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View Full Version : Need help saving my diffuser

02-20-2010, 08:11 PM
Hey guys had a bit of a crazy night last night and one of my drunken friends knocked my 7mm Illadelph tube over while we were having some late-night festivities and unfortunately some glass broke. Luckily the tube survived without a scratch, but the joint on the bowl snapped off and it is still stuck in my diffuser. Now I have accepted that the bowl is lost and thankfully it was just the stock bowl and not something nicer, but the broken joint is stuck in the diffuser and nothing is working. I tried using a metal piece with a hook at the end to try and pull it out but it hasn't worked so do you guys know any other tricks? I was kinda thinking about just trying to break the broken glass joint apart but i'm not really sure the best way to do so. The diffuser isn't broken in any way so it would be nice to save it if possible :pray:. Thanks for any help guys!

Pics are attached.

02-20-2010, 08:43 PM
Get something that you can stick in there that is not metal and pry it out maybe?

02-20-2010, 08:44 PM
Or if you clean the diffuser really well, take it to a glass shop and see if they can help you out.

02-20-2010, 08:50 PM
it's all about temperature.... either cool it down or warm it up. stick it in the fridge, make sure it's dry first. so, probably start with blow drying it and try to get it warm. if that doesnt work put it in the fridge. it should come out unless it was really forced in there.

i'm medicated right now but i remember i once i slightly baked a potato and cut it in half and used it to remove a broke light bulb from a light socket.

02-20-2010, 09:09 PM
i'm medicated right now but i remember i once i slightly baked a potato and cut it in half and used it to remove a broke light bulb from a light socket.

ohh man lol, how did this work exactly?

02-21-2010, 03:37 PM
ohh man lol, how did this work exactly?

Cut it in half an shove it on the broken part. Twist. Works like a charm.:bongin:

02-21-2010, 04:06 PM
Make sure the diffy is dry then freeze it. The glass will contract making it easier to get out.

dog fish
02-21-2010, 06:32 PM
ah the old potato trick. :) lol

i once got a stuck diffy out by running lukewarm water over it. it wasnt broken jut water locked i assume. might want to try the potato thing if there is enough exposed.

02-21-2010, 07:17 PM
ohh man lol, how did this work exactly?

a friend of mine and I were restoring an old barn from the 1800s. There were a few light sockets that were extremely primitive. We couldn't find the breaker anywhere, we looked all day, i didn't know anything about electricity so I wasn't sure if they even had them originally or what... One of the few lights in the barn had a broken bulb. Like the metal part of the bulb was still in the socket and there were some sharp shards of glass sticking out. Every time i tried to unscrew it it gave me a mean shock. My friend told me he would give me $100 to get it down. So i tried relentlessly. Eventually, we called it a day. I told my father the story, and he's oldschool, like WW 1 old school and he told me the potato trick. I cut it in half boiled it for about 10 minutes till it was soft but not mash potatoes. Went to work with it wrapped in foil still warm and basically just smashed it up over the whole fixture and with one twist it came out. I thought i was god for 5 minutes until my friend informed me that he knew where the circuit box was the whole time and he just enjoyed watching me shock myself over and over for $100. He still brings it up. If anyone says anything about $100, he's like. "you know the best hundred i ever spent?"

02-23-2010, 03:23 AM
Hey guys thanks for the ideas! I tried the freezer but it didn't make any progress that i can see. I also tried running it under hot water out of the freezer and there wasn't much luck. I've cleaned it very well so I'm going to go take it to a local blower tomorrow and see if there is anything he can do.

12-22-2010, 07:15 PM
a friend of mine and I were restoring an old barn from the 1800s. There were a few light sockets that were extremely primitive. We couldn't find the breaker anywhere, we looked all day, i didn't know anything about electricity so I wasn't sure if they even had them originally or what... One of the few lights in the barn had a broken bulb. Like the metal part of the bulb was still in the socket and there were some sharp shards of glass sticking out. Every time i tried to unscrew it it gave me a mean shock. My friend told me he would give me $100 to get it down. So i tried relentlessly. Eventually, we called it a day. I told my father the story, and he's oldschool, like WW 1 old school and he told me the potato trick. I cut it in half boiled it for about 10 minutes till it was soft but not mash potatoes. Went to work with it wrapped in foil still warm and basically just smashed it up over the whole fixture and with one twist it came out. I thought i was god for 5 minutes until my friend informed me that he knew where the circuit box was the whole time and he just enjoyed watching me shock myself over and over for $100. He still brings it up. If anyone says anything about $100, he's like. "you know the best hundred i ever spent?"

This should be a visa commercial.

Potato $1.00.
Lost Bet$100.00.

Watching your friend getting shocked for sport...Priceless.

12-22-2010, 07:18 PM

shud help u out,

i used a butane torch, a small one, like a tiger,

i just heated up the joints where the water is till it bubbles out,
