View Full Version : The Original Buddy
06-23-2009, 09:21 AM
Right off the bat my apologies if this is in the wrong section, but I didn't see a glass accessories section, but I was wondering what everybody's thoughts were on the original buddy ( I picked one up from my local shop today, I've heard great things about it but I'm a little worried it might scratch up my glass. Anyone have experience with this nifty little guy?
06-23-2009, 09:37 AM
Wasnt there something on this like 4 years ago? Called a bong buddy or something? Ill find the thread on TC.
06-23-2009, 09:57 AM
Thats what the original buddy is, it's sold as the same thing, I think its the same product actually. That would be sick man, thanks.
06-23-2009, 01:48 PM
Yea i have the same tihng
If yours is not broken the detachable magnet should be encaseed in should have no worry about it scratchingyour glass
I acually bought one and used it once and havent touched it since
Its retarded since Tubes are "rounded" (lol) the magnet is flat and no matter how much you try itll take you prob 3 hours scrubbing every part of your glass
I acually use the smaller bead magnet they give you for slides and diffusers
Really good idea thought
P.s For those of you that do not know its those fish tank cleaner magnets
You drop the smaller one in and you put the other on the glass outside it grabs in an creates a pull.....thus scrubbing the inside of the glass with the magnet.....or so you would think lol
Dont get technical get GO or BLing they both werk 100 times better
Aqua Lab Tech
06-23-2009, 03:27 PM
The Bong Buddy Sucks, alot of people have broken downstems with those things. They do not even work.
Aqua Lab Tech
06-30-2009, 07:11 AM
With that being said, it didn't even fit past my ice pinches and I'm not about to get it stuck inside my tube... if anyone wants a buddy pm me
07-01-2009, 06:06 PM
yahhhhhh how could i forget this idea. Definate good idea. as well as it looked like a damn good idea when in a shop to haha. but man i can remember 2 tubes one being a oldskool 2 dome perc beaker. in wich the basterd fell into the second perc. as well as the second being a custom dome percd tube. fell thru splash guard into perc. and yah not everyone kept the plastic shit on em i scratched a tube one time :/. oh well.
Check this out ^
07-01-2009, 10:06 PM
There is no such aninmal as a Nag Champa. Hoax I say.
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