View Full Version : Light trouble !!

03-15-2010, 01:50 AM
Came home last Thursday to find my lights out . I'm 5 week into veg . Over the last few days I finally resolved the issue to be shoddy wiring in my attic . If I could show you the pictures of the mess of wirer nuts and crap just stuffed under the isulation w/o a box or anything it 's mazing we haven't burnt up in a fire ! And we have lived here for 8 years with it like that ...
Anyhow the lights at best they have had at least 12hours or more of light each day with that being a sporadic intervals . Light are fixed and wired PROPERLY at this time and for see no more issues .
In the meantime I need another 2 weeks of veg or more or that's what I had planned .
How far back has this placed my plants ? They do not appear harmed in any way . Or at this point would it just be hormonal and correct it's self in a few days and revert back to veg ?
I now need a much shower to wash the layer of insulation off and take a huge ripper . Thanks to my bro who came over and threw his weekend away to save US and the girls .
Next house I will trace EVERYTHING from my lights to my breakers first !
Much love ~~~:bongin:

03-15-2010, 02:42 PM
How long were they off for? it should be fine if it was only a few days. I was watering my crop a few weeks ago before going to tahoe to snowboard and I left my hydrohut unzipped, come back 5 days later to find my UK Cheese which was 3 weeks into flowering. It has been about 2 weeks since the fuckup and they are doing great, no male flowers. I wouldn't be too worried, seems like you corrected the problem before it got out of hand. Some pics would help though.

03-15-2010, 06:08 PM
if you are saying it was only 12 hours, then in my opinion it's no big deal at all. Sometimes when I get un-femmed seeds to play with I will take them from the slower room and almost light dep. them in a closet and force them to flower so I know the sex of the plant. I will then take the females and put them back under a 24 hour light cycle and in just a couple days or less they revert back to the vegg stage and stop flowering. I've never had any problems with this method before. However, I vegg for longer than most. Some people try to do these real quick turns, in which case this will slow your process but only by a few days imo, which is nothing in a longer vegg.

my power went out the other day, humboldt needs to get there power situation figured out. I lost all of day 14 in my flower cycle. No problems have come from it though. If anything it just really speeded up the flowering process imo.

03-15-2010, 08:05 PM
i think ive heard of this actually being a technique to get a larger harvest, but dont quote me on it. also, in my experience a messed up light cycle is nothing to worry about. however, turning on lights during the dark cycle or seepage is a whole nother story.

03-22-2010, 11:54 PM
Everything looks great . Light have been fixed for a week . The girls don't look any worse for the experience . Infact They don't seem to have missed a beat .
Much love ~~