1g full melt
~4 oz. canola oil
~4-6 cups cereal
~2-4 cups marshmallow
whatever topings

I heat up the oil to about 200-250 degrees, lean the pan to one side to you have a pool of oil instead of a thin flat blanket in the pan.

When it gets hot, keep it so hot so it doesn't burn or steam.

Drop in small pieces of about 1 G of bubble and stir constantly for about 2 -5 minutes. I think the less the better. It should dissolve almost immediately (if u got full melt). Stir it for that 2-5 minutes and pour it into a cup so it stops cooking.

Soak the cereal in the oil (Fruity pebbles, cinnamon toast crunch, reese's puffs etc.)

Try to soak up as much oil as you can so you know its in the treats and not on your hands.

Heat up marshmallows so its gooey and mixable, ...guess the next step?
yes, mix the oily cereal with the hot marshmallows and press it and put in fridge for 2 minutes.

When you eat it microwave it for 5-10 seconds it'll taste fresh, cuz it might get stale after a while.

Half a gram can EASILY get 4 ppl retarded...
I like to mix in chocolate chips
Good luck, and enjoy