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View Full Version : *DrBud's Micro-SOG With CFL's*

10-01-2008, 05:13 AM
Howdy Folks....I'm DrBud ......:watchplant:

I have found my way here,had a look around and decided to set-up Camp and stay for awhile.
I will make this my first thread Here on FMB and Show you folks what works for Me & the Mrs's here at our house.

When I figure out how to post pics I will. :confused:
Until then.....:passit: you folks "Pass one around"
I'm gonna have a :bong2: or ....two....or three..C'Ya' Soon

10-01-2008, 05:27 AM
Nice, I'm interested

10-01-2008, 10:16 PM
hey man:passit:,,I think I'll make a thread as well If you think it's cool, I'll be watching and learning, peace

Edit: you click on manage attachments to add pictures, peace

12-07-2008, 07:54 PM
Hello Drbud I have just joined today because I "heard" you were onhere and I miss your highly valuble info I have learnt a lot from you elsewere and whilst only into my first ever micro grow in tweny eight years of smoking other peoples crap
I have been looking for the pefect mother to start my drbud style grow
I have two types just budding both of which I have cloned and one of them is a thai bagseed grown for fun but showing some nice sativa character and the other quite the oposite a master kush which seems very lush at the moment
I think a mix one day of both of them might yield the perfect plant for your style of perpetual micro-sog but plenty of time to mess with them, I have germinated a few more of the bag thai to get a male for future experiment
I dont supose there is a commercial varety of your chesaw available with similar charateristics that I can purchase
I am on an 125 enviro bulb at the moment but plan to add a four cfls tomorow to help a little this is a conventional type grow and not a sog more of a scrog but without the screen
i have learnt a lot from it at the moment the biggest problem is that the ladys are stretching a hell of a lot after I 12 12ed them I keep bending them down and it seems to work just keeping the ever growing sea of budsites inches away from the bulb but unless they slow their stretch I will have to build a extra 3 or 4 inches into the cabinet
Its all goiod fun and I am enjoying the growing maybe more thatn i will enjoy the smoking (maybe I have never tasted my own before)
Anyway I am sure some of your faithful learners will follow you here as you are missed
cheers chili

12-09-2008, 03:43 AM
I'll definitely be keeping an eye on this thread.
Good to see you found a forum that welcomes the "CFL Revolution".
I'll post my own thread here, too. Let "them" just sit there and stare.



12-09-2008, 04:01 AM
I'll definitely be keeping an eye on this thread.
Good to see you found a forum that welcomes the "CFL Revolution".
I'll post my own thread here, too. Let "them" just sit there and stare.



nuttin wrong with a low wattage HID