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View Full Version : ohh i got the bubble! Now what do I do with it?

04-10-2008, 12:19 AM
so I've been vaporizing for the last nine months and am loving it! I honestly think I smoke more for taste than the buzz. Whats the best way to smoke my bubble? can I vaporize it? what are the higher levels of bubble good for, cooking? Since I got this volcano the taste of joints just don't do it for me, they taste dirty to me. What do you suggest i do? thanks in advance!

04-10-2008, 05:55 AM
Well i dont blame ya for leaving joints behind buddydave. i personaly can't stand smoking joints at all, havent for years. its really quite nasty compared to vaporizing.
I use to use the volcano and love it as well, but now use a glass on glass vaporizer which the taste is even better . You can vaporizer bubble but its best if you somehow dilute it, in the volcano i would suggest sprinkling some herb with bubble, and not letting the bubble pile up to much in any one spot. Otherwise it melts into a blob and doesnt really vaporizer properly.
The higher levels of bubble, ie full melt clear dome bubble, in my opinion for maximum effects, should be blasted in a bong. Thats how i hit it daily.
anyway hope this helps man.

Bubble man

04-10-2008, 06:02 PM
Thanks Bubble man! ok so what exactly is a glass on glass vaporizer? for my volcano, you would mix the bubble with fresh herbs or previous vaporized herbs? when you bong it, is it right on the screen and do you use a lighter/match? Sorry for being a stickler, but i'm trying to get the best of what I got and mouthful of tasty joy!

04-10-2008, 06:04 PM
vapor snobs are really fuckin' annoying.. jus' sayin'

Green Supreme
04-10-2008, 06:23 PM
Thems fightin words. I'm not mad at you. Peace GS

04-10-2008, 10:13 PM
lol! my first post was actually a page long and then I erased it by accident! but it started out something like! "I know I'm gonna be called a spoiled princess for this post so I'm gonna get that out of the way right now!" It was actually a really good post but after I erased it I couldn't type it all again or in the same for mat! Hey your right! I do feel that I'm a bit of a snob or spoiled! Its too bad that the price of a vaporizer is so much and not everyone can own one or has even had the opportunity to use one! But than again this is a bubble smoke room and thats all i'm really trying to do with out the use of a rolling paper! so whats your suggestion, besides " suck it up and roll it!". I guess I should have never given my buddy my bong once I got my volcano, so much for trying to be a nice guy! lol thanks guys/gals!

04-12-2008, 04:13 PM
Ive used Volcanos plenty, and vapirs, erbos, vapie, mysticfire(or some shit) etc etc. I own a cool little handheld one that uses a lighter called a vaporgenie. So spoiled isnt the right word.

Personally Im not a huge fan. I dont like the high it produces - the taste, in my opinion, is only mediocre compared to a fattie of lovingly grown organic kind nugs. - and Im so fucking sick of hearing the Im not harming my lungs bullshit. Yes, its not smoke. But putting foreign vapors in your lungs is harmful. its a fact. Vaporheads think their method is far superior. They are snobs.

And in answer to your question, you can get hash screens for even your meltiest of hash

04-12-2008, 07:30 PM
Well i have also used pretty much every known vaporizer out there, and even a few unkonwn. EVen a jamaican steam pipe for that matter. and have to disagree with dollar, i can get a killer high going with my vaporizer. particularly the hot glass. I have found when used properly vaporizers can offer a ceilingless high.I do remember when i was totaly stoked on a joint don't get me wrong dollar, but once you turn that inner dial to vape. its very hard to go back. IN fact for me its been impossible.
I still love to burn dont get me wrong, but if im burning its going to be something that gets me HIGHRIE. LIKE FULL MELT BUBBLE. not some herb wrapped in paper and glue.
I am not sure if you have ever tried an all glass on glass vaporizer dollar, but if you havent you should> NOt of those units you mentioned can touch the taste of the verdamper or hot glass unit.
My two cents

Bubble man

04-13-2008, 04:19 AM
its like I literally wasted my time before my vaporizer! Does that make sense? see I just used it! No going back now!

04-13-2008, 04:00 PM
well to each his own I suppose, Im not going to get drawn into a childish argument.

The only thing I will say is this - I have never felt like I wasted more pot, or like my high was so incomplete as with a vaporizer of any kind.

04-13-2008, 04:40 PM
Honestly Dollar, I agree with you. Nothing does it for me like a fat bong rip.