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View Full Version : fluorescent lights

01-04-2010, 10:14 AM
I've heard from one video that compact fluorescent lights are quite a step up in effectiveness - and, I believe, cost-efficiency - above incandescent light bulbs. Is this true? It also said that hps and something else might be even better if you have the money, but I'd rather not spend too much money on lighting if I ever became an indoor grower. Thank you

01-04-2010, 03:29 PM
You can use CFL, I have a friend that uses these:
The thing with these lights, is they never pack on much weight because of the low wattage so my buddy uses CO2 to help pack on some weight.
A cfl at 13 watts is equal to a incand. bulb using 60 watts. . . . .

01-04-2010, 03:36 PM
Incandecent bulbs are not suitable for growing.

Florecent lighting (incl CFL) can be effectively used for vegetive growth.... clones, moms, a small amount of production growth..... but in my opinion are not the most effective for flowering. Many people use them however and are satisfied with thier results. I just find that HID (MH or HPS) lighting produces more vigorous robust growth, and bigger denser buds in less time.

Every dollar you spend on equipment now, will pay itself back in herb at harvest time.... and next harvest, and the next... pretty soon your herb will be nearly free. Plants need air, food, water, and light. Cheap out on any of those and the plants will not do as well as they could.

Light is the main power source for all the growth and bud production, and effective indoor gardens should have between 50-75 watts per square foot of HID lighting. IMO- lesser lights = lesser final product


01-04-2010, 06:46 PM
Yeah Hps and Metal halide are much more effective, but i dont know about energy efficient. They would definitely be worth the extra money because like YBG said they not only speed up growth but produce denser, larger nugs.

01-14-2010, 09:31 AM
I agree with the overall effectiveness of the HID bulbs, but at the same time if a new light just isnt in the cards (or budget), a few flourescent lights can still grow you some top notch herbs. The first few grows I undertook back in the day were all flourescent, I can honestly say that the flowers quality was up there with the best of them. Im sure i lucked out on the genetics, but with two four foot double bulb fixtures with plant spectrum bulbs and crappy soil with no nutrients i yeilded around two zips from one plant of the best herb id ever smoked at that point in my life. If its your only option id say go for it...youll end up with a modest head stash of good quality. If you can afford it though, do yourself a favor and get a HID light. It'll pay for itself. Best of luck.

01-14-2010, 05:20 PM
I've heard from one video that compact fluorescent lights are quite a step up in effectiveness - and, I believe, cost-efficiency - above incandescent light bulbs. Is this true? It also said that hps and something else might be even better if you have the money, but I'd rather not spend too much money on lighting if I ever became an indoor grower. Thank youyou should try some old xmas tree lights.they are led and good to start seedling off just drill holes and put you ledlight in there .cheap and will give your plants a head start for summer if you grow out doors.You can buy some cheap led bulbs and they will fit in old lamp shade.

01-14-2010, 05:23 PM
led lights are getting very good and cant see anyone using anything else soon

01-14-2010, 09:23 PM
you should try some old xmas tree lights.they are led and good to start seedling off just drill holes and put you ledlight in there .cheap and will give your plants a head start for summer if you grow out doors.You can buy some cheap led bulbs and they will fit in old lamp shade.

Just as a note not all christmas lights are LED lights. They make many that are but they're different than the norm lights your parents buy, I bet.

I love how YBK saves the day in these grow threads everytime. Gotta set the record straight. :pipe:

01-14-2010, 09:58 PM
FORREAL YBK everytime i read a thread involving growing etc anthing of the lines of it everything he says seems soo to the point haha love it!And man seruislyy if your gunna start growing have materials before hand just to make sure and dont be scared to throw a little extra money on some HPS or etc save u in the long run
