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View Full Version : Outdoors 09 "COLORADO STYLE"!!!

old school
10-08-2009, 01:44 PM
Hi Everyone! Some shots of the last weeks of my grow... I have about two weeks left to go. Temps have been in the 20's at night.Tarp is 40x60.I burn 5 propane heaters every night.They keep the temps in the 40's.This has been THE hardest grow I have ever had.The highlight was lightning striking a tree next to the garden and part of it falls .Wipes out 8 plants in the blink of an eye! Starts a fire ,wipes out fencing!Next came the HAIL...Four times, hard .Buds were huge at this point. Beat the shit out of them!The heavy rain and wind that followed broke stalks and branches off.Then came the FREEZE. EXTREME growing in Colorado!!! Peace!!


10-08-2009, 03:05 PM
I wish I needed a 40x60 tarp to cover my plants. keep up the good work man, the trouble you went through in this grow will make the buds taste twice as good.

old school
10-08-2009, 03:36 PM
These were taken on Oct.7,09..Really counting the days now! This weather is killing me. The post inside the garden are 12 foot.Crossbraces help keep the tarp up. We have wind here in the Mountians that blows all the time ...Quite a challenge to keep it on !
I have Alaskan ice plants that are just starting to flower.Hell we will have snow before they are done. PEACE!!


10-08-2009, 06:44 PM
and i thought it was tough growing in New England. At least it can't get any worse. good luck and good job. you got a couple monsters in there.

old school
10-09-2009, 01:07 PM
Yea it's tough but well worth the effort! I love the taste of OUTDOOR buds.
Most of theese plants have been growing since Jan.18 of 09....almost ten months of love and care to get this done.
Anyone that has never grown outside should try it! PEACE....


10-09-2009, 01:50 PM
Nice job man, those certainly look great. Wish I could pull off an outdoor crop... I get on average 100 frost free days a year.... Its a short growing season.

10-12-2009, 05:29 AM
Damn man.
Those look like Christmas Trees!

10-12-2009, 07:01 AM
Yeah man there real monsters. great work man

old school
10-20-2009, 02:31 PM
Hi and thanx for the comments!!!I wish I could take the tarp off and let these girls get some SUN.It shows you can get some good growth even under a big blue tarp!I have had the tarp on for over three weeks now.We are expecting SNOW tonight so the top will save me again!
The ICE plants are coming along fast now I think I may pull it off!Now I see why they call this breed ICE!!The buds are pure white..look like snowballs.They smell a little like my"JACKS CLEANER 2"(which by the way is an awesome breed I HIGHLY recomend growing it!)
I had alot of EXOTIC breeds this year and have now seen how they do in sunny colorado!
Some breeds I will grow again and some I wont.Mental Floss and C4 PLUS get a two thumbs up!!!!!C4 also...all HUGE yielders. The Magnum is too dense it wants to mold from inside out while waiting to finish.Blueberry X AK47 LOVES Colorado!
So does Big Bang and Calizahr!!
Well I have to run so .......later-on!!Peace.......


10-20-2009, 05:29 PM
nice looking outdoor grow bro... CO ftw hehe

10-21-2009, 02:26 PM
real nice, i bet those suckers would finish in the dark if they keep growing under that tarp, sweet

old school
02-26-2010, 02:29 PM
Heres a couple shots of what we have to deal with here....SNOW....6 months of it..... The last photo is colorado snow bud!!! Peace.... Oldschool