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View Full Version : Transporting fresh frozen trim

09-14-2012, 10:18 PM
I have a load of fresh frozen trim that i want to move to another location about 25 minutes away, I know that because of the structure of trim it defrosts really quick. has anyone had to do this or maybe has any advice tips. they are in small ish baggies. i was thinking crushed ice and salt layered with the bags in a polystyrene fish box but wondered if there were any better suggestions. many thanks.

09-16-2012, 11:55 PM
dry ice, you would need to contact a local ice manufacturer and likely drive out to their facility to collect it but its typically pretty cheap by the kilo. :)

09-20-2012, 01:05 AM
Dry ice if kept close with the trim will turn into powder on the drive so I'd be careful with that, or better yet, if it's not a truck full of trim just get a few cheap coolers and some ice? I know that if you used dry ice to make kief (or is it keif? I'm not a great speller) in a 220 micro bag it will make all the trim turn to powder if used more than a few mins. But why do you need to keep all this frozen in the first place?

09-20-2012, 02:43 PM
Thanks for the help guys, been a real disaster since my last post, the guy i was helping with my knowledge and time either pulled a fast one on me or blabbed and all our work was "stolen" the day it was jarred up. I started to question him about the suspicious nature of what happened and he threatened me with violence so Its a right off. the only saving grace is that i still got the trim, in the end i used a load of crushed ice and LOTS of salt in a big plastic bag, i also put some extra clean ice in each baggie, I know the salt and ice if there is a enough salt can go to -20c, as a result for the most part the trim stayed frozen. will post some pics of my results.