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View Full Version : New Item from Texas made my tomatoes amazing ...

01-01-2010, 10:20 PM
OK I may be late to finding this stuff ,,, but I started using it and was amazed at the gains from it Ubiogrow ... you can find it on the web I got it from a botany expert in Texas.

01-03-2010, 06:45 PM
fucking seriously?????????? Im not trying to be a dick, but you and your friend, handle:ubiogrow have only made one post each, and BOTH of them are advertising your product, and what are the "naturally occurring elements that are essential for plant growth".

This is not fullmelttomato.com we are all about CANNABIS TRICHOMES here, but please post some pictures of CANNABIS plants that have used this product.

and you are not late finding this product, I searched the entire internet for any other cannabis growers posting about this product on all the forums I.E Breedbay, thcfarmer, icmag so on and so forth and did not find ONE thread, but please post a link.

also what do you smoke said tomato with?? must be a huge bowl.

I'm sure that came off as a dick but, I just find it odd that both of your posts are so blatantly pushing a product in your very first post. I am all for pushing good products and helping friends but coming into Bmans world and not even posting some pics of some fullmelt or engaging in a discussion before telling people to buy a product that NO ONE has ever used or heard of is a little disturbing to me to say the least.

but please post some pics, do you have any side by side grows using the ubiogrow and another companys nutrients??????

Do you guys have samples for people interested in the product or do they have to fork over $20??
Sorry to rain on the parade. . . . . . . Just gotta call it how I see it.

01-06-2010, 05:45 PM
Happy to respond to you .. and tomatoes was in Jest
I have been a Bman followerand a plant grower for many a year. I met Tom and tried his stuff and had great results.
I will be happy to post the results here and confirm what I posted. Lastly I told him I was gonna post here and he just saw this was a target rich site. I agree the proofs in the bubble...errrr Plants.

You are a not a dick I just didn't know Tom was gonna post behind me. Bman has all my respect and I have had great success from what I have gleaned here. I have no financial reason to post this just was trying to give back. I understand from your other posts you have been published .. get with Tom and do the test yourself I am sure he will send you or anyone here a sample and explain what was learned by reviving soil in the oil patches here in Texas were this product originates from.
I understand your post ...understand my response please.

fucking seriously?????????? Im not trying to be a dick, but you and your friend, handle:ubiogrow have only made one post each, and BOTH of them are advertising your product, and what are the "naturally occurring elements that are essential for plant growth".

This is not fullmelttomato.com we are all about CANNABIS TRICHOMES here, but please post some pictures of CANNABIS plants that have used this product.

and you are not late finding this product, I searched the entire internet for any other cannabis growers posting about this product on all the forums I.E Breedbay, thcfarmer, icmag so on and so forth and did not find ONE thread, but please post a link.

also what do you smoke said tomato with?? must be a huge bowl.

I'm sure that came off as a dick but, I just find it odd that both of your posts are so blatantly pushing a product in your very first post. I am all for pushing good products and helping friends but coming into Bmans world and not even posting some pics of some fullmelt or engaging in a discussion before telling people to buy a product that NO ONE has ever used or heard of is a little disturbing to me to say the least.

but please post some pics, do you have any side by side grows using the ubiogrow and another companys nutrients??????

Do you guys have samples for people interested in the product or do they have to fork over $20??
Sorry to rain on the parade. . . . . . . Just gotta call it how I see it.

01-06-2010, 06:30 PM
When this was posted on the first i did a little googling on Ubiogrow and searched some other sites as well. I wasn't able to find any good *technical* information on the product. Mostly anecdotal or sales material. What is Ubiogrow? All i could gather was it's a supplement for micro-nutrients and/or a soil conditioner to help with the beneficials. Is it more than just a compost tea? To me, I felt the same as EG, it seemed like a post from a vendor looking to push their product. I didn't even see *why* it was good, just that it was and I should use it.

Can you be more descriptive as to how you used it, in conjunction with what other nutrients, perhaps some pics, and also a little more of what 'amazed' you with the product? I think this type of info can get this thread back on track. Thanks.

01-06-2010, 07:00 PM
yeah...this look like spam to me...hey, nice way to introduce yourselves! how about not advertising on your first 2 posts. seems rather opportunistic to me. how else can WE help you? it's the least WE could do, especially after everything YOU have done for us, already!