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View Full Version : Optimizing 5 gallon 8 bags set to make a very big Run…

06-11-2009, 09:28 PM
Hi Bubbleman an everybody how could comment…

I’m new on this forum and I Just bought a 5 gallon 8 bag kit + a dozen of Bubble Now bags.

I read all post from this forum and learned a lot about different techniques of resin extraction.

I also viewed videos from AQUALABTECH on YouTube using real washing machine with Bubble Now bags.

Here is the video link:

I’m preparing myself to do so many run and I was wondering about a few points.

To optimize my 5 gallon bags I but them in a 5 gallon bucket opened from the bottom as seen in the video.

I then place this bucket over ŕ 55 gallon drum to drain the water from.

I then use 2 real washing machines for bubble extraction with my BubbleNow Bags and filter my (water + bubble solution) in my 8 filter bags.

In my washing machine, I place 3 Bubble Now half trim half ices.

The temperature of the water is less than 39 degrees

Because of the delay of filtering 100 liters of (water + bubble solution) from a washing machine in a 5 gallon bags set. I also bought a 25 micron 20 gallon bag.

This week I’m going to try to use the 20 gallon 25 micron bag first in the 55 gallon barrel and my 7 other 5 gallon bag over it.

Now my question is:

How many run may I pass thru my 5 gallon filters set before to begin to collect the bubble and clean the bags.

Exemple: If I put 200 grams of trim in each BubbleNow bags.
If I put 3 bags by washing machine
If I use 2 washing machines in the same time an empty those in the same 5 gallon bags set.

The equation would be: 200g x 3 Bubblenow bag x 2 washing machines x 1 run = 1 200g per Run.

Thank you in advance fore your input...

I should post some picture soon to share this experience with other members


06-12-2009, 05:39 AM
Sounds like you are attempting to just pour the water through the bags in a bottomless 5 gallon pail? I dont think that will work very well. Although Bubblebags are a 'filtration system', they dont work by purely filtering the water. The mixed water from a 200g (dry, or 500g fresh) run goes into the bags in the 5 gallon bucket and the cold brittle and just broken off trichs settle to the bottom of the bags, then you pull them up out of the water to seperate the heads from the water. Pouring them through the bags will force trich heads through the screened bags, so you wont get as true a seperation by size of the heads. And the 20 gallon 25µ bag wil have the biggest yield in it if mixed / forced thruough trich heads. To do big runs, its better to use the proscribed methods you will find in these forums, and use the big sets of bags for all µ sizes. Its best to pour a mix into and pull the bags right away, the longer it sits / warmer it gets, the stickier and harder to chop up the hash will be.

Put the mixed water from 200g run in the bags in a 5gallon pail with a bottom, pull the bags immediately, and wash them clean with cold water as soon as you remove the hash from each one.

06-12-2009, 06:09 AM
Well i gotta tell you i never had much luck with trying to run multiple five gallon runs thru one set of five gallon bags.
The problem occurs in the higher micron bags. that are there to filter out plant matter contaminant. The 190u and 160u. can end up catching more than usual, and in doing so, will act as a trap for higher quality resins that would otherwise find their way to the screen hole and pass thru.

I have always told people to run twenty gallon runs. thru twenty gallon bags.

So personaly i would each batch out one by one.

that is what my instructions say at www.bubblebag.com

Bubble man

Ps, One set of twenty gallon bags. will rock a kilo every hour or so!!

06-12-2009, 01:35 PM
i have done all sorts of shit to try to get more out of my 5 gal bags and after trying everything possible, i bought a pair of 20 gallon bags, it is a lot faster/easier than what you are trying, but good luck.

Aqua Lab Tech
06-21-2009, 04:34 PM
Well i gotta tell you i never had much luck with trying to run multiple five gallon runs thru one set of five gallon bags.
The problem occurs in the higher micron bags. that are there to filter out plant matter contaminant. The 190u and 160u. can end up catching more than usual, and in doing so, will act as a trap for higher quality resins that would otherwise find their way to the screen hole and pass thru.

If you rinse your bags with clean water before harvesting them, then all the higher quality resin will be rinsed to its proper micron screen.

Using the 20 gallon bags (32 gallon) is very difficult for Medical Patients.
Remember that a gallon of water is roughly 8.5 lbs. We all know that Bubble Bags 20 gallon Bags are really 32 gallon, so say we had 28 gallons of water that would be 238 pounds of water weight for every bag, times that by 8 for every bag that you pull.

Aqua Lab Tech