:sick1:
05-19-2009, 02:54 AM
:pipe: god damn man this new style for slapping inlines and 12 arm percs on good thick quality tubes is not getting old, the milk shots just look amazing, ive noticed though anything more than 7 arms, the milk looks more like water than cloud, real interesting behavior that the smoke behaves in.
05-19-2009, 06:45 AM
Mike, i need you to make me a 12 arm straight when your better, and back kickin round the shop !!!
05-19-2009, 03:47 PM
I'd buy a straight 12 with rasta labels in a split second!!! that shit looks awesome.
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