Welcome to the Bubbleman's Hideout.
Find out where Bubbleman is gonna be published next
Get the latest news on Bubbleman’s products
A place where admin/mods can post general announcements, such as discounts on bags, hoodies, or general site info
A place to introduce yourself to the community.
Discuss your techniques for achieving full melt goodness
Post up your melty pics
This is the place for the people new to the Bubblebags, and have completed their first run.
discuss your techniques for achieving the melty dry sift
Post your dry sift pictures here
open forum to disscus hash's from different regions
all world hash pics here
growing trichomes indoors
growing trichomes outdoors
post pics of finished buds
Post all the live macro plant shots here....
the place for all the people growing in small places
open forum to discuss the history of hash in all its forms
post and talk about your beautiful head peaces...these are more art than pipe
here we discuss production pieces, these pieces for the most part are less art more utility....
Anything blown thats not a pipe...
learn how to take those melty shots
Strains that can achieve full melt are to be compiled here
Discuss all news regarding Medical Marijuana
post your hash smoking glass pieces and art
other hash smoking vessels
Our Main Archivist EasyBakeIndica will be updating this thread on a daily basis
living the WILD life and wildlife
all recipes and pics of food...with cannabis and without...
Yoga, herbal remedies, chanting, meditation
Talk about the music you love, upcoming shows, and music sites
any ideas, complaints, or sugggestions should be posted here
post any info, pics stories about NATURAL psycheldics(LSD will be tolerated)
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Most users ever online was 2,049, 10-24-2024 at 06:20 AM.
Welcome to our newest member, dvlfn4evr