View Full Version : Yield Data Needed-Post here please!
03-23-2008, 06:53 PM
I had to join this forum to find out what I should have surefully found in a guest search. I don't mind... sure I'll learn a few things on the way round, but... it did seem strange to me.
So PLEASE post some informative data here about your bubble bag yields. All I have to go on at the mo is two claims from people on another site, one who makes loverly photos but reckons to get 3 gms. usable material from 200 trim and the other who reckons to get about 3 gm from 28 gm. trim/air bud, which if it is frozen fresh trim equates to maybe 8-12 gm. dry trim and so would be sensationally high.
I would suggest:
1. Weight and exact nature of raw material (leaf/airbug/fatbud)?
2. Method of agitation and advice on temps.
3. Final total weight usable for pressing A quality hash (w/o individual bag yields).
Looking forward to the data:)
:dancingbanana: !TILT!
Green Supreme
03-23-2008, 07:05 PM
Hey man the reason you are having trouble finding this info is that there are so many variables. Not just strain to strain, but grower to grower . I believe 3-10 % is pretty good. But in a way its like asking how long a string is. That and many folks are going for ther best hash they can make. Yield is not in the same equation as quality. Its like that Rolls-Royce man, if you have to ask you can't afford her. LOL. Peace GS
ps. welcome to the site. hope ypu are enjoying.
03-23-2008, 07:12 PM
you can take two cuts from a mother plant, flower them out side by side, feed them the same thing, and get two different hash profiles from the same set of bags...
03-23-2008, 07:35 PM
... prefer the Bentley, anyway, GS mate:)
I'll rephrase the question, to try tto avoid there being any possible way of getting out of answering it: if you get bored of making perfection for a minute and have some classy trim and would just like a whole heap of excellent quality hash out of it, work the bags that way and mix the usable ones zogether, how much are you taking from how much trim. Give me your records and your averages. Say from a good resinous plant, steady genetics. That cuts down those variables a bit so we can get some data.
03-23-2008, 08:05 PM
6-10% return
03-23-2008, 08:55 PM
6-10% return
on fresh trim or dry? how much of that is what you'd call A Grade, like >90% resin purity
Noted in another post that Bman got "just" 5% from half-way industrial quantities. Not doing better than the boss, are you?:)
Thanks for coming back,
:alligator: !TILT! :alligator:
Green Supreme
03-23-2008, 08:56 PM
None will be 90%. Peace GS
03-23-2008, 09:16 PM
HEY tilt, the percentage of return vary quite a bit, but a 3 to 10% ratio is what i usualy tell people they can expect to see.
The whole point on seperating out the sizes of resin head is to produce incredible purity, and you dont know where that will always show up . Anywhere from 120u to 45u can hold it, as well as sometimes larger and smaller micron increments are the dank.
To join them together is to imo to lower the over all grade, you dont need 8 bags if your only gonna turn around and mix it all together. The best grade of hash, ie the 90% purity you speak of . 90% thc isnt gonna happen, but getting 90% percent gland heads is definitly doable.
So to Once again answer your question, which i few people have ahead of me already, the 3 to 10% return is about what your looking at. meaning 100grams of dry trim, will yield you between 3 and 10grams of bubble. The actual percentage of that bubble that will be the TOP grade, depends entirely on the strains, some times its all of it, and sometimes its half, and anywhere in between.
Welcome to the site, check us in chat if you want some live Hash downloads.
Bubble man
03-24-2008, 02:01 AM
Thanks for the replies, guys, we're getting there. But you are a bit contradictory. One says, no way any of it >90% trichs, the other that the finest bubble at least is a good 90%. I'm sure you've done some research here: what's the minimum purity required to bubble? Guess this will differ from plant to plant depending on trich size, but should give a guide for the rest. I have made ice-hash without bag collection but with sedimentary collection that will never bubble as it has 1-2% very fine dirt or sand in it which you guys get out of it I think with that last sack. I don't mind having it in there as it seems to contribute strongly to the spice of the hash, but one could consider combining the 2 techniques if one were after that elusive bubble. I get 3 or 4 different types and grades of hash per plant type out of a run, depending on run-off technique. They all are different and of different purities, although I have no visible green in there to speak of which is surprising as there's normally some in the bubblebag's I see here and elsewhere. The big difference seems to be the yield I get +/- 12% straight from just trim, in 2 A Grades, equally strong and equally pure/impure both for different reasons. Above that if one can be bothered to do a 3rd. long sedimentation, there's a lower grade impurer stuff that is so uncannily like the old Afghan Black that I was wondering how they used to make it. Presses together easier than the first A Grade which I'm sure you'll understand even if most people won't. I have studied all this stuff under the microscope and yes, there are some impurities but minimal, the two A Grades are wall to wall trich, by eye I would estimate them both to be well above 90% trich. That I understand, depending on the resin content of a trichome, will not mean necessarily 90% pure resin, and also not 90% THC, God forbid:) But even a trichome is surely not 100% resin as it will have some membranes and the like that are of a slightly different structure. To get the best bubble I guess you have to get the most immature smallish trichs off any particular plant, which maybe (probably) have a higher relative resin content and softer membranes. But it seems a bit outlandish to seperate a very small part of what one wants to really collect (just tiny little kiddies at that:) )and render it particularly pure and then start trumpeting monopoly on general purity. A bubble on one very small part of the product is not indicative of purity otherwise. My stuff melts alright but will never bubble as I explained above due to the dust. I remember when hash smokers would judge purity by strength and would have thought the bubble was from soap, and I think my A Grades are both a bit stronger than the finest bubble one could make from the same material and certainly tastier, if slightly less photogenic:) Here's a bit showing off... oops, can't put them in the post, OK down the bottom left a bit of lovely soft small triched late harvested therefore reddish-brown Olé A Grade. On the right a bit of my Z Grade, basically what I managed to retrieve from what was suspended in the water in a 2nd. sedimentation. A good bit of very fine green particles of course, but enough resin to make it stick and bend as easily as its A Class neighbour. Strange considering i'ts from the dregs of the dregs of the dregs. Even stranger that it's particularly tasty and a really cool perfumed smoke that has a different but overall stronger effect than the best A Grade. The best from the worst, so to speak. As ever with cannabis.
You guys are really doing a great job and I don't want you to have the impression that I think otherwise, and I don't want to ruin your business either (might even buy some bags off yous myself to do some mixed trials:) ), but I think it would be silly and short-sighted to rest your laurels on a bubble, especially when that trick is only posssible with a relative small part of the product and is no really great garanty for the rest of the procedure. In particular in terms of a quantity/quality ratio. Most growers are talking yields all the time, one gets to bubble and suddenly everyone shuts up. But I think if you ask most smokers (the reason most of us grow:) ) whether they'd rather have ? gm. of lovely translucent bubble from different grades or three times the amount of what I call high purity dirty hash (cos of the dust) which is gonna do as much or more to them that any of those bubbles, they'd opt for the latter. And in that case as you said yourself Bman
you dont need 8 bags if your only gonna turn around and mix it all together.
Bubble man
you maybe shouldn't say that mate, 'cause a lot of people are probably very tempted to mix it all together if they have only small amounts of each grade. Not everyone does 40 lbs. at a time, mate:) (nice job, though. I like it when it gets industrial, so to speak). I suppose with your bags, you could just use the smallest size to get a single hash out of a run, but I think it would be then quite impure and also would still miss some of the good really fine stuff that you get in a sediment along with the inate dirt. IMO in trich water there are two seperation problems, one on the bottom dividing unwanted dust/sand from highly desirable tiny phenol particles and one on the top/suspended in the mass, dividing residue floating plant silt from non resin phenols/turpenes particles what I call angel dust and what makes my Z Grade so perfumed and pleasant, not to mention the ultra-spacey effect. This is quite speculative but I'd like to know what you think the small quantity of foam on your finest grades is caused by (which is a big big quantity of foam on the top of a drill run). I'll try to find out for sure with the next trials and end speculation. And you guys, keep bubbling.... if I had seemingly unending quantities of base material, I probably would too:) Sure there must be a bit of investigative ping-pong possible here, great minds and all that:) I for instance am dead keen to try out a soft dry sieve then ice thrash next time round, and mix the two in different quantities. I'm after the taste, with some wacky theories that I wouldn't dare to publish here yet.... but have a question: if you bubblebag a bit of bud, where do the pistils end up?
Take care, !TILT!
03-24-2008, 02:40 AM
Well TILT i would suspect Green was answering your question not realizing you were saying 90% heads, but 90%thc, thats what i suspect anyway. As for the percentage of heads in bubble, its gonna be at least 90% and as high as 95%plus. I am careful with numbers like this, because i have made bubblehash with many different technique's over the years, hundreds of not thousands of times. I have seen all sorts of things come out of the water. Its also why i am careful with the %'s that people ask for. Most people who get over 10% are not drying the bubble completely ( as i suspect yours isnt), Unless it was powdered over cardboard and left for a long time, jut having tiny amounts of moisture will raise the %ratio's thru the roof. A long time friend and online poster named BushyolderGrower use to post that he was getting 25% returns from his frosty strains. Of course as time went by we figured it out. But you can see how it happens.
As for bubbling hash, its definitly a very good method of deciding purity> YOU have to understand i've been doing this for well over ten years, and no one is gonna tell me that mixing them all into one batch is gonna give you more than smoking the batch's seperatly.
keep in mind when you seperate the grades out into this many size heads, you can actualy affect the high' from the hash> IE each different grade of the same train bubble, does not give you THE SAME HIGH. This is one more reason why we choose to seperate out the glands and not mix them in dirty hash as you call it.
Also i would say if your hash isnt melting, its not because of DUST< its because of the quality of your gland heads. Only the best melts bottom line. You think were crazy you should see what the skunkman sam does. He will take a kilo of bud, and get a 1% return and he's stoked on that. I am quite sure he chooses only particular size heads and the rest goes with the plant matter.
So its really all about what you are into it and what you want to get out of the hash> YOu say mix it all up and get more out of it. I say keep it all in seperate glands, and that way you can do mix hits as much as you want, HOwever once you've mixed all the bubble together, you now no longer have the ability to smoke the grades seperately> So you really do in my opinion get less out of it. HOw can smoking it all mixed up compare to being able to smoke hits of it all mixed or all seperate, or anything in between, ie 120u with some 90u, some 73u and 45u, some 25u, 45u, 73u and 90u, some 120 and 25, and the it goes on and on and on. Why cut yourself off from that? YOu only have more options when you leave it seperated.
as for your statement : " But I think if you ask most smokers (the reason most of us grow ) whether they'd rather have ? gm. of lovely translucent bubble from different grades or three times the amount of what I call high purity dirty hash (cos of the dust) which is gonna do as much or more to them that any of those bubbles, they'd opt for the latter."
I COMPLETELY DISAGREE. and in fact it wasnt until i started adding bags that water hash even became popular. The two bag system that was around for a year plus before i started posting my bubblebags online, was never enough to get people super excited to pass the word of mouth around. With bubblebags, its exactly that that has happened, Melty hash was being produced by people who were otherwise not considered great hash makers. Before water hash process technique's showed up very few people had full melt hash. VERY FEW. Since the introduction to multi bag filtration kits, we now see more melty hash worldwide than every before. ask a jamaican if it makes sense to seperate out his sizes' when he knows he can get 40 to 50us a gram of his 90u, but only 10 to 20 for his 25u and 45u. Of course he's gonna argue YES MON DAT WORTH IT.
For me im a pure smoker, i could care a less about quantity and vegetative yeild. that is a complete and total fabrication from prohibition. If this plant wasnt illegal the quantity/qaulity would NEVER BECOME AN ISSUE.
Something to be said for a nice bowl of melty bubble i gotta admit, and i can say i've had some incredible bubble that didnt melt at all. But if i had to choose between the two, i would choose the melty one EVERYTIME. just me and im not saying everyone has to be like that. I can agree to disagree with you TILT on a few points and agree to agree with you on a few others.
I also find my smallest heads to be extremly oily and filled with terpene and terpenoid oils. The 45u to 25u almost always ignited into a flame when smoked in a bong. I can almost always tell which ones they are blind by smell. The oil content in those smaller heads is very high and does offer a wonderful high . ( one more reason not to mix it with the other grades)
The 25u produces foam due to the extreme shaking and draining of the bag. You can make it so no foam appears, but its insanly long. Allowing the bag to drain without shaking it. I personaly use a small spray bottle of water to get rid of the foam and its never a problem.
For mixing bubble with dry sift, i would try a 10 % ratio of dry sift, to a 90% of bubble, depending on your ability to produce high grade dry sift. The 10% will give you all the water soluble terpes that you may have lost in the water washing process, and the 90% will give you the potency you so desire.
I can tell you one more thing, in regards to medical users. I have been told time and time again by medical users that the 8 bag kit is a godsend, due to the fact that in some strains for instance a patient with MS, would want to access a particular size gland, that offers him/her the ability to stop the tremours. That may only be found in the 73u or 90u,, where as you may have someone suffering from use of aids medication who is literaly wasting away due to no appetite, and they are in need of a 45u to 25u range of head to increase their appetite. IF no one ever seperated out the glands, they would never know. and be still getting medicinal benefits from the hash, but not in the true potential that it could be.
anyway just my two cents. hope some of that was helpful.
Nice to have some good dialogue going for sure.
Bubble man
06-18-2008, 03:11 PM
hello i have some smoke ak 48 crystal cronic bubble gum all are really good but its harsh and does not have good flavor what can i do anyone? help
06-18-2008, 03:54 PM
well most ppl start their own thread to ask a question, but ill answer it anyways, flavor is usually a factor of 4 things - strain, how well it was flushed, how well it was cured, and if it was stored next to anything that has a strong smell/taste... but if its harsh as well, im guessing poor flushing job
sooo pretty much, there isnt alot you can really do except make bubble - dry sift or oil wont work, as both methods will retain alot of the origonal flavor
i dont even know if making it into hash will help. For example: my buddy recently made some hash, unfortunatly, he kept his bag in the same drawer as some Nag incense... its pretty much the strongest incense ive ever seen. anyways, when we were sifting it, all you could smell was Nag, the hash smelled like Nag, and when smoked, the hash even TASTED like Nag - just from the herb sitting next to it in a drawer, the bud inside its own double wrapped bag, and the Nag inside of its box
it was terrible... it was dry sift, and not bubble though, so with the water dissolving the sugars and flavor oils it might remove some of the taste
only other way is water cure - soak buds in water for a few days, remove and dry very, very, very well. this has some side effects: 1) sugars and flavor oils are removed from the plant, making the flavor rather bland. and 2) you have to dry it VERY well, or it will mold, guarenteed - never tried this method myself, but i know people who have and say it can help fix very badly flushed bud - it wont taste good tho, it will just taste like nothing
Trich'ed Out
06-18-2008, 04:22 PM
Hi guys, i know that the effect varies from batch to batch but is there anywhere that these different effects, from different sizes trichomes is recorded?
It would be nice to have a database where"the general data" of the different strains, and their different sizes, especialy for med. Patient's.
Even thoug this will be hard it must be possibly to do it, perhaps something a la wikipedia.... Do you think that's possible bman?
06-18-2008, 04:56 PM
well it would be very difficult, but not impossible, first we would need GC tests of each variety, to tell us the actual cannabinoid profile, as for the size of the trichome, we could measure the trichomes using a macro lens with a screen grid placed behind the trichome heads, but that would still not tell us the thickness of the wax membrane that holds all the goodness inside.
as for the water solubles they are terpenoids, there are no water soluble terpenes.
I like the idea of trying either way trich'ed out.
Bubble man
Trich'ed Out
06-18-2008, 07:51 PM
I don't know if you need a "engine" like wiki, or it is possible to start it on this beautiful site but it seem's that a lot of the members here are into growing/hash making at a high level. Which makes a good starting point for accurate data proved empiricly and statisticly(sorry about the spelling)
Some where in the process the word should be passed along to the med club's etc to help gather more information and consolidate the proof.
I find it hard to believe that there is not some friendly persons out there, with free access to a GC who will be willing to help out on a project this size.
Again - if enough data is retrieved regarding the strain versus different head sizes and cannabinoid profiles, it would be much more easy to single out the benefits for the individual patient/person, even thoug this is one hell of a job to start.
Trich'ed out
Green Supreme
06-18-2008, 08:12 PM
I have a friend with access to Gas Chromatograph. Peace GS
Trich'ed Out
06-18-2008, 08:26 PM
See!!! already one friendly person ;-)
By the way GS, do you know how long it takes to "process a sample"
06-18-2008, 09:11 PM
Wow GS, that is sweet. Somehow tho, I am not suprised at all :)
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