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View Full Version : Greetings from South Australia

10-09-2009, 01:23 AM
Hello. My name is Slayer. I am an organic grower/amatuer breeder/hash head who is currently residing in SA. Some of you may know me from other grower's forum's around the web. First of all, I would like to thank bubbleman for the personal invite here, thanks bro. Very nice place you have here.
The last 2.5 years has been a mind-blowing search for the best bubble, I started off with a cheapo 2 bag 20 L system before moving on to BM's 8 bag 60L set. (Thanks wally !!) I have been refining my drying techniques to suit the dry climate down here & I think I have it sussed now. The last 2 batches have all been Northern Lights but prior to that, we done a batch of Jack Herer, Jack Flash, SuperSkunk & NL that is just insane. Did I mention that I like to take a lot of pictures too ? Guess I better show you some...& I just realised I need to add them to my gallery lol. So, while they are uploading I can do some more stuff here. :)

Hmmm, it seems the pop-up for my pics is blank. Anybody know what could be happening there ? :confused:
Anyways, I thought I'd better say Hi & stuff...see you around the boards.

10-09-2009, 04:19 AM
hey slayer, good cya here,
come into video chat sometime,
cheers Mozz

10-10-2009, 11:57 PM
Cheers mozz, I should have known an old hash head like you would be hanging out here :p hmmm, I still can't see any pics in my pop-up :mad: I have updated to firefox 3.0.14 or whatever, but still no pics in pop-up...ffs. And I can't use the 'manage attachments 'clicky now, so I can't even show you what the frack is happening. If I can't post pics, I don't post....

10-13-2009, 03:45 PM
dude welcome home

10-20-2009, 09:12 PM
cheers m8, it seems I won't be posting here after all....
I can't get the gallery to work....
I can't even add attachments ffs....
no pics...no post....


10-20-2009, 09:28 PM
wud up slayer. good to cya here.

i found that an issue too. but i figured it out...

click gallery.

then click upload

then upload the shit

then click forums

then click gallery

click my stuff. then from that menu bar, click my images.

click the image you want. then get the html code below the photo.

it takes 2 windows open at once to do this. that way you can copy paste the picture code in a different window (the reply)

thats how i do it. it works coo for me :)

cant wait to see ur shows


10-20-2009, 09:56 PM
thanks for that mini,
I had no idea :sick1:, but i want to see slayers hash pics.

cheers Mozz

08-30-2010, 11:00 PM
Ahhh, that's better. I guess I should start uploading pics now. :D