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View Full Version : Dry sift flavor add-back

09-01-2008, 07:06 PM
Just curious on how much dry sift different people use to add flavor to their melty bubble?

I have tried different ammounts from 20-40%, but I find some strains keep the flavour through water extraction while others don't have any flavor in the pure gland grades.

I have a few grades of unknown plant-matter so I reckon I'd just mix the best qualities with each other and add some dry sift of unknown origin to the batch as well. I'm trying to make a fine lump of tasty hash for christmas and won't be too bothered with assuring it stays full-melt, but rather regular gooey hash. I'll most likely press it or knead it. (Whether I should use 120 gands or just 90-70 and 45 I dunno yet, so I'd like input on this also).

-As a matter of fact I prefer vaping my melty hash, or mix it with weed/tobacco. This is probably considered blasphemic by some, but that's how I'm conditioned to use hash (as it's how we woud do it since I was a 12-year od kid and the only herbal cannabis available came from people travelling or the immature outdoors- or inferior fluoro-buds we could pull through from bagseeds ourselves....)
Although some kinds are good for toking pure, even though I never seem to get a fullbodied thick smoke when toking pure essences... -Any good tips on indulging the real melty stuff pure guys?!?)

Thanks for any contributions.

09-02-2008, 05:21 AM
Well i can honestly say that i don't find the need to add dry sift to my bubble all that often< but back ten years ago when i first started the company and started making the bubble, i did seem to have more strains come across, that contained mainly water soluble terpenoids, it wasnt until i got turned onto first shiskaberry and then rene, that i realized just how amazing of quality , flavour , and potency bubble can be.
Back then i would add maybe a 10% dry sift to the bubble, just for some flavour.
The problem with adding much more than that, unless your sift is of extremly high quality, you will lower the potency of your bubble.
I have some fullmelt dry sift here right now of champagne, as well as some champagne bubble, in multiple forms, cured and pressed, cured in powder, and some fairly fresh ( 2 months as appose to 3 years), and gotta admit, i probably like the 3 year cured bubble the most.

I do cringe at the thought of you adding nice bubble with tobacco, but i hear ya, its how you got turned onto smoking hash

I would never mix my grades either, but if you were going to, the 120u thru 73u would be as many grades as you would want to put together. leave the 45u out.

As for indulging the real melty stuff pure, I stick that shit in my roor and burn it down.

Stainless steel screen, bee line wick system for lighting.. works to the dome..

Bubble man

09-02-2008, 08:44 PM
Thanks alot for the organized answer (as opposed to my messy chat head yesterday)

I kept the things I knew seperated and also a bit of the 45 from some other pulls (did 7 small pulls, with everything from fresh and frozen to dust dry sugartrim, a few nights ago and had FIFTY little heaps to organize!!!).

Sour Bubble is kept separate. All from 185 to 38 seem usable, but I think the 185 will be eaten/cooked. (ca 3,0gram)

True Blueberry (DJ Short seeds) were almost impossible to crumble even though I washed it quite dry. (ca 1,5gram)

Fresh Frozen unknown stuff is separate because it seem so yummi and stick so good together... (ca 1,5gram

Skunk/Haze mix is kept separate.

I got from 2-30 hits of each kind so I'll get into the pure tokin stuff. Have different roor stuff and volcano and shit here so why not... (whife say no? -but what the hell, I'll be neat and tidy with it.) (I did a bit on paintersknifes and tin foil, but didn't really like it that way, so I'll try screens or even purified charcoal.)

I need to get some bee-line to try out as well. (I'll order when the 25 and 160 bags are back)

And thanks alot againe, for all the help you have provided!

09-02-2008, 11:03 PM

This little piece is 5g of blended essences (app. 80% water hash and 20% dry hash).
-...and I still have 10grams and some of decent bubble to play with :strokin:

I've so far barely tried a few types, but still haven't done the most appealing ones. I believe they get better if I let them cure at least for a week or two.
Although I am pretty sure I won't reach the FMCD stage in this run, I most definitively will melt some gooey resin marbles.)

Soon I'll play more with the washing machine!!!

Dust dry Sour Bubble 45: non-melt (black ghani-like)