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View Full Version : 2nd run, a couple of questions

04-10-2013, 07:17 PM
I have a fair amount of mixed trim & bud, probably enough for 3 runs in 5 gal BubbleNow machine. I am trying to avoid the tedious cutting, etc., that is suggested in the forums(I work alot and am lazy like an old dog).
Please let me know your suggestions for achieving optimum quality & quanity with the most efficiency as my time is limited to barely a weekend. I apoligize if this has been addressed elsewhere....
Also, the 25u bag takes so very long to drain, can I leave the machine unattended for a period of time without losing q & q while draining? Sorry, no pictures of 1st run(it's long gone), utmost respect to Bubbleman. I've been around a long time & thought I had the best, but if I can pull off what I did 1st run, can't wait till I get better:D

04-10-2013, 10:37 PM
I would say a big tip right off the bat is to make sure you dont let that resin sit in the water for any longer than it needs to. for me i mix for 3 to 4 minutes generaly and then drain the machine into the bags.. and then i drain the bucket the bags are in pulling them immidiately so as to not sit in the water and lose water solubles . The 25u can be drained easily enough if you sinch the bag closed and jerk it upwards of about six plus inches.. this will lift the resin off the bottom of the bag and allow the water to rush thru> this takes me no more than 10 seconds .
Also dont over mix and always use plenty of ice..
let us know how it goes

Bubble man

04-12-2013, 03:16 PM
Thanks Bubble man. My 1st run I mixed for the full 15 min and I took at least an hour draining the bags, all the time sitting in the drain water and results were very good, but not true FMB.
If I make the effort of cutting up the buds(over a jar) and generally clean up what I will mix(as any self respecting connoisseur would do), you think q & q will be worth the effort? I realize in order to gain any respect and to produce untouchable quality, I must make a serious effort, and truly if the results are significantly better than 1st run, it will be simply beautiful. I didn't mention that the trim & bud have been in the freezer over a month, so I would have to refreeze after re trimming.

04-19-2013, 06:39 AM
i would say the only thing you should change is letting the resin sit in the water for an hour. this is way to long. the bags should be pulled with in 10 minutes of the mixing being done.> Drain those bags and pull em. Dont leave the hash in the water otherwise it will leach out valuable water soluble terpenes and terpenoids that are the very oils that will decide wether or not your hash is fullmelt. The true fullmelt resides in the quality of the resin more than ahything.. getting purity of glands is what the bags will offer but the quality of said glands is up to the grower.. thus you can do everything right with the bags and still not get fullmelt.. it happens. but it should at least direct you into finding new trim!!!

Bubble man