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View Full Version : 2011 outdoor medical gardens ....show yours!

old school
05-20-2011, 01:15 PM
Hi all ! Not much action here anymore? Well lets start some with photos of our new gardens! We are about two weeks away from planting here in southern Colorado . It snowed about three inches overnight and I am sure alot of "new growers" are a little surprised how quickly thre weather can turn to shit at 7800 feet.No reason to get in a hurry here boys ! Keep it legal and stay within plant counts ! I hope we all have bountiful harvest ! Good Luck!!!!! Oldschool :bongin::bongin:

Delta 9
05-21-2011, 04:26 PM
Well Down south, at Zero Elevation. We are already Harvesting the First of our Outdoor crops.... of 2011. We hope to get in at least Three... Best of luck on your Plants in the Mile High Gardens....... D9

05-21-2011, 04:46 PM
Good luck to everyone this season...damn still getting snow...whats that like? :P

old school
08-04-2011, 03:53 AM
Ok sorry I took so long to get on this but I have been having problems getting the filesize right so the photos would upload. Girls are in 200 gallon "wonderpots". They seem to like them pretty well so far. I have been busy getting the trellis supports in, preparing for the heavy buds that will follow. Lots of soil top dressings go on at this time as we go into transition. You dont want them to be missing something at this time of year. This medical garden is fully organic. This was my first shot at organics and it has been quite the "learning curve" for sure! I hope everyones plants are doing well . Peace Oldschool

ps .....Its about time for an update Gramps !!!!!

oh yea 8 foot ladder in photos

08-27-2011, 04:55 AM
Sorry folks, Gramps got busted. Last week the local fuzz in our county has pulled the plug on several growers. They told me they don't accept caregivers as a legal grow. They are trying to keep growers to a 6 plant per family quota. They pulled 39 beautiful girls. Gramps and his family went to jail. This will cost Gramps$$$$. Time to move to a new county or a new state. I am not loving California right now. Peace. Have a good year guys.

old school
08-27-2011, 01:21 PM
Sorry folks, Gramps got busted. Last week the local fuzz in our county has pulled the plug on several growers. They told me they don't accept caregivers as a legal grow. They are trying to keep growers to a 6 plant per family quota. They pulled 39 beautiful girls. Gramps and his family went to jail. This will cost Gramps$$$$. Time to move to a new county or a new state. I am not loving California right now. Peace. Have a good year guys.

I hate hearing stories like this..... Gramps we are all pulling for you . I hope it turns out ok for you and your family.What county do you live in ? Are the busts a statewide thing or only your area? We have had several flyovers so far. The laws in this game are very confusing for sure. In our area the War on METH has taken second hand to the war medical mj! Hard to believe....sad,sad,sad.

08-27-2011, 03:04 PM
:( Just sad. Sympathy Gramps, keep yer chin up.


Juan Valdez
09-16-2011, 05:01 PM
:( Sorry to hear that , all my blessings for this family.