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View Full Version : A question/request for bubbleman

09-28-2008, 01:44 AM
So I recall the past few years there has been a Legends of Hashish event in amsterdam in novemeber. I hear that the best of the best is judged there from you, sam skunkman...etc. The thing is, I never saw any pictures of the entries. Do you have any pictures from the last few years? If so, i would be grateful if you could post them, if not...its all good.

09-28-2008, 02:04 AM
well to be perfectly honest delightful. we have always prided ourselves on that fact that NO CAMERA'S are allowed at the event. Its main purpose was always to give serious smokers a one time place for gathering during the cup. THere is no commercial gain by coming to one, no companies are allowed to advertise, its all just smokers enjoying wonderful smoke.

Perhaps one day you will find yourself on the invite list and get to see first hand the joys of a Legends of Hash Dinner...

Bubble man

09-28-2008, 03:55 AM
I completely feel ya and respect that. Just curious about the meltyness....one day.

09-28-2008, 04:35 AM
well to be perfectly honest delightful. we have always prided ourselves on that fact that NO CAMERA'S are allowed at the event. Its main purpose was always to give serious smokers a one time place for gathering during the cup. THere is no commercial gain by coming to one, no companies are allowed to advertise, its all just smokers enjoying wonderful smoke.

Perhaps one day you will find yourself on the invite list and get to see first hand the joys of a Legends of Hash Dinner...

Bubble man

the way it should be, unlike the HIght times Commercial cup

09-28-2008, 03:25 PM
Whattsa matta SemperAltus? Why you got a hate on for the Cup man? Not going? Have a bad experience? Been to an L.O.H. dinner yourself and being a snob now? I think both events are great and wouldn't bash either, but thats just me. I'll let ya know if I've changed my mind after I've been myself this November. :)

Green Supreme
09-28-2008, 04:04 PM
I agree with Semper Altus. Cannabis Cup is bought. Thats no fun. Peace GS

09-28-2008, 04:04 PM
yukon you need to read the post before you talk shit.......he is saying that he thinks the cup shouldn't be televised and involved with the media......it should be very private like the legends of hash dinner is...........read next time before you speak shit....

09-28-2008, 07:08 PM
I agree with Semper Altus. Cannabis Cup is bought. Thats no fun. Peace GS

Yup, not to say if you got yukon you wont have a blast. just i would even dream to believe that the winner of the cup are because there the best in the world.

09-29-2008, 02:58 PM
I read fine, and I wasn't 'talking shit'.... I was making a little joke. I can see that subtle humor is lost upon some...... I can appreciate his point of view and poke a little fun at the same time, amazing isn't it? Perhaps multifaceted personalities and subtle humor being not what you are used to, it may be a little difficult to comprehend. Now that's talking shit, lol. And j/k by the way, lol.

Personally I am happy that the event takes place. If it didn't, there would be nothing for yooze to bash. How many other cannabis festivals have taken inspiration from the Amsterdam Cannabis Cup? Perhaps it has become a huge commercial behemoth over the years, but that doesn't mean it isn't still an overall positive thing for cannabis globally. And frankly, Disneyland is a huge commercial behemoth, but its still a fun time to go. I'm happy to get to go to my kinda Disneyland. It is nice to have a private function in the middle of a public event, but if it was all private, it wouldn't really be an event, many many people wouldn't get to attend, and cannabis would be kept even more underground where the powers that be want it. Legends of Hash dinner? Sounds cool, and fun from the tales I've heard from Bubbleman, but I wouldn't expect to get an invite, as I am no legend of hash. I am glad it is possible for me to purchase entry to the general cannabis event, because I am a general cannabis type of guy, even if no legend.

Shit, got stoned and blah blah blah, gonna be late for work. Later :)

yukon you need to read the post before you talk shit.......he is saying that he thinks the cup shouldn't be televised and involved with the media......it should be very private like the legends of hash dinner is...........read next time before you speak shit....

Green Supreme
09-29-2008, 04:19 PM
Hope you get to smoke the weed thats getting judged. Just cuz you have a pass doesn't mean the real contest weed will find its way to you. The real judges are celebrities picked in advance. Hope you have fun anyways. I would love to go to Amsterdam, just not during that period of time. Peace GS

09-29-2008, 10:05 PM
Interesting info GS, I think I shall have fun anyway, whichever weed I end up 'Judging'. Yay Disn....err.... CannabisLand!

10-15-2008, 05:17 PM
I remember seeing a picture of a hash buffet from the L.O.H. on overgrow a couple years back.

The resins were in a circle on a pedestal or something? The reason I remember is because someone that was there (maybe TF?) was commenting on the 10 gram bowls of FMCD being passed around.

10-16-2008, 03:41 PM
I happend to stumble across the pic on icmag. BUT when I tired to right click and save it to my flashdrive, windows freezes!!
