View Full Version : Dmt
11-23-2009, 07:59 AM
So I did DMT this weekend and it was definitely what I could expect. The feeling that it gives you is euphoric and the visuals are intergalactic. I would like to know if anyone else on FMB has tried DMT and wants to share their experience.
11-23-2009, 08:34 AM
When i did DMT for the first time: I fell face down on the ground, then i shot out of my body and went to the moon where i was with a shadow of myself looking through what looked like a telescope back down on earth and i was viewing myself. a whole bunch of things happened in between all that as well.
ja rasta
11-23-2009, 08:46 AM
Rothbury man, too much to talk about. Great experience though, very mellow trip and very very memorable. I did not have an out of body experience though, but it was amazing. People say do it on your own lay down and listen to music, I say it is great to do with friends in a group. Alwaysssssssssss a good time though. Also another method of extraction that should be done more often :)
11-23-2009, 04:12 PM
DMT is great!!!
Very natural and safe, if you know what you are doing
11-23-2009, 05:11 PM
I used to extract quite a lot of DMT back in the day and spent about a year studying, experiencing, and sharing it with people.
3 tokes seems to be about the magic number for myself and most people I've shared it with but you start getting pretty messed up after about the first or second so you really have to kind of force yourself to get that third or fourth one in there to really send you off.
I remember my first breakthrough just after staying up all night and finally finishing my very first batch. After my third inhale I shot off and I remember briefly seeing my body below me and thinking to myself "hey you should stop swaying back and forth and just lean back" which I then did and felt a lot more comfortable. I was transported to a room roughly the same dimensions of the one I was already in only completely covered in intricate flowing colored geometric designs. I became aware of a being situated above and a bit to the right of me who seemed to be attempting to communicate with me and repeating this outstretched giving motion with his hands. There were several more of the beings huddled together at the far end of the room and somehow I got the sense that some were of the male aspect and some female. The one attempting to communicate with me was male. There wasn't much I could do other than just sit in complete awe and amazement. That's pretty much all I remember. After that I kinda slipped back into my own dimension and sat there on the couch watching the visuals fade away for about 15 minutes unable to really speak just completely dumbfounded at what I had just experienced and how real it all seemed.
A DMT experience has many parallels to a dream. Ever notice how after a vivid dream once you wake up it all seems so clear but the more you think about it and the more time passes by the more it seems to slip through your grasp and before soon you hardly remember any of the details even though you know there were so many. It's kinda like that. Once you come back from a breakthrough if you don't almost instantly try and relate all of the details then most of it just slips away like a dream. This isn't surprising when you learn that your brain naturally produces DMT and it's at its highest levels in your system during stages of REM sleep.
Man, I could rant for hours and hours on good 'ole n,n dimethyltryptamine (and I frequently have done so in the past) but what I'd really suggest is a thorough reading of DMT: The Spirit Molecule by Dr. Rick Strassman. It's the most in depth and scientific study on DMT that has ever been done and it's a truly enlightening read.
If anybody has any questions on the chemistry, pharmacology, or experience and philosophy of this wonderful compound I'd be more than willing to share as much knowledge as I have
11-23-2009, 05:31 PM
when i was younger i never wonder why out of 4 bath rooms my uncle would only let me in 1 cause the other 3 were dangerous now i no lol
bath tub acid
never had dmt dont like any drug other than marijuana will not ever touch any thing else anything else is fucking stupid
11-23-2009, 05:36 PM
You do know that your pineal gland which is currently seated nice and comfortably in the center of your brain produces DMT for your system. You've always had DMT.
and to say that everything but marijuana is stupid is quite honestly an astoundingly moronic statement.
11-23-2009, 05:40 PM
i stand by my moronic statement ive seen to many friends and family go to the hospital over acids
11-23-2009, 05:52 PM
Acids? I think you might be a bit confused. There is only one acid and that is LSD which is perfectly safe for most people. Unless someone had a freak allergic reaction which is unheard of the only reason anybody goes to the hospital on LSD is because they used it irresponsibly, freaked out, and nobody around them knew how to actually deal with a bad trip. It's possible that LSD can be the cataclysm that triggers latent psychological disorders within a person but the disorder wasn't caused by LSD it was already there. LSD brings out whats already inside of yourself nothing more and no less.
Now over the past several years many research chemicals have been marketed and sold as "acid" such as DOB, DOM, DOC, DOI, 5-meo-amt, and if you're stupid enough to by 'acid' as a powder in a gelcap then even some 2c's but all of these are very easily discernible from real LSD. All recreational psychonauts owe it to themselves to educate themselves and know exactly what it is they are taking. Many of these chemicals have some side-effects that one could possibly be hospitalized for especially if someone ate them thinking it was LSD and took way more than they should have.
Green Supreme
11-23-2009, 06:13 PM
Sounds like you are making fun of someone who's first language is not english. Have fun. Peace GS
11-23-2009, 06:38 PM
Getting back to the original point of this thread, the wonderful, magical molecule that is DMT. Along with Dr. Strassman's book, there is also a book out now entitled "Tryptamine Palace" by James Oroc. It is more focused on 5-MeO-DMT and its existence in the venom of the bufo Alvarius toad. Anyhow though, I have experienced DMT a number of times now throughout the past year and I can say as a long-time, adamant non-believer in god, that after trying DMT I firmly believe and know that a higher conciousness and energy is in us and around us all the time. Whether or not I believe that is "god" is still up for debate, but there is certainly something governing the universe as well as parallel ones, and DMT enables you to catch a slight glimpse of these energy fields. Assuming that you have a breakthrough experience.
11-23-2009, 06:49 PM
Hello, I experienced DMT only once before.. It was put a top on some tea leave that we had packed in a bowl. The DMT almost looked identical too some ear wax if I remember correctly. However, I did not experience psychedelic effects. (Seeing as I think I got the last hits of the bowl if I remember.) I did feel the Euphoric effects though. And I must say overall, it was a very positive and humbling experience. I felt like a plant feeding off the sun like photosynthesis.. Haha. All and all I look forward too my next experience.
11-23-2009, 07:00 PM
I closed my eyes and listened to music and traveled down a corridor that had walls of water shot out of the ground. There were some kind of knights standing guard along the walls. Once those visuals stopped I felt amazing and have never been happier. I experienced different trips the three times I smoked it. I will definitely do it again if i get the opportunity.
11-23-2009, 07:28 PM
The DMT almost looked identical too some ear wax if I remember correctly. However, I did not experience psychedelic effects. (Seeing as I think I got the last hits of the bowl if I remember.)
Impure and poorly evaporated DMT will take a yellow or orange waxy form. Most likely the solvent used wasn't clean and left behind some nasty oils. I had this problem for a while before I started freeze precipitating the crystals instead which provides a much cleaner product.
I suggest anyone who's interested in this stuff look into extracting a batch for yourself. It's ridiculously easy and inexpensive and highly rewarding. If you can follow directions correctly it's about as difficult as baking cookies.
a couple helpful links: - amazing resource and community dedicated to DMT - cheapest MHRB on the net
Green Supreme
11-23-2009, 07:39 PM
My friend makes dmt and tells me that to get it from orange waxy to crystal involves the use of ammonia. Since the hippies found out, now he doesn't have to go to crystal anymore. Who wants to puff ammonia anyways. Peace GS
11-23-2009, 07:47 PM
Ammonia is used as a solvent to wash the crystals. Acetone is used much more often but if you do the extraction correctly in the first place then there is no need to use either of them. Freeze precipitation done correctly will yield perfectly white crystals and if you repeat the process you can make them grow pretty large. The point of using the right solvent is so that it evaporates cleanly without leaving any residue behind for you to puff on.
Green Supreme
11-23-2009, 08:22 PM
Like bho and budder, once you use solvent I have a hard time believing they are fully purged anyways . Party on dudes. Peace GS
11-23-2009, 08:30 PM
So you dig ayahuasca?
11-23-2009, 09:20 PM
Freeze precipitation done correctly will yield perfectly white crystals and if you repeat the process you can make them grow pretty large. The point of using the right solvent is so that it evaporates cleanly without leaving any residue behind for you to puff on.
It can be done similar to the way that chemical labs create extracts for vitamin supplements, food safe
Green Supreme
11-23-2009, 09:45 PM
Nah I cannot endure any buzz that can start by puking, pissing or shitting yourself. I know I am limiting myself, but there are other drugs where thats not necessary. If I wanted to puff dmt I just would knowing the solvents used and all I can still make that choice for myself, but wouldn't expect others too. Got some acacia based stuff one time{cops took it} think that would be my first choice. Peace GS
11-23-2009, 10:02 PM
i guess u can classify different drugs like E lsd dmt im not into exporing with things but ive had friends adn family had to go to the hospital from taking them
11-23-2009, 10:27 PM
Nah I cannot endure any buzz that can start by puking, pissing or shitting yourself.
Maybe you are getting ayahuasca and DMT confused...
Ayahuasca comes on with a purge, sometimes throwing up sometimes diarrhea and sometimes both, some people experience no nausea whatsoever.
The nausea is a core part of the Ayahuasca experience as it releases negative emotion and energy and also relieves the body of parasites, which is a problem in the jungle where it is taken natively.
The nausea is caused by tannins in the brew.
Ayahuasca is a drink commonly made with 2 plants, 1 containing an maio which makes the other plant which contains DMT orally active.
DMT you just smoke and it makes you trip hard<---=understatement-but pretty much.
If you have ever enjoyed any part of any psychedelic drug experience then you will for sure enjoy smoking DMT.
It is a natural neurotransmitter, like melatonin and 5htp.
It is present in every mammal ever tested and in at least one plant in almost every climate where people exist.
Do not let what you have heard from others sway your life experience,
learn for yourself the truth
And only then make up your mind,
In Rick Strassmans study he injected over 60 people with more DMT than you could smoke in a day and not one person shit or pissed themselves.
I have known many people who do and dont do many things. and thats okay.
But what if someone said to you, " I would never smoke pot, it would make me play the piano like an idiot then i might go run over someone in my car!"
I mean shit i have seen people puke from smoking pot!!!!
Green Supreme
11-23-2009, 10:34 PM
He asked if I like ayahuaska. Peace GS
11-23-2009, 10:52 PM
haha, word,well thats what you get for thread skimming is a foot in your mouth
11-23-2009, 11:22 PM
I would like to do ayahuaska if i could because i want to have a longer lasting dmt like trip.
11-24-2009, 04:49 PM
check out the ayahuasca threa that i started, i just posted a recipe
You should check it out GS, it effectvly removes the tannins, so no puking, and the like
11-24-2009, 06:26 PM
I just picked up my first three hits of DMT yesterday. I plan on doing it sometime over Thanksgiving break so hopefully all goes well!
11-24-2009, 09:06 PM
Take them all and hold them in for a long time. You should feel the first hit as you blow it out or even before if you hold it in long enough.
11-25-2009, 12:05 AM
I prefer Ketamine to DMT
11-26-2009, 05:33 AM
What is ketamine like and how do you consume it?
11-26-2009, 06:11 AM
Do some reading...
11-26-2009, 06:16 AM
Personally the Ketamine experiences I have seen have looked shitty. The people I saw do it look bumps of it and continued to sit there completely out of touch with what was going on around them. They explained it as a lot more of a sedative dazed feeling than any kind of hallucination, where as the DMT I have smoked is very much hallucination based, so I do not see how you find them similar. Maybe I am missing something. Either way, a k-hole sounds shitty enough for me to stay away from the special-k.
11-26-2009, 06:19 AM
Ketamine and DMT are on wholly different levels of different playing fields really. Ketamine is classified as a dissociative anesthetic, similar to nitrous. It is used by veterinarians to euthanize cats because they are allergic to it. It will usually come in crystallized shards and the effects are, for lack of a better word.. floaty. You may even feel drunk on enough.
11-26-2009, 03:51 PM
Ketamine isn't just used medicinally on animals it's used on humans as well. It's a common anesthetic for children because their brains are wired differently and they get the pain-killing benefits without the hallucinations. It was also the most commonly used anesthetic in the Vietnam war.
Ketamine is a funny drug and some people love it while others aren't too fond. Sub-Khole doses provide a sensation slightly akin to being drunk but the real experience is in the k-hole where you can go on some seriously epic adventures. It's rather odd to physically experience your body being ripped through dimensions.
Personally, I love it and I find it way too intense to really binge on like some people do. Some people use small doses just for the floaty feelings but I always prefer not to play around and jump straight into the deep end.
11-29-2009, 08:27 AM
That is a very good description of it Superfluous, because in my experience I haven't gone into a k-hole but i've done enough to be quite intoxicated(mostly skewed depth perception, inability to judge distance or drive). I preferred very small doses for the prolonged floaty effect to the "almost k-hole experience". But as I posted earlier in the thread I do love the effects of DMT so it sounds like I would highly enjoy the more intense effects of Ketamine in a k-hole. Is there a somewhat standard dose you need to accomplish it?
11-29-2009, 03:57 PM
well ketamine isn't really more intense than DMT. A breakthrough on DMT can be just as if not more intense than a k-hole only it doesn't last nearly as long.
K-hole dosages average around 1mg/lb so if you weigh 150 then about 150mg of racemic ketamine should do the trick. The R and S stereo isomers have slightly different dosages but they're much rarer to come across and more expensive. Just about all ketamine you come across is racemic (even mixture of S-ketamine and R-ketamine).
11-29-2009, 07:22 PM
Oh yeah, I wouldn't expect Ketamine to have more intense effects than DMT by any means. I'm not sure I'd like anything more intense than the breakthroughs I've had. I was referring to the more intense effects of the k-hole in comparison to ketamine in small doses, the way I have enjoyed it most in the past.
11-30-2009, 12:03 AM
i love cannabis only.
11-30-2009, 03:00 PM
I enjoy being a psychonaut.
11-30-2009, 03:51 PM
I just picked up my first three hits of DMT yesterday. I plan on doing it sometime over Thanksgiving break so hopefully all goes well!
girlonthecouch how was it? make ur thanksgiving break any better?
you seem to have better information than wikipedia for regular questions. haha very informative. i think i learned more from this thread reading your posts then i do in class.
11-30-2009, 04:32 PM
Yeah i am stoked on all the feedback this thread has received. I have learned a bunch and now have a few new experiences to look forward to.
11-30-2009, 05:10 PM
agreed dubsteppin. i really appreciate informational threads like this because you really get to learn about new things before you even think about learning them. you don't even have to look for the information because we have great sources here on fmb.
11-30-2009, 09:24 PM
I respect your decision to not use any drugs except cannabis, but you should not imply that people who do other drugs are "morons". Do you ever take pharmaceuticals when sick? They are drugs that have side effects. I too limit the number of drugs that I do, but I would highly recommend the natural stuff like mescaline, dmt, mushrooms and cannabis.
12-01-2009, 05:09 AM
I dont think anyone was implying that people who use drugs are morons, did they?
12-01-2009, 06:31 PM
DUBSteppin, you describe needing 3 hits of DMT.
I dont know the strength of the stuff I have. But I put about 0.05 grams in a bowl, and before I fully exhale......Im gone! Time stops and dreams begin!
I was so out of my body, that when I came back it was an absolute amazement to me that I had arms.............arms......real arms.....attached to me.......WOW......what a concept.
DMT.....powerfull stuff
12-01-2009, 10:38 PM
Well i was told that after 3 hits you are completely gone, i only ever took 2 because of how my friends reacted to 3 hits, it wasn't bad or anything just seemed pretty intense.
I also realize that a "hit" is a pretty variable measure and is not very close to accurate because everyone hits a tube/pipe differently.
I didn't have the same sensation with the arms but I do know sort of what you're talking about, i came out and was very grateful to be who i am, it felt nice.
12-01-2009, 10:58 PM
How long you hold the hit in is also a major contributing factor.
12-02-2009, 07:09 AM
so what again was dmt exactly superfluous. i think you've said it before, but just one more time if you could explain. and how do you extract dmt? i'm new to this. sorry!
12-02-2009, 03:12 PM
There are actually several different kinds of DMT but the one we've been talking about is N,N Dimethyltryptamine and it's most commonly extracted from the root bark of a plant called Mimosa Hostillis. Ayahuasca brews will contain one plant or vine which contains DMT and another which contains an MAOI (Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitor) to activate it. Shamans may include several other entheogenic plants to guide the overall experience but the two main ingredients are usually the Banisteriopsis Caapi vine and Psychotria Viridis leaves.
There's also-
5, Methoxy Dimethyltryptamine (5-MeO-DMT) another psychedelic relative which is found in the glands of the Colorado River toad (Bufo Alvirus)
Bufotenin (5-HO-DMT) also found in certain plant and toad species
Psilocybin - one of the two identified active chemicals in psilocybe mushrooms. It converts in the bloodstream very quickly through hydrolysis into the more active psilocin.
Psilocin (4-HO-DMT) the chemical that is actually responsible for mushroom trips
4-Acetoxy-Dimethyltryptamine (4-AcO-DMT) is a synthetic analogue which also theoretically metabolizes into psilocin in the bloodstream the same as psilocybin. It's one of the few really great research chemicals and it's remarkably similar to a mushroom trip though cleaner and with less bodily discomfort. One of my absolute favorites.
Anyway that's it for relatives off the top of my head. 4-AcO-MiPT and 4-ho-MiPT are also pretty close to mushroom trips but they're not so closely related to dimethyltryptamine.
As far as doing an extraction you should really spend some time researching that for yourself. Pour over the material again and again because you'll always been learning something new and advancing your techniques. is an amazing resource and community that has the most information on extractions out there.
A most simplest outline of the lazyman's tek would be to to start with some plant material like MHRB that contains a good bit of that wonderful alkaloid. You pulverize it if its not already powdered and then mix it in a solution of water and 100% sodium hydroxide (lye) which will break down the organic matter around the alkaloids. Then you gently stir in a strong but cleanly evaporating solvent like naptha or hexane. Let it sit and the solvent will rise to the top in a distinct layer which you pour out into an evaporating dish. You can either let it evaporate entirely and you'll have yellow impure and probably waxy DMT crystals which you can scrape up or you can only evaporate most of it and reduce the liquid down to about 2ml which you can then pour in a sealed jar and leave in the freezer on the coldest setting overnight. Beautiful snow-white crystals will precipitate out of the solvent and either form chunks on the surface or float around like a snowglobe. Filter, dry, perform another wash if you so please to increase purity and viola.
All right I'm tired of typing I need some breakfast.
12-23-2009, 03:12 AM
Never tryed it but if i could get my hands on a bit forsure would be something interesting!
12-25-2009, 06:39 PM
I've been interested in DMT for about six months and I think I am finally ready for it. I want to try one of the nontoxic extractions from dmt-nexus in the next week or so. I'm most interested in the spiritual aspects of DMT; specifically for removing subjectivity from conciousness, any ideas about this FMB?
12-25-2009, 09:59 PM
Well most times during a DMT breakthrough you retain a fairly strong sense of perspective and know what is you and what is that which is around you. This is one of the elements that contribute to the experience feeling so inexplicably real.
Perhaps you could further clarify what it is you meant by 'removing subjectivity from consciousness'? If you're looking for complete ego dissolution then I find a nice fat dose of LSD is more useful than smoking/vaporizing DMT.
From what I gather, I'm pretty sure an ayahuasca experience is more of what you're looking for. You should look into some brewing techniques rather than extraction teks. Happy travels :D
12-26-2009, 04:29 AM
i hope no one is using these great tools to have fun. These are very deep spiritual substances that are meant for soul searching. I used to puff dmt a lot but now it has told me not to smoke it anymore, when i enter it lets me know i am not wanted anymore. I have blasted off more than 100 times and seen things that i couldnt being to explain. Make sure you are ready, its one hell of a ride.
12-26-2009, 05:57 AM
Well most times during a DMT breakthrough you retain a fairly strong sense of perspective and know what is you and what is that which is around you. This is one of the elements that contribute to the experience feeling so inexplicably real.
Perhaps you could further clarify what it is you meant by 'removing subjectivity from consciousness'? If you're looking for complete ego dissolution then I find a nice fat dose of LSD is more useful than smoking/vaporizing DMT.
From what I gather, I'm pretty sure an ayahuasca experience is more of what you're looking for. You should look into some brewing techniques rather than extraction teks. Happy travels :D
Removing subjectivity from consciousness is a bit odd to explain over text but I'll try: Since everyone has their subjective views at life (subjective experience, no two people can live the same life) no one person could possibly figure out all of religion/spirituality on their own, because they can only experience so much, and they could only experience things from their perspective, which keeps people from wholly understanding one another; but there are techniques out there (yoga, meditation, psychedelics, could be tons more) to help remove our own subjectivity by a certain means of ego death (still not exactly the term I'm looking for). This is the most awkward to explain part: Removing subjectivity would remove ego, as well as perspective; which would allow one to experience everything, since they are no longer bound by that subjectivity that separates us all, including ultimate understanding. Whatever that ultimate understanding is, I have no idea, but I plan on spending my life finding out.
All of this started to materialize slowly in my mind after a big (15 gram) mushroom trip about three months ago, and I'm only just starting to put together many of the ideas that came to me during that state.
Ayahuasca has always been something that interested me, but I'd much rather try DMT by itself before ayahuasca.
While I do agree that a large LSD dose would be ideal for what I'm trying to discover, I believe that there are many things we can learn from DMT, so I plan on working those out in time. I just live in a very bad area for acid, I haven't even seen any at all since after Rothbury, and even when I have gotten it in the past it has been in low quantities (rarely allowing me to be able to keep more than one tab for myself) and at very high prices (15-20 a hit average, 100 for 10 if I'm super lucky), but I still believe that DMT would be an immensely useful tool in my psychedelic exploration until I can both get a lot, and afford a lot of acid.
01-12-2010, 11:33 PM
Hey guys, im really interested in dmt and have been reading and watching everything i can find on it. i just bought the book DMT: the spirit molecule, and this stuff just sounds more mind blowing than anything else! Ive never tried acid, mainly because its hard to find. I smoke ganja daily. Ive done shrooms once, it was amazing...really intense scary at first but then just pure bliss. But i got extremely down after, the next day i just felt empty and alone in a way that ive never felt. I have been dealing with severe depression most of my life. obviously cannibis helps tremendously. But im thinking about giving DMT a shot, im just wondering if it could worsen my depression. I know just about everyone has an amazing experience with their dmt trip, but does anyone know how it affects people with severe depression?
01-13-2010, 12:43 AM
Dont do a bunch of it or habitually at all but i think a few dmt trips might give you a different perspective on your life and it sounds like thats what you need. I think if you already medicate your depression with buds it couldn't hurt too much just dont overdo it.
01-13-2010, 11:26 AM
I am not the most knowledgeable person on this subject. (Correct me if I am wrong) I believe that If you have serious problems with serotonin levels in your body then DMT might not be the best thing. I have learned that when taking hallucinogens such as mushrooms when I am feeling depressed or when I have had a bad day is not the best thing to do. It can bring out the worst of those feelings. As for DMT I am not sure, but I do believe that it might not be the best thing along with depression.
I also have had severe depression for the majority of my life (later turned into type 2 bipolar) due to many deaths in the family as well as people I am close to. When I tried DMT the day after my trip I did feel a little more depressed than I usually did. And I did feel "empty" in a way. Also I remember feeling alone and "Numb".
I have found a way to control what I feel pretty well through meditation, art, friends and family. I wish you the best of luck. And I would try and find out how DMT affects serotonin levels.
I always stick by a few rules for doing hallucinogens/psychedelics:
1. If you anything has happened that day that you regret don't do them.
2. If you are feeling down don't do them.
3. If you are hesitating about it or are not sure about it then don't do them.
4. If you have not experienced the three above this then GO FOR IT.
(More or less)
01-13-2010, 11:32 AM
DMT is not like LSD/Mushrooms as much in that sense BigManNew, DMT is usually so quick acting when smoked that you dont really have time to freak out about anything cause you are gone. its a short experience overall so by the time you are back you should be grounded enough to hold it together IMO. I mean it might not be the best thing to do if you are depressed, but if you go in with the right intentions then it could be wonderful for you. Ask the DMT a question, it will answer.
01-13-2010, 11:40 AM
Ah ok, I was thinking more about the after effects that It could have with someone with higher or lower serotonin levels than normal
01-13-2010, 08:59 PM
I have been experimenting with dmt for about six months so far and i absolutly love it. I have seen people who have never tripped before take a breakthrough dose and come back with a smile on their face. something i have not heard anybody on here say but almost everyone i have given a dose to says its the most comfortable beautiful feeling ever and they were not scared at all. most people were wanting to trip again before the hour or so of tolerance was even up. honestly for treating depression i think it would work wonders, just trip with the purpose of being a happier more positive person. the body buzz and chill feeling it leaves you with after the trip are nothing like a hangover or comedown from other tryptamines, its euphoric and beautiful.
The one thing i can say about dmt is dont be afraid. it sounds kinda scary and it is really intense, but oh my god is it awesome. if your a real tripper take a big smoked dose on the peak of another psycadelic, its a whole different ball game, lasts way longer and is not as jarring because your already tripping.
side note: N N dmt is way colorful and visual and comes on really really fast.
5 MeO dmt is (in my opinion) alot more peaceful and your not overcome by the visuals, therefore are more able to integrate the experience. also 5meo is more potent by weight so you can have a "harder trip" with the amount of smoke being inhaled.
I have had my most beautifully spiritual experiences with 5meo but the most enjoyable with N-N on the peak of acid and molly(if your a psyconaut you must try this combo, its epic beyond what i can describe)
01-13-2010, 10:27 PM
I have been experimenting with dmt for about six months so far and i absolutly love it. I have seen people who have never tripped before take a breakthrough dose and come back with a smile on their face. something i have not heard anybody on here say but almost everyone i have given a dose to says its the most comfortable beautiful feeling ever and they were not scared at all. most people were wanting to trip again before the hour or so of tolerance was even up. honestly for treating depression i think it would work wonders, just trip with the purpose of being a happier more positive person. the body buzz and chill feeling it leaves you with after the trip are nothing like a hangover or comedown from other tryptamines, its euphoric and beautiful.
The one thing i can say about dmt is dont be afraid. it sounds kinda scary and it is really intense, but oh my god is it awesome. if your a real tripper take a big smoked dose on the peak of another psycadelic, its a whole different ball game, lasts way longer and is not as jarring because your already tripping.
side note: N N dmt is way colorful and visual and comes on really really fast.
5 MeO dmt is (in my opinion) alot more peaceful and your not overcome by the visuals, therefore are more able to integrate the experience. also 5meo is more potent by weight so you can have a "harder trip" with the amount of smoke being inhaled.
I have had my most beautifully spiritual experiences with 5meo but the most enjoyable with N-N on the peak of acid and molly(if your a psyconaut you must try this combo, its epic beyond what i can describe)
this guy knows whats up^^^
but, the only thing i disagree with you about is the 5-meo. Me and my friends do not smoke this anymore. I had tried it in the past and i have tried "jungle spice" too and i will only smoke the clear/white shard now. I find 5meo VERY dark and sinister in comparison to normal n-nDMT, and also far far far less colorful/intense visually.
01-14-2010, 12:07 AM
5meo is a bit more physical feeling
It really depends on you personally which one would make you feel more "comfortable and peaceful"
Some people enjoy the body load more and other the visual and the mental affects.
Thats why they are all out there for you to learn with
01-14-2010, 03:38 AM
I am not the most knowledgeable person on this subject. (Correct me if I am wrong) I believe that If you have serious problems with serotonin levels in your body then DMT might not be the best thing. I have learned that when taking hallucinogens such as mushrooms when I am feeling depressed or when I have had a bad day is not the best thing to do. It can bring out the worst of those feelings. As for DMT I am not sure, but I do believe that it might not be the best thing along with depression.
I also have had severe depression for the majority of my life (later turned into type 2 bipolar) due to many deaths in the family as well as people I am close to. When I tried DMT the day after my trip I did feel a little more depressed than I usually did. And I did feel "empty" in a way. Also I remember feeling alone and "Numb".
I have found a way to control what I feel pretty well through meditation, art, friends and family. I wish you the best of luck. And I would try and find out how DMT affects serotonin levels.
I always stick by a few rules for doing hallucinogens/psychedelics:
1. If you anything has happened that day that you regret don't do them.
2. If you are feeling down don't do them.
3. If you are hesitating about it or are not sure about it then don't do them.
4. If you have not experienced the three above this then GO FOR IT.
(More or less)
thanks bigman. Im actually having my serotonin/thyroid/hormone/blood... tested. still waiting on the results. Im looking for any chemical imbalance because i can't take prescription antidepressants. My body has rejected all the ones ive tried and the last one gave me a fucking peptic ulcer in the left side of my stomach! all of them worsened my depression significantly, so much for ssris. So once i find out where my serotonin level is, im going to try dmt for the first time. I completely agree that mood and settings effect your trip significantly. the horror stories usually result from a bad setting, nervousness, no knowledge on the substance, and propaganda, along with closed minded people. Im a firm believer in natural remedies. ganja fixes everything, and shrooms changed the way i look at the world. anyways
What is a good dosage for your first dmt trip? From what ive read i think N N DMT is what i want, but where do you guys get it? or do you just extract it yourself.
01-14-2010, 04:09 AM
All i have to say glassmonkey is that i was very intimidated and nervous about DMT up until it took me out of this world, i think it would be very hard to have a bad trip, but thats just me.
01-14-2010, 05:26 AM
I got given mine out of nowhere in a parking lot at a festival. I don't know the specific amount you should take for your first time. But try to take 3 hits, if you can't make it to the third that is normal. Also I am damn sure someone already posted this link in this thread, but I will post it again in case you had not read the entire thread.
I highly recommend exploring this website, and read as much as you can for knowledge about DMT.
01-14-2010, 06:30 AM
one third of a tenth of a gram should be sufficient for a dose.
01-14-2010, 07:52 AM
50mg to blast off IMO
01-15-2010, 11:57 PM
I just smoked DMT for the first time about 45 minutes ago, just a pinch to test the waters of a point I just got, and words cannot truly describe the beauty of what I experienced. I'm incredibly excited for when I smoke most of the rest of it later tonight with my girlfriend (also and experienced psychonaut), I cannot wait to see what beauty a truly open third eye has in store for me.
01-16-2010, 12:23 AM
it truly is a wonderful thing.
its kindof like you feel like shouting EUREKA!
01-16-2010, 12:45 AM
Glad you could experience it!
01-22-2010, 06:45 AM
wow so in the past week ive had 3 dmt sessions (previously had only smoked twice before, both breakthroughs)
tonight was by far the craziest
i started with a small hit just to get things going
few minutes later, took another to try and dig a little deeper....nothing, not enough
so i load up some more and take a little bit bigger of a hit....woooopps to big!!! breaking through as i lay back
lay on the ground with my eyes closed, head moving side to side and seeing all these jungle vines criss-crossing in front of me, with an ever changing foreign alphabet strewn in between the vines
then i felt like i was buried 10 feet underground (or underwater??) and i had some mystical fairies "watering" me on all sides as if i was a plant. then out of no where, this VERY disturbing old man looking gnome presence came in and walked a circle around me. i was very scared for a second, but he left. (first time i ever seen some "gnome" on dmt, and he was tall! not short)
i came out of this state completely bewildered. my cat came over and i played with him for a little bit. so crazy interacting with an animal while on dmt. he seemed like a little tiger baby! very ferocious, lol.
so then i thought it would be a good idea to smoke the remainder of the resin that was in the pipe. i just wanted a little blast to see some patterns and leave the session on a good note.
well i took too big of a hit again (anticipating that i would need a larger hit due to tolerance) and this time i was immediately greeted with a WALL. now i couldnt see anything but i was hit with an incredible presence of the same watering ladies. and they were telling me to go away and how ridiculously naive i was trying to reach the same space again. i could NOT stop thinking how badly i wanted the trip to be over now.
then i went into one of the most analytical stages of my entire life. i thought to myself "im gonna give the rest of this away so someone else can experience it (and so i dont have to have any more weird trips)"
then i just got to thinking about money. and how people sell dmt, lsd, mushrooms when really these drugs are all about expanding your conscienceness. i suddenly could not IMAGINE paying for any psychadelics, and i couldnt stop thinking about the kid I bought the dmt off of.
then i started thinking why do any of us like money? it is the driving force of humanity. i almost come to the conclusion that the reason humans have evolved beyond other animals was the invention of currency and thus the resulting battle. (still thinking on this one)
i dont think im going to smoke anymore for quite some time. my previous 2 trips were spaced a year apart, and these 3 sessions in one week has really hung me out to dry so to speak.
another weird thing is
the first two trips, were totally hindu in feel, and sparked a curiosity in hinduism. on my first trip, my atman litterally merged with brahman, and i for the first time understood the term "one"
(sorry if my terms are off its been a while since i studied up)
but these last three trips, have felt totally aztec/mayan in nature. what with the vines, and weird south american chanting i heard....makes me wonder if my dmt was extracted from plants from different parts of the world :D
01-24-2010, 06:46 PM
I know where you are coming from with the money thing, why not just abandon it and use hard honest work as a currency so we have one less thing to compete or fight about.
I wondered what it would be like if my cat would've been there, i think that would've made my trip amazing.
01-24-2010, 06:56 PM
he luckily walked over to me as i was coming down. i think during the plateu i probably would have not been able to tell it was my cat and thought it was some crazy creature haha
01-28-2010, 02:13 AM
shatterwulf, after that post i was hoping to see a thoughtful sig.
keep it up! along ur mental travels, a good idea i think, is to write a book about such experiences. peace darkcloud
01-28-2010, 04:58 PM
shatterwulf, after that post i was hoping to see a thoughtful sig.
keep it up! along ur mental travels, a good idea i think, is to write a book about such experiences. peace darkcloud
I actually ended up writing a trip report for the truly incredible experence I had that night, I'll post it up here; writing it out also really helped me contemplate what exactly had happened, and I'm still not sure what it all meant.
The times I've given are in the minutes:seconds formats and are my best guesses for when everything happened, my perception of time was destroyed while tripping.
As for the environment I was in for the dose. I was sitting in my living room at home, on the couch with my girlfriend (also and experienced psychonaut) who had dosed a similar amount, probably a little less since her lung capacity is a bit smaller than myself, just a few minutes before myself, we were both sitting on opposite sides of the couch facing towards each other so we could stretch out our legs and relax. Most of the lights in my house were off, with the exception of a lamp behind me (a neat 70s table/lamp combo I picked up at an estate sale) and some interior multicolored christmas lights strung above the doorway to the dining room (for the added festivities during the holidays, but we ended up keeping them up for psychedelics) that I was facing. On the TV we had playing this DVD I just recently bought called spotworks, it's mostly just trippy animation with light ambient/electronic, we had it set to show a loop of animations from the screensaver electric sheep, which just renders fractal flames.
+0:00: I load a small stemless bubbler with between 30-40mg of DMT on top of a small bed of some pretty nice no name hydro I picked up last week. I hold the lighter lit slightly above the bowl and inhale to start to vaporize the DMT, and after about half the hit, bring the lighter down to light the whole bowl. It takes me three hits I think until the dose starts to hit me; and the idea of holding the pipe, much less hitting it again, feels very out of the question.
+0:30: My eyes begin to vibrate as well as most everything inside my vision, the pipe, my coffee table, the television, and even inside my body all begin to vibrate with a seemingly same frequency.
+0:45: I feel the DMT really grab me, at this point, it feels like salvia, but many millions of times more beautiful, colors have become vivid beyond belief.
+1:00: I have a very hard time to accept everything that I am seeing as actual reality, even though DMT has me by the balls, I feel very apprehensive of everything; I feel that nothing could be this incredible, or this beautiful. I close my eyes for a moment and I see the most incredible visuals I've ever seen, fractals more intricate than I could ever imagine, colors I've never before experienced, brighter than I've ever seen.
+1:45: I open my eyes again. My fear and apprehension melts away with the beauty of what became the beginning of my peak. I look at the television and the fractals showing on the screen and they are of a brightness and color that I have never before experienced. Things are more colorful, vivid, and beautiful than I could ever describe.
+2:30: I look away from the television at my eyes are drawn to the brightness of the christmas lights in the dining room. They become brighter and brighter, until they seem to burst into flames of incredibly vivid and complex color. I cannot stand the intensity of their color and beauty any longer and I look away, closing my eyes putting my face sort of into the couch; and I immediately feel far away from my living room, in a place (I couldn't tell if it was enclosed or not, but it was incredibly large) covered in patterns so intricate I couldn't even describe.
+3:30: I see a face enter my field of vision, it appears to be some sort of chinese Buddha, or ancient eastern teacher. The face looks like it is made out of something like molten silver flecked with bright reds and greens, but many more times brighter than anything I've ever seen before. I cannot describe how, but it feels like the face is looking into or down onto me, like it's viewing me inside a box or container, but this does not bother me, because the face is looking at me with an expression on it's face of what feels like pure compassion, pure love, and pure acceptance. He looks like he is proud of me, and this brings feelings of joy inside my soul far greater than anything I could ever describe. I feel like I am in this place for between 30 minutes and an hour, it felt almost as if time had stopped, as if I was beyond time itself.
+4:30: I open my eyes and see my living room as I had once seen it, but my whole body is tingling, still feeling the reverberations of the vibration I had felt earlier. My brain feels relaxed, and I feel incredible, and most surprisingly, I feel very close to sober.
+6:00 I feel about 90% back to baseline, but much more relaxed than I began the evening. The only thing remaining from the trip is a slight tingling in my arms a legs, but it's a very relaxing feeling.
02-12-2010, 02:54 AM
i just posted on my expirience it was quite wonderful.
02-20-2010, 09:01 AM
07-08-2017, 09:16 AM
I heard Ayahuasca is the same as DMT ( but its healthier. Its in a tea form but it gives the same trip
When my friend tried he said its the same trip.
11-06-2017, 07:39 AM
what ever happend to the full melt dry sift the backround image of this site is lit
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