View Full Version : never seen a bong break like this before

02-24-2010, 07:01 PM
I wasn't using this piece for awhile so I had it stored in the closet. So, I took it out of the closet and decided to hit it a few times. I set it on the table when I was done, but my cat jumped up on the table and knocked the bong onto the hardwood. He cut his paw I was sad :(

The re-enforced 13 and the fused-4 stayed in one piece. I'm either going to sell this off real cheap or get it turned into a neat custom...not sure which yet. Anyway, these percs are solid.

In the pic if kinda looks like the foot is cracked, but it not. It was light or something under the tube or something. Everything perc and below isn't damaged at all.

Crazy break...

Just wanted to share cause I've never seen the actual tube break with the percs staying in one piece!


02-24-2010, 07:30 PM
damn dude thats a tragedy, id think its unfixable:(, as the whole top of the tube is detached:sick1:. Your better off probably gettin a replacement. How old was the toro? mind me asking

02-24-2010, 07:32 PM
It's from January 2010...I sent an e-mail to SGW to see what he could do with it, I talked to one blower and he said it was fixable, so I pretty confident it can be fixed..

02-24-2010, 07:37 PM
Yeah fucking harsh, i got a reinforced as well, its good to see the braced arms really do make it more durable for falls/spills. But sucks lennon is busy, and i know first hand thatsgw is gonna charge a shit load for a repair, maybe almost a 4th of the tube. Have you pmed wak they have no competition when it comes to customer service? might even upgrade yours at cost.:cool1:

02-24-2010, 08:07 PM
No offense bro, but if you have to put your toro in a closet, id reccommend another daily driver. getting a us tubes. The only reason i have a toro is cause it can set out freely and add its own beauty to the room. Id never put a 700 dollar investment/masterpiece in the closet, just cause i have to hide it, id just have a regular bong that i wouldnt have to repair care about if an unfortunate accident happened. But that is just me.

My bad fmb double post...

02-24-2010, 08:19 PM
Hows the cat?

02-24-2010, 08:20 PM
It was sitting in the closet because I store my tubes there and I wasn't using it at the time...and it didn't break in the closet, it got knocked off a table. That it was a closet it for man, storage ;)

I don't have to hide my tubes, thats just where I had room to keep it...

02-24-2010, 08:20 PM
Hows the cat?

Doing well :)

They gave me some liquid morphine to give him and stitched his paw up, he is actually in my lap right now :) Thanks for asking!

02-24-2010, 09:04 PM
No offense bro, but if you have to put your toro in a closet, id reccommend another daily driver.
My bad fmb double post...

Oh no the the tube in the closeet!!! NO!!! I leave all my tubes in my closet man. And that is fixable man. Just gotta find the right man to do it!!! Hold onto it!!! And try to get in touch with toro maybe!!

02-25-2010, 12:37 AM
wow man that must have been quite a fall
hope ya get that tube fixed up man, maybe even see if the blower would be able todo a 7-9mm section above the perc or make it bent neck even :pipe:

02-25-2010, 01:11 AM
I bet Preston at SGW would fix it. I know he is busy until after the show. www.StoneGlassWorks.com (http://www.glassdistrict.com/forums/stoneglassworks/2896-www-stoneglassworks-com.html)

02-25-2010, 02:19 AM
I broke my SG that exact same way and Preston said it wasn't fixable by him; Lennon was the only person I could find to fix it; and it died in repair. :(

02-25-2010, 04:03 AM
If my hops would have been in the closet and not out in the open it would still be in the game, lol.