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01-03-2010, 01:55 AM

I hope people aren't complaining about the new perc designs JP, WAK, and DANK are giving us a sneak peek of and this only a privilege.... You guys are lucky that they are even sharing the new percs with us.... I hope people won't keep on talking crap about TORO and appreciate TORO more instead :)

Thanks for sharing TORO,

01-03-2010, 02:03 AM
If I was JP I'd appreciate all feedback, both positive and negative to give an idea on how an idea comes across to those that use and buy my products, the last thing I would want would be a bunch of yes men just saying "sick glass".
Please Wak correct me if I'm wrong and I'll avoid posting any honest feedback on new designs. Of course I do appreciate your willingness to let us see these new designs and your presence on the forum.

01-03-2010, 02:10 AM
No worries--before JP started these new percs, he prepped out a bunch of the fixed inlines--so they will be coming soon to some stores that have been very patiently awaiting them--as for why he stopped making them, JP is good friends with hops, and out of respect to Hop's design, he only puts out limited numbers--because Hops is the man!!!
Once again, as JP said, if art was judged by function, then the JP perc would be quite a piece of art!!! No worries, he knows it's not the most asthetically pleasing--ahh, but he loves it! So if you don't like it, then it's as easy as don't buy it. No worries.

JP doesn't go on the forums---if there is something I see that I feel is worth mentioning I do--but I'll be honest, a lot of the childish behavior and namecalling are a huge turnoff to forums like this--there are plenty of ways for people to say things without straight up being mean and ignorant--I always take constructive criticism to heart, but discredit the ones that are just maybe angry people, for it is not our job to make them happy--it must come from within

01-03-2010, 03:05 AM
If I was JP I'd appreciate all feedback, both positive and negative to give an idea on how an idea comes across to those that use and buy my products, the last thing I would want would be a bunch of yes men just saying "sick glass".
Please Wak correct me if I'm wrong and I'll avoid posting any honest feedback on new designs. Of course I do appreciate your willingness to let us see these new designs and your presence on the forum.

Although of course i agree with you Glassaholic, but my last comment was directed towards those other people not to name any names whos just been straight bashing toro for no reason...

01-03-2010, 03:15 AM
as for why he stopped making them, JP is good friends with hops, and out of respect to Hop's design, he only puts out limited numbers--because Hops is the man!!!

first i love toro. think i've already said this. great tubes, great company in my opinion. thanks!!!!

secondly, like everyone else, more INLINE Toros ;) i already have a Hops XL Toobito, and yes he is the fucking master. maybe we can get some more Toro/Hops collabs. :pray:

either way i would love to own a Toro inline.

not feeling the new designs so much, but i have to say, thanks for the sneak peaks, i think that's really awesome. and keep innovating!!

ToRo Head
01-03-2010, 07:06 AM
ha everyone and they're mother loved the toro inlines, yet they're out of production!?

whats this business that he dont want to make them anymore?! nonsense..
to me, it feels like hes attempting to make innovations like SG's gridcap, gridline, inverted4, etc.. but this tube is pure functionality and no beautiful aesthetics like Sovereignty tubes possess.

I disagree some of the sgs that ive seen r not pretty to look at but def have function as of the new toro prodos to some but the more and more i look at the new circ prodo i like, i wont lie at first was so so on the design but its growing on me. too bad dank doesnt own that toro i thought he did as well. but im sure their will b pics of a milk shot sooner or later hopefully lol! would love to see a mini inline.

ToRo Head
01-03-2010, 07:16 AM
No worries--before JP started these new percs, he prepped out a bunch of the fixed inlines--so they will be coming soon to some stores that have been very patiently awaiting them--as for why he stopped making them, JP is good friends with hops, and out of respect to Hop's design, he only puts out limited numbers--because Hops is the man!!!
Once again, as JP said, if art was judged by function, then the JP perc would be quite a piece of art!!! No worries, he knows it's not the most asthetically pleasing--ahh, but he loves it! So if you don't like it, then it's as easy as don't buy it. No worries.

would love to see some more hops toro collabs. i see their good friends any known plans for some collabs in the future wak?????

Thanku dank, one thing about this toro hops collab, wak could correct me if im wrong but i recall a hearing that JP actually made the inline on this toob not hops. i could b wrong but 4 some reason i want to say that.
def has to b one of the rarest inlines ive seen.

my old inline def was one of the best hitting toros ive came across this and well the toro hops collab above takes the cake never hit anything else like it.
toro cowboy milkhttp://www.fullmeltbubble.com/forum/picture.php?albumid=35&pictureid=1032

my very first toro with a mnp slide

funny thing is this thread hasnt gotten alot of hits lately but as soon as that one thread was locked by fullmelt we got all these members coming in hear to look for trouble. but hey wouldnt be a toro thread on fmb without the haters lately.

01-03-2010, 08:08 PM
I love my inline/13>>>Still my best hit to date.
For good measure hehehe



01-03-2010, 08:16 PM
If Hops and JP are friends why don't they set up a simple business exchange where JP buys all of the inline percs from hops and makes all of the tubes himself? That way they're all Hops/Toro and nobody has their toes stepped on.
Sweet tubes though, I love toro's, I'm looking to pick up a reinforced 13, or a circ in the near future, especially if they were hops inline-13's or inline-circ's, that'd be too sweet.

01-03-2010, 08:27 PM
^^^^ nice thinking toby.

Personally, my most desired piece from Toro is an line to circ. It would definitely be even better if hops actually made the inline.

I think Toro Camp should organize a Steve and JP sleep over. They could stay up late making inlines all weekend long.

ToRo Head
01-03-2010, 11:04 PM
most wanted toobs to see after hearing some of your ideas are,

:mini inline to 13 renf. or not id be happy either way

:mine inline to circ

that would be cool to see mad toro hops collabs come out. hey if any of you guys got pics of some toro hops collabs throw them up????????

01-03-2010, 11:36 PM
I have 2 circ/circ's and 5 U-Pinch double bowls!!PM me!!


01-03-2010, 11:55 PM
You guys are lucky that they are even sharing the new percs with us.... I hope people won't keep on talking crap about TORO and appreciate TORO more instead :)

LOL they aren't giving these away for free.

Dank- nice job trying to plug some glass sales.

01-04-2010, 12:05 AM
Lol, well it is a bit hard to post in the glass market ;)

ToRo Head
01-04-2010, 02:37 AM
dank lol the first one is made nice likeing the work.

did you guys see the one circ to circ on tc that heading to hertel got in their new order. has a black joint and the bottoom circ is black sandblasted flames on the bottom base mad cool. fade to clear work section on the 2nd circ.

since their is still mad haters coming in hear cause the one thread was closed ill add some more pics might of already been posted in hear but anything to try and get this thread back to posting sick pics of toros.

more pics of the inline i owned
h2h threw this in for free when i got this inline they def have the best prices ive seen in any shop
this guy had one of the thickest bases ive ever seen on a toob
some more cowboy toro milk
couple more pics i found in my old gallerys

full melt for fullmeltbubble.com

So lets just add more pics guys. stop hateing an enjoy the toro love.

01-04-2010, 04:14 AM
Allright guys im thinking about getting the new fixed stem treeless perc design with a 13 arm 2nd chamber. With reinforced arms, does anybody think 760 shipped is a fair deal? Any help is appreciated- James

01-04-2010, 04:48 AM
Thats a fair deal.

01-04-2010, 04:57 AM
^^ Thanks man for your input, i still havent got it yet. But my urges could get me to purching this beauty tomorrow. Its a rasta label too

01-04-2010, 05:13 AM
Grab it while you still can bro>>>Treat yourself


01-04-2010, 05:38 AM
Sadly ive been treating myself a lot lately, lol so funds could be bad but ima get more money this up coming month, so come on guys convince me to purchase a jp toro masterpiece. And if i get it I promise to post pics and milk shots to the appreciation thread. I just need that over the top enuthusiasm to take the plunge:pipe:

ToRo Head
01-05-2010, 01:53 AM
Allright guys im thinking about getting the new fixed stem treeless perc design with a 13 arm 2nd chamber. With reinforced arms, does anybody think 760 shipped is a fair deal? Any help is appreciated- James

were are u located east coast so fourth????

you might want to check fullmeltglass.com they are 725 if thats what your looking for a stemless disc to 13 right????

but if your near buffalo ny hit up heading to hertel cant beat their toro prices most of the time. for ex 7 to 13s r sticker 640 thats not includeing the 10 to 15% discount u get on every glass purchase.

01-05-2010, 04:46 AM
The one available is a reinforced fixed treeless perc, that goes into a 13 arm 2nd chamber with the arms welded to the bottom. Its 700 but with tax and free shipping it comes out to $760. But sadly i think ill wait until my funds increase, i may just get an oversize collab version of the 7/13. Or hopefully by this time a 13/17 will be on the market. Like maybe a Jeh or Treh collab with extra workk. Who knows^^^^ thanks buddy for the help , I wish i lived near Heading to Hertel but i am segregated over here on the west coast in San Diego haha Thanx anyway- James :smoke1:

01-05-2010, 05:59 AM
Breaking out the old Banjoro 8/13 for a change :)


01-05-2010, 06:03 AM
yeah hes talking about the new toro fused 4 arm design. or "treeless" design.

ToRo Head
01-05-2010, 06:22 AM
The one available is a reinforced fixed treeless perc, that goes into a 13 arm 2nd chamber with the arms welded to the bottom. Its 700 but with tax and free shipping it comes out to $760. But sadly i think ill wait until my funds increase, i may just get an oversize collab version of the 7/13. Or hopefully by this time a 13/17 will be on the market. Like maybe a Jeh or Treh collab with extra workk. Who knows^^^^ thanks buddy for the help , I wish i lived near Heading to Hertel but i am segregated over here on the west coast in San Diego haha Thanx anyway- James :smoke1:

sounds like you want something a lil higher end then the everyday toro aka worked sections on the toob not just on the 2nd perc. id wait to you find something you really want! the way i see it is if you have any doubts or resistance wait. i did that with my toro inline purchase i sold a bunch of roor.des and my first toro so i had alot of money to spend and was looking fofr what u said a toro collab with work. but it didnt come along so i got the toro inline dont get me wrong i enjoyed haveing it for the short period i did, 2nd best hit in the world for me out a toob but in the long run it wasnt what i was really looking for. but i made a great profit in the long run cause man toro prices were crazy on hear when i first joined. then i found my cowboy toro collab which was great then went another step up to the 8 to 13 i have now and my next toro was the toro hops collab. WHAT IM TRYING TO SAY IS WAIT THE RIGHT TORO WILL COME YOUR WAY SOON ENOUGH!

few more pics i found of the toro cowboy collab. sorry toob was a lil dirty!


and a couple of the slide. man i wish i kept this slide it was by far one of my favorite slides i owned. can beat cowboys facets.

nice glass i always enjoyed that toro collab of yours but were the slide its naked with out it JK :pipe: Hey man i was wondering if u hit a 7 to 13 toro cuase my one toro is a 8 to 13 and i got to say i enjoy the extra arm a lil more compared to the 7 to 13s i hit.

yea bassak i knew something wasnt right thats why i put ???? i was like treeless uhh.

01-06-2010, 10:27 PM
and a couple of the slide. man i wish i kept this slide it was by far one of my favorite slides i owned. can beat cowboys facets.

which slide?


oh, that one?! :snake: i've got the t00b too. only complaint is the size of the hole in the push. i was told on another site that this tube had a matching (worked?) a/c too. i didn't think it did, just maybe that toro bull label a/c was mistaken as part of the set. eh?

ToRo Head
01-07-2010, 06:40 AM
nice fourtwenty that slide is mad sick. yea the hole is a lil big but i just stuff buds in my slides so it wasnt a prob but it did suck threw mad ash thats forsure but the toro ac circ took care of that. yea that was my first heady toro collab it was bought from rolling high i got it threw the og owner. so do u consider it a 6 or a 7 to 13 i always said 7 some say 6!

ToRo Head
01-07-2010, 06:42 AM


01-07-2010, 03:09 PM
I have 3 double ice pinchers left. PM me fast while they are hot!!!

01-07-2010, 05:19 PM
so do u consider it a 6 or a 7 to 13 i always said 7 some say 6!

i'm not sure. i call it a 7/13, but if i were to ever list it for sale (which i don't plan on doing) i would call it a 6+1/13 to avoid confusion. i've never seen a definitive 7/13, so i'm not sure what the difference is. are the 7's in a circle with no middle arm?

01-07-2010, 07:01 PM
A 7/13 is what you have, funnily enough people refer to the 9/13's as 8/13's.

01-07-2010, 09:24 PM
its a 7/13 .. there are 7 working arms below and 13 working arms above

as opposed to lets say an 8+1 trashcatcher. where it has the 8 outside arms. i say +1 because that "ninth" arm is a bit wider and is used to catch ash, therefore it does not serve much of a purpose for diffusion.

01-08-2010, 12:11 AM
A 7/13 is what you have, funnily enough people refer to the 9/13's as 8/13's.

exactly... There are 7/13s and 9/13s... (middle arm included) Weather u count the middle arm is your choice. So 6/13 or 8/13 if you dont. Domm the middle arm is just non diffused. Used for clearing. It doesnt catch ash because its not sealed at the end.

ToRo Head
01-08-2010, 07:33 AM
yea i always called it a 7 to 13 but some would say 6 never really cared i loved the toob either way. i would of not sold it but when i had the opp to get the 8 to 13 i own now i had to do it. i miss that slide so much. 9 to 13 thats a new one on me i guess i own a 9 cool.

01-08-2010, 07:07 PM
the first is a fixed inline w/ a new inline design as a second perc.
second is a fixed circ w/ the new inline design, which rips
third is a new style fixed tree(4 arm hybrid kind) w/ the new inline design.
and last is a fixed circ w/ a 2 circ shower head inline..
well hope u enjoy


01-08-2010, 07:11 PM
Damn those are some sick designs, i definitely like the last one the best but the second one looks sick too. Any ideas as to when these prototypes will be produced more and made more available to the public?

01-08-2010, 07:16 PM
haha like i said they would function like a beast... Take that haters of toros new designs. You guys are just stupid. And dont know a functional tube when ya see one:)

01-08-2010, 08:34 PM
haha like i said they would function like a beast... Take that haters of toros new designs. You guys are just stupid. And dont know a functional tube when ya see one:)
doesn't make them any prettier.

looks functional as hell. wonder how much for these minis

01-08-2010, 10:20 PM
How tall are these mini's?

ToRo Head
01-09-2010, 06:51 AM
you all know im a toro fan boy but i dont know if function is worth the looks of those toobs and that 2nd one looks like it would fall right on its side. they do rip just like i knew they would cause well jp knows what hes doing been at it for a while. but i guess im more headie work fan then function. id def pic the circ circ up if h2h gets them to fool around with but it wouldnt be my dayily driver.

I do got to say great job to the toro team you guys really r pushing the limits on function cant beat soem of those milks. shit i wish glass owned all these just to see his milk vids and shots to get a clearer picture.

01-10-2010, 08:19 AM
good stuff guys, these new designs are just the beginning

01-12-2010, 12:37 AM
I have 3 double ice pinchers left. PM me fast while they are hot!!!

2 left!!!!!!!!

01-12-2010, 01:42 AM
exactly... There are 7/13s and 9/13s... (middle arm included) Weather u count the middle arm is your choice. So 6/13 or 8/13 if you dont. Domm the middle arm is just non diffused. Used for clearing. It doesnt catch ash because its not sealed at the end.

i stand corrected. now that i think of it, i agree.

01-19-2010, 07:29 AM
New circ circ

ToRo Head
01-23-2010, 08:01 AM
nice cir man.

01-23-2010, 05:16 PM
super clean work on that circ, toro kills it

01-23-2010, 08:49 PM
Nice circ/ circ tony. I really love toros orange labels, they just seem to stand out more, but maybe thats my opinion.-james:smoke1:

01-23-2010, 09:21 PM
I personally like white label and rasta label based on label alone, just because of the contrast, but I think the work and the label always go together well on orange labels.
Love my circ; thanks guys. :)

ToRo Head
01-24-2010, 09:32 AM
i personally like the small toro labels like the one on my 8 to 13 ive never seen on any other toro.

01-24-2010, 10:56 AM
i personally like the small toro labels like the one on my 8 to 13 ive never seen on any other toro.
you mean the toro labels on the joint?

ToRo Head
01-25-2010, 07:00 AM
you mean the toro labels on the joint?

yea im sure theirs a few toros out their with that label ive just not seen any to date.

hears a pic
Cool pic found in the vault

A nice milk shoot with the roor ziggy slide, always enjoy roor bowls for huge party bowls with a lil bubble hash in the middle.

01-25-2010, 08:31 AM
^^ every piece from that set has the labels like that, per request.

ToRo Head
01-26-2010, 08:36 AM
^^ every piece from that set has the labels like that, per request.

yea i know that i havent seen it on any other toros! besides the set

01-26-2010, 11:21 AM
sick toro bro, love all the tubes from that set

01-26-2010, 08:52 PM
Heres my Circ to Circ toro w/ matching label Circ AC :pipe:


01-26-2010, 09:42 PM
your slides are killing me (in a good way)
boom AK
boom J. Lee
boom Dosa

toros sick too :smoke1:

01-26-2010, 10:03 PM
Thanyou my friend!!! The rest of my collections in my recently posted Glass Family Thread. I have closeups of all of my slides feel free to request any..

Thought i would throw this up here too :bunny:


01-26-2010, 11:56 PM
do you live in a hotel or something bro?? Looks like it>>>milk shot lol

01-27-2010, 12:07 AM
^^^haha agreed milk shot ? the other question he asked none of my buisness lol

but will be postin pics of my cutom Triple Disc Worked-13 arm wit toro sandblasted label pics be up soon ;)

01-27-2010, 01:14 AM
Nice ganja!! Got a mathing Tc for it!! Awesome!!

01-27-2010, 06:52 AM
Ya man, happened to track me one down on another site, was not easy i'll say that. Love the triple circ combo and all the different bowls makes smoking it everyday exciting.

As far as me living in a hotel haha, its actually a long story but to make it short... I do not, i made a trip up to LA on my Gf's birthday to pick me up that opas that is in the pic so i got us a sweet hotel room for the night. Kinda wish i lived at that one haha

01-27-2010, 05:28 PM
Can I get a closeup of the Opas/SB? I think thats what it is anyway...

01-27-2010, 08:26 PM
Ganja4Life..... So, you flew to LA to buy an OPAS slide? That doesn't baffle me. What does is the toro in the room. You fly with your tube?????

....and is that a little reinforcement glob on that toro circ ac? never seen that done before.

retti borosaurus
01-27-2010, 08:53 PM
something ive seen in the pics of new circ circs is a difference in the second can circ, one type having the normal slits and the other having less but larger slits. anybody able to milk both types for a vid??? or anybody with the larger and less slit style that can put up a milk, i get to watch the old style milk up everyday. peace all, great glass ganja4life!!

01-27-2010, 11:49 PM

01-27-2010, 11:51 PM
just picked this up last week nice cerc/cerc with a nice mike fro slide.http://i890.photobucket.com/albums/ac101/ride13tolive/toro/Photo24.jpghttp://i890.photobucket.com/albums/ac101/ride13tolive/toro/Photo25.jpg

01-28-2010, 12:10 AM
heres a milkshot some nice bottom layer sift out of a nice custom tct slide. looking for a treeless toro double joint a/c or a hybrid treeless to cerc if anybody knows where to find them

01-28-2010, 12:55 AM
To answer your question OHG, I live about a 1 to 2 hour drive from La so i drove up there for the night to snag an Opas. I would only fly with a tube that is freshly clean never smoked out of.

Also yes that is a reinforcement glob, bought this AC broken and Preston over at SGW fixed and reinforced it for me :)

Edit: For the request on the Opas pictures any requests should be done so in my Glass Family thread por favor. Wouldn't wanna clutter the Toro thread...

ToRo Head
01-28-2010, 05:56 AM
nice setup ganja cant go wrong with the triple circ and a opas! did u know that opas was at the shop b4 u went up to la??? def a great match, i agree would be dam nice to live in a hotel. my mom is the cto of a hotel company so ive said at my fair share around the us and theirs nothing better then a maid,roomservice for munchies and porn a click a way just kidding!

01-28-2010, 06:03 PM
I couldn't have said it better Toro Head!! A nice hotel would be an awesome place to live for a little bit. And to answer your question yes i did know the Opas slide was there before i drove up, took me a month or two but finally got one put on hold for me :)

01-28-2010, 08:08 PM
word.... you're a so cal'er. my bad. thought you were from the Bean, i was confusing you with another member.

nice collection.....

ToRo Head
01-29-2010, 02:37 AM
I couldn't have said it better Toro Head!! A nice hotel would be an awesome place to live for a little bit. And to answer your question yes i did know the Opas slide was there before i drove up, took me a month or two but finally got one put on hold for me :)

cool man must of been nice to get a sick opas on hold for ya. i got to say its def one of my favorite opas ive seen lately!

01-29-2010, 09:48 PM
love the opas slide with the label position is sick!

02-06-2010, 10:45 PM
Got this toob at IG. It rips just as good as you would think ;)




ToRo Head
02-07-2010, 04:42 AM
Hey guys u see this toro collab that was posted on gp.org recently. i really like it but the only thing that throws me off is how would u light the thing!


02-07-2010, 05:00 AM
Very fucking carefully ;)

02-07-2010, 05:02 AM
Lol nah wayyyy to close to your face. After they made the ac slide and tube, they prolly put em all togeather and was like oooops Lol.

02-07-2010, 06:20 AM
Lol yeah that's funny. I was going to say turn it to the side but you're going to burn something no matter what. Sick set anyway.

02-07-2010, 07:02 AM
i think they were stressing the art more then the functionality on that piece

02-07-2010, 08:43 AM
Well you could light it with a hakko as long as you didn't have long hair or facial hair lol.

ToRo Head
02-10-2010, 05:37 AM
Well you could light it with a hakko as long as you didn't have long hair or facial hair lol.

lol agreed def wouldnt work for you u got real long hair i belive right? yea i understand the whole art aspect the one guy said but at the end of the day its still a bong and i dont know of to many people that buy bongs to hang on the wall like a picasso! if i came by that toob i would buy it and sell the ac an slide most likely and see if i could get in touch with snic and have him do a special slide for it!

02-10-2010, 12:14 PM
Shave your beard so you don't look homeless? Thats what my mom always tells me lol.

02-10-2010, 05:32 PM
How could you sell any of that set if you purchased it? I'd keep the whole thing and still ask snic to make some more smaller stuff if you're spending all that money already I don't know why you'd split up a one of a kind set like that.

02-10-2010, 08:07 PM
How could you sell any of that set if you purchased it? I'd keep the whole thing and still ask snic to make some more smaller stuff if you're spending all that money already I don't know why you'd split up a one of a kind set like that.
ding ding ding... to me the idea of splitting this up is ridiculous. Even if you use it without the a/c, you shouldn't sell any of it.

02-10-2010, 08:13 PM
they coud have made the push shorter

02-10-2010, 08:18 PM
Should be an electroformed ice pinch!!!

02-10-2010, 08:43 PM
the ac is turned so you can see the work on both. Im sure if you put it on straight there would be enough distance to light without setting your face on fire.

02-10-2010, 11:36 PM
the ac is turned so you can see the work on both. Im sure if you put it on straight there would be enough distance to light without setting your face on fire.

I'd say so, I have a 10" tall a/c on my toro and when put together mine would be that high up. I don't have any tall slides like that, but I think if it was turned outwards ya wouldn't torch your face. My setup works nicely when angled away.

02-11-2010, 01:25 AM
Should be an electroformed ice pinch!!!

That would be so sick.

ToRo Head
02-12-2010, 08:50 AM
How could you sell any of that set if you purchased it? I'd keep the whole thing and still ask snic to make some more smaller stuff if you're spending all that money already I don't know why you'd split up a one of a kind set like that.

i see were your coming from but the ac and slide would b untouched! im not into reall tall slides like that i mean look at that slide its HUGE and i only like toros ac circs when it comes to function so at the end of the day i would never use either. so why not sell both get a lil money back and order a custom set of slides sell a couple keep a couple!

i wouldnt like haveing to sell it but at the end of the day it drives me nuts haveing glass in my collection that doesnt get any use at all! i def would buy the toob to add to my collection i just dont see myself hangin on to part of the set if i cant use it!

an the one guy that said u turn it i agree i would give u a lil more room but it would only work for hakko which i dont like or use im a beeline guy. when i got a toro cowboy collab it came with a old school toro ac and i couldnt even light the beeline without almost burning myself so at least 4 me it wouldnt make much of a difference.

03-10-2010, 03:28 AM
My new toro 8-arm beaker


03-24-2010, 10:16 PM
All my script label Toros, minus the 8 arm t/c, enjoy guys

http://i895.photobucket.com/albums/ac152/getglass/Tubes/IMG_3498.jpg (http://s895.photobucket.com/albums/ac152/getglass/Tubes/?action=view&current=IMG_3498.jpg)

http://i895.photobucket.com/albums/ac152/getglass/Tubes/IMG_3496.jpg (http://s895.photobucket.com/albums/ac152/getglass/Tubes/?action=view&current=IMG_3496.jpg)

03-24-2010, 10:25 PM
Nice collection, I'm a big fan of the script label, it's a classy look :)

03-24-2010, 10:39 PM
Thanks man, I just picked up the 7 to 13 today with the faceted work on top the 13, both trees are reinforced and its such a smooth rip, its different with the bottom tree reinforced but still... im really loving it

03-25-2010, 03:51 AM
wow your collections grown quite quickly since christmas man.

03-25-2010, 12:40 PM
when you get back youll have to come check it out, there's more

ToRo Head
03-26-2010, 01:03 AM
nice get glass so all your toros are that lebel besides the tc u said? def with glass a classy look 4sure

ToRo Head
03-26-2010, 01:05 AM
Thanks man, I just picked up the 7 to 13 today with the faceted work on top the 13, both trees are reinforced and its such a smooth rip, its different with the bottom tree reinforced but still... im really loving it

Ive tryed them myself just wondering what you think is different im not the biggest fan of the reinforced toobs but anything to make glass stronger is always a good thing. just a flow thing for me!

03-26-2010, 01:16 AM
i'm all for strengthening the tube in whatever way that doesn't interfere with functionality i guess, in this case i don't think reinforcing both interferes with functionality but it just seems like less air flow, no drag though, i'm not sure if you can picture what i'm saying but i've spent a day or so using it and i couldn't be happier, it seems like the only difficulty it presents is when cleaning it. And yes, all of them are script labels except the 8 arm t/c, which i am trying to sell for a script label 8 arm haha

03-26-2010, 02:04 AM

This is my first attempt at posting pics..lets see how it works


03-26-2010, 03:49 AM
nice toros everyone

ToRo Head
03-27-2010, 12:07 AM
i'm all for strengthening the tube in whatever way that doesn't interfere with functionality i guess, in this case i don't think reinforcing both interferes with functionality but it just seems like less air flow, no drag though, i'm not sure if you can picture what i'm saying but i've spent a day or so using it and i couldn't be happier, it seems like the only difficulty it presents is when cleaning it. And yes, all of them are script labels except the 8 arm t/c, which i am trying to sell for a script label 8 arm haha

I know what your saying forsure. thats what my issue was with it air flow it just wasnt the same for me. I like my 8 to 13 it is oldschool threw pic below for ex just more of my pref. iguess ya know. and i owned a new reinforced toob for a couple days but sold it to my buddy cause of the flow. i would of kept the toob but with my 8 to 13 i wouldnt of used it that much! cause they were the same design an i liked the old school a lil better. still is a great toob if i didnt own my one toro i would buy a new reinforced one 4 sure.

U can see in this pic the 8 to 13 are not reinforced and it truely is my favorite as in flow. but the hops toro collab is my favorite hit out of any toob ive ever used!

03-27-2010, 03:36 AM
How about a milk of that 7 arm hops tube^^^^ (7 arms right?)

03-27-2010, 01:07 PM
yeah you picked up exactly what i was trying to say, both those tubes are so nice throw up a milk shot/vid when you get a chance id love to see it, btw is that a Deppe slide on the hops/toro?

03-27-2010, 06:44 PM
Cmon man there are other forums to do that... Fmb obviously does not enjoy our company/glass sales. Just take it somewhere else. Same people, different website...

edit: V he deleted the post retards....

03-27-2010, 08:57 PM
what the hell are you talking about glass sales? no one is buying or selling anything...??

03-27-2010, 09:46 PM
Yea Basack get off the crack pipe son!

ToRo Head
03-28-2010, 01:02 AM
Yea Basack get off the crack pipe son!

lol ??????? what hes talking about

Yea its a deppe slide hears a few pics for ya. yea my camera busted i cant take pics of the hops milks but i cant thanks dank enough for the help with that purchase. im pissed cause i wanted to throw up a couple new pics of glass but im not gonna ruin threads with cell phone pics or at least my cell cam. i threw one up of the 8 to 13.

Im all about the toro ac circ best ac made in my eyes
lil roor ziggy action



03-28-2010, 01:50 AM
Lol toro head no milks of the hops?.. And new milks please haha!! WHen you use the same pictures 1000 times it makes me think you dont even use those things.

Lol you guys must be prettttyyy stupid to not notice the person deleted the post..... No crack for me...

03-28-2010, 02:25 AM
lovin the glass and i have never seen those shots because im new to the site, thanks for posting them man those tubes are so nice!

03-28-2010, 03:28 AM
Lol toro head no milks of the hops?.. And new milks please haha!! WHen you use the same pictures 1000 times it makes me think you dont even use those things.

Lol you guys must be prettttyyy stupid to not notice the person deleted the post..... No crack for me... rock heads...

Just kiddin bro...

ToRo Head
03-28-2010, 06:16 AM
Lol toro head no milks of the hops?.. And new milks please haha!! WHen you use the same pictures 1000 times it makes me think you dont even use those things.

Lol you guys must be prettttyyy stupid to not notice the person deleted the post..... No crack for me... rock heads...

Yea i own thousands of dolloars worth of glass and dont use them lol! did you not read my post my camera is busted and i got other things like bills that need to be paid instead of buying a 400 dolloar camera. an a new member asked to see some milks so i threw some up for him! but hey u can think what you want its a free world lol!

03-28-2010, 07:29 AM
Ha yeah Dank you were kidding but that one dude was like "what the hell are you talking about glass sales? no one is buying or selling anything...??". Seems hes either oblivious that you can delete your post or maybe hes got a stick up his butt and just tried to express himself. Torohead i just wanted milks Lol relax.

03-28-2010, 03:31 PM
you jumped to a conclusion that was totally wrong and then called me an idiot because you went back and deleted a post that you should have never written in the first place, and then to go as far as to say I have a stick up my ass because you were in the wrong?

Lol i think you got it all wrong.. I called someone out for making a post that was trying to sell a toro.... I never made the post... Also, you dont like forums? Your a nooooooob gtfo!

03-28-2010, 07:56 PM
Back to the TORO APPRECIATION THREAD!!! Any other BS posts should go to PM's instead thank you!

03-28-2010, 07:57 PM
Lol you checked out my 500 posts to see what kinda person I am. Wow I'm flattered. I don't recall being an "dick" to you. I'm sire fmb apreciated my post as it made the person DELETE his post that contained public glass sales... Cmon man I didn't come here to listen to you complain about my posts ;)

03-28-2010, 08:16 PM
Yo Dank...wake up..U R just cluttering up the site w/Nonsense.
Dood post pics to the Server...this Photobook deleted pics thing is gettin REAL old...Im gonna delete the next thread w/all the pics MISSING...be advised

03-28-2010, 09:56 PM
Yo Dank...wake up..U R just cluttering up the site w/Nonsense.
Dood post pics to the Server...this Photobook deleted pics thing is gettin REAL old...Im gonna delete the next thread w/all the pics MISSING...be advised

Already done thanks!

03-28-2010, 10:00 PM
http://i151.photobucket.com/albums/s140/dankone_2007/DSC01624.jpg (http://i151.photobucket.com/albums/s140/dankone_2007/DSC01624.jpg)
http://i151.photobucket.com/albums/s140/dankone_2007/DSC01626.jpg (http://i151.photobucket.com/albums/s140/dankone_2007/DSC01626.jpg)
http://i151.photobucket.com/albums/s140/dankone_2007/DSC01625.jpg (http://i151.photobucket.com/albums/s140/dankone_2007/DSC01625.jpg)
http://i151.photobucket.com/albums/s140/dankone_2007/DSC01628.jpg (http://i151.photobucket.com/albums/s140/dankone_2007/DSC01628.jpg)
http://i151.photobucket.com/albums/s140/dankone_2007/DSC01627.jpg (http://i151.photobucket.com/albums/s140/dankone_2007/DSC01627.jpg)
http://i151.photobucket.com/albums/s140/dankone_2007/DSC01632.jpg (http://i151.photobucket.com/albums/s140/dankone_2007/DSC01632.jpg)
http://i151.photobucket.com/albums/s140/dankone_2007/DSC01629.jpg (http://i151.photobucket.com/albums/s140/dankone_2007/DSC01629.jpg)
http://i151.photobucket.com/albums/s140/dankone_2007/DSC01630.jpg (http://i151.photobucket.com/albums/s140/dankone_2007/DSC01630.jpg)

03-29-2010, 05:53 AM
sick toro, im loving the colors on it!!!

03-29-2010, 06:00 AM
That slide is nuts!!! love how it milks from the side.

ToRo Head
03-29-2010, 08:39 AM
dank weres the milk brada? yea sorry bassack didnt mean to jump at you just upset about my camera situation been trying to post milks of the hops toro collab for months. but all my friends r so scard about me posting picks of them milking a toob on the internet so its been mad hard to have somebody take a pic for me or let take one of them! i also got some really nice new glass i want to post as well! but i just bought a 2008 Lincoln Mkz so all my money went to that so a new camera is out of the question for a lil bit!

dank my favorite part about that toob is the worked circ arm glad you kept that toob!

04-03-2010, 07:03 PM
Thanks for the comments guys VV

04-03-2010, 07:07 PM

10 char

04-03-2010, 11:49 PM
I LOVE the work on the Toro above ^^^^^^^. did the bowl piece come with it? or did you have it made separately?

ditto Basack

04-04-2010, 04:25 AM
The bowl is a Freeek Bowl!!

04-04-2010, 04:27 AM

04-04-2010, 06:45 AM
Very Nice DaNK

ToRo Head
04-06-2010, 05:08 AM
is that a freek toro collab? i know the slide is freek but is the toob a collab?

nice dank thats a sick toob. so does the chamber in the middle of the toob have a bit of a chug to it or not really? looks like it does a bit but u can never tell from a pic. when i saw one at h2h it was alread sold on hold so they couldnt put water in to give it a go.

04-06-2010, 05:45 AM
theres less of a chug than any of the +18" toros i hit...ive never hit a mini:(
the jp perc is rediculous... looks amazing and still has the same lightness and drag,or lack there of, of a toro

my friend just picked one up and that hit is addictive. sometimes my 7/13 gets a bit annoying with fm and such cuz of such volume. the jp/circ is jsut so direct and smooth, perfect for tasting and i feel like the hit actually makes a lighter high, instead of that straight to the dome, never leaving this spot feeling i get when i hit my bubble on other pieces this size.

tooo many props dank
taht setup is too much

04-06-2010, 02:38 PM
isnt that just a toro slide thats came with the tube?

04-06-2010, 05:40 PM
isnt that just a toro slide thats came with the tube?
Dank's ice pinch came with the tube, tenacious's slide is a freeek he bought separately.

04-06-2010, 06:13 PM
isnt that just a toro slide thats came with the tube?

No its a Freeek slide. Trust me!

04-06-2010, 11:48 PM

tenecious bowlpeice is a 2010 freek bowl i know and have seen that tube in person..The retti on that tube and matching slide was found at OPM and was not made seperatley bought it and just so happend it match too perfectly.

04-07-2010, 08:21 PM
sorry i meant danks was just a toro ip slide. i def. know the other one is a freeeeek.
red gold and green kids!!

04-19-2010, 10:15 PM
Just picked this up from a local headshop thought it was a very interesting collab piece, anybody know anything more about this piece i dont think ive ever seen any quite like it.


04-19-2010, 10:35 PM
thats nuts^ deffinetly old school toro id say. Hops and toro did alot of collaboration stuff.

ToRo Head
04-20-2010, 01:39 AM
Man thats sick ass toob welcome to the club i own a toro hops collab and its by far my favorite toob ive ever owned even over my fully worked toro.

You got that from a shop they didnt have any info on her? when dank got mine for me he said they 4 got about it in the back of the studio for a long time. when i posted it on hear i pm jp and wendy about it to find out jp actually did the inline on mine and if i recall hops did the work section usually the other way around.


04-20-2010, 01:40 AM
hmm thanks for the suggestion im gunna have to ask them if they remember the piece.

04-20-2010, 01:41 AM
ive seen your hops/toro collab and love it bro im glad to be part of the club haha. cant wait to give her the full run tomorrow, gunna be a bitch to fill that whole globe up with the g.o. afterwards though ha.

ToRo Head
04-21-2010, 12:57 AM
ive seen your hops/toro collab and love it bro im glad to be part of the club haha. cant wait to give her the full run tomorrow, gunna be a bitch to fill that whole globe up with the g.o. afterwards though ha.
thanks its a cool club lol! yea but def pm them they should remember a toob like that. i know jp likes to work with hops form what wendy told me. but thats why i use iso and salt so much cheaper and for a toob that size would save u lots of money!

04-27-2010, 05:28 AM
hey guys ive looked through like 15 pages and couldnt find 2 too compare so ill ask, are all the pretty standard 7/13 perc toro's the same size or is there a difference bewteen the label colors, if there is and you happen to know the size differences for what colors I would appreciate it.


04-27-2010, 11:53 AM
Hey and if anyone whose selling a worked jp mini hit me up.
And Wendy if you see this I'm the one emit asked you to get a tube for me.

Shoot me a pm if you see this

04-27-2010, 04:37 PM
ask dank maha i tthink hes probably up for selling that circ. jp

also, rolled a jay for the trip to school of that J OG dahoooooooooo it kills

04-28-2010, 12:49 AM
I'd say that tube is a newer tube as that hops label is one of his newer labels

05-12-2010, 02:13 AM
my first toro! :D


FUSED 4 arm tree perc - REINFORCED 8 arm worked tree perc, came with these:


05-17-2010, 01:50 AM
Anyone know why TK/CK doesnt allow Toro AT ALL?
Cant even mention the name... wtf

05-17-2010, 02:42 AM
Anyone know why TK/CK doesnt allow Toro AT ALL?
Cant even mention the name... wtf

I was wondering the same thing, I think it might have something to do with the itza/toro drama and the fact that CK carries alot of itza so they dont want the competition on TK.

05-18-2010, 06:20 AM
I cant stop touching myself!!!!! lol, DAMN!!!!! is the first word to come to mind witnessing this piece of art.

05-18-2010, 06:53 AM
?.....^^ :x

05-19-2010, 03:29 PM
Anyone know why TK/CK doesnt allow Toro AT ALL?
Cant even mention the name... wtf

id like to apologize in advance for setting the thread off topic but i do have an answer to this question

i got banned from the site for asking questions about it, potanist said that apparently they "cant promote toro as a reputable company anymore because they used illegal tactics in promoting within competition" those were his exact words...i proceeded to ask if he had any proof of these claims because slander was unlawful as well, 5 minutes later im banned from the site...TK is a joke, as is CK...hell they had to ban their own moderator for fucking some kid over with an ashcatcher, why even make him a moderator to begin with?!? How can a website say they wont allow one of the top glass companies in the market, and be complete asslickers while doing so...riddle me this...FUCK TK and whoever runs it

05-19-2010, 06:24 PM
^^^^^that's really funny. I really love how people involve themselves in other peoples business to make themselves feel important. I'm not defending Toro or bashing them, I'm just a customer, and so are most of these people who keep whining about the same tired old news. Get over it, have some allegiance to something more real.

tk and ck are definitely run by a bunch of clowns, I'm guessing around 18 years of age or so. Too bad really, cause the actual shop ain't so bad.

05-20-2010, 02:03 AM
This is all due too no one will sell him Toro's! He got pissed and now he is being a big baby about it. Who cares.

01-27-2011, 08:17 PM
Back to the Toro Appreciation!

Anyone grab a tube out of his micro line yet?
The circ to circs are the perfect size for fullmelt.

02-27-2011, 01:47 PM
I love them!!! They are awesome for full melt!!

11-07-2011, 03:57 AM
Here is my Trevor fumed work 7/13!

Kush Farmer
12-08-2011, 12:25 AM
I like this post,
I am a Huge Toro fan.
My collection is still growing, but decent to start.
pics coming soon
(just hopped on this forum today)

I own:
2 Toro Circ Micros (one i had a direct inject 14mm put on for oil only :) )
1 Toro 5th anniv. fixed arm reinforced 7/13
1 Toro Rasta label Circ to Reinforced arm 13.
Toro Armed ashcatcher (Light Blue label)
1 Toro Circ Bubbler 5th anniv.

08-16-2012, 12:08 AM
I just found old pictures of my Toro 13-17 arm I sold to GTD on here back in the good old days when the glass market was still boomin'
