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View Full Version : Bubble curious

09-10-2010, 11:04 PM
Hello everyone,
My name is CuriousBones. I'm a complete newbie to bubble, I haven't even tried it yet. I have been talking to friends and reading all about bubble hash and I am completely enthralled. I've never been a major hash fan. It's always just made me tired, but Mitch, from Incredibowl Industries, convinced me that I wasn't smoking the right stuff. He said bubble hash was the best. The more I read, the more I'm convinced that it's the safest, cleanest, purest option.
I have 5 plants, all different varieties, growing outdoors right now. Two strains will be ready within the week.
I decided to get a 1 gallon a bubblebag kit. I figure even if I have a bunch of material I'm better off doing multiple runs to get the hang of the process, and improve my skill.
There are a few questions I have for anyone who cares to respond:
1. Where do you find 1 gallon buckets? I tried home depot and the best they have is a 1 gallon empty paint can. I don't feel right about that option - way too much wrong with the whole idea. Can you use some sort stainless steel bucket from a kitchen supply store or should it be plastic?
2. Should I just use a wooden spoon or get a hand mixer? It would seem to me that a wooden spoon would be much easier in a one gallon bucket than with a 5 or 20 gallon setup. From what I've read around here, the wooden spoon is more effort but better end product.
3. Have said that, can you use a kitchen aid stand mixer (5.5 quart bowl) to do some of the mixing or is there a problem with using stainless steel?

I'm looking forward to my first run and would appreciate any input.

Peace, love and respect,

09-11-2010, 11:27 PM
1. any gallon container size that the bags will fit into will do great.
2. wooden spoon.
3. see number 2.

Welcome to FMB and full melt bubble hash.

09-12-2010, 12:49 AM
Thanks for the help.