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View Full Version : Breeding with blockhead - F1 males

07-11-2009, 10:53 PM
I wanted to show some nice seed plants that are coming up in the intense light of northern california's sacramento valley. These are the males from 9 blockhead F1 seeds that were started a few months back and transplanted recently to outdoors. I managed to score two original packs of blockhead, 15 seeds per pack and started some to make seeds with my killer blockhead clone that I love so much.

Just as things go with this profession there is always a demon following close behind to fuck up progress. . . I have a friend who thinks really highly of his pitbulls and just had to bring them over to my place. Out of 50 plants situated near the patio this goddamned dog attacked and mangled my numero Uno best looking male plant out of 5 that came from the seeds I planted. I put the cuttings I could take into an aero cloner and am desperately trying to nurse them back right now.

The main thing that surprised me about the blockhead seedplants is that they should only be 25% blueberry genes at most but they all have strong blueberry family traits like the wide jade green leaves and columnar growth. Very beautiful plants for sure. Selection is not really possibly to a huge extent because of the circumstances with blockhead being unavailable, but my female clone was selected from 500 seedplants and defines the strain in every way. So with the 5, hopefully 6 male plants available the f2 generation should be very desireable in this case.

07-11-2009, 11:21 PM
The internet is kind of sucky where I get access these days , here are the first couple of pics. . . Seems I can't use the attach option right now because of the unusual connection but the links will be worth your time to see something most people will never see ever. Blockhead f1s they are worth getting excited about.



old school
07-12-2009, 02:40 PM
Hey Man they are looking GREAT! I love a good breeding program.Since you are in CALI I have a Question.... Are you guys still using veg nutes or have you already changed to flower??? My babies are really starting to flower in colorado and I am seeing defincies that COULD be from the plants needing more flower nutes and not so much veg (NITROGEN).So what do you do as flowering starts.... Additives, mollases,what?Also do you add nutes daily?? I have some Really BIG girls that SEEM to need alot of fert.Have you found that when a plant gets to be TREE size the directions on the bottles dont provide enough nutes???? Any feedback would be GREATLY appreciated!!!! PEACE....


07-13-2009, 05:12 AM
Some more shots of them at these links, great shots but my net access is weird so I have to post links.




Hey old school we still have a decent amount of veg time where I am at. Not sure about colorado but you aren't much further north than we are I think? As for bottles and labels and directions, they are always a rough estimate to cover most situations. But they never are specific enough, it always takes some messing around and dialing in. I use age old organics products because they are cheap and effective. You learn really fast that buying supplies for outdoor grows at the hydro shop is not the way to go unless you have a sweet hookup going.

Anyone else see the blueberry in these plants? I think it really shines through.

07-13-2009, 05:04 PM
I heard the thing to do with blockhead is look for the sativa phenos which is suppose to be the product 17 phenotype. :)

Green Supreme
07-13-2009, 05:41 PM
P 19. Peace GS

old school
07-13-2009, 06:08 PM
Im using Age Old also..What I have found that when these things reach about 7 foot the age old is not enough to keep up with demand..dont make the MISTAKE I made by assuming the age old is enough. I used bat guano,liquid seaweed,superthrive,soil inoculant ,calplex but i missed the Mag plus! and other important stuff as well...im sure!I am going through a BAD diffiency problem right now, SCARY!!!***

Green Supreme
07-13-2009, 06:29 PM
You add lime to your medium? Peace GS

07-13-2009, 06:38 PM
are you gonna do any backcrossing with your f2 gen to your original bh mom?

oh ya for some reason I always put 17 instead not sure why...

Product 19*

07-13-2009, 07:40 PM
good luck with the breeding. i've got a cut of blockhead that's making rounds that i hold near and dear to the heart. she's a special lady for sure. i'm in the process of doing a little blockhead project myself. have 10 original seedlings up and will be searching for males to do some f2's, breed back into my killer cut, and breed to my other fave cut, the white. going to do a large selection and i know there will be some sports in the bunch. all the best in your endevours.

07-13-2009, 07:55 PM
I got a few shots of the females, two of them anyways. This connection I have sucks ass, but it works. Barely. You move just far enough away from a big city and the wireless access disappears.



Can you start to see the uniformity in the F1s? Steve did such a great matchup with this one.

My focus is definitely on getting seeds that will put out female plants resembling my clone. It is so dank that I rank her with any kush or purple indica there is. This one is all indica but retains a strange mindwarping high that defines Blockhead. I am fucking insanely pissed off about the dog eating my favorite male plant. . . And I'm going to charge the owner at least $5000 for that stunt maybe it will teach him to leave the damned pitbulls at home. Then buy 50 packs of seeds with the money and maybe that will make me less upset about losing a literally PRICELESS breeding tool. How many people do you know that would pay serious cash for a F1 blockhead male plant from seed? Name your price and it's worth it IMO.

Anyways. . . The goal is what I already have, the clone and I think other people have it as well because I got it from someone who got it from someone. Just super killer dank not the highest yielding but my favorite indica hybrid definitely. Should be a huge buzz going around when people start testing the seeds and hopefully there will be enough to release some to the public next year. That's right. I know SOL seeds has said "no no you can't do that" they have sat on their thumbs with it forever and there is no reason this strain should be totally unavailable when it's some of the hottest shit going. I don't give the clone out anymore but I would love to get the seeds out.

07-13-2009, 10:37 PM
great work Krome and LostCoaster! Good to know people are working on bxing or IBLs on BH. Got a few packs of the SOL adventure mix hopefully I can get a good BH mom too! I think theres probably going to be more BH releases at the depot and possibly the boutique. Good luck. Can't wait to see your results! :)

12-02-2009, 01:27 AM
Hey LostCoaster, maybe we can send you some Blockhead pollen when its ready! Should happen in 2010 sometime.