unbelieveble GREEN dudes
many thaks for sharing
unbelieveble GREEN dudes
many thaks for sharing
now is it only the furry peyote button at the base of the flower when the petals fall off that is used or does the whole cactus contain the mescaline?
My peyotes, I also have around 50 or so 4-5month old ones. I recently harvested that bigger one, and theres already a new button growing off it. New pics soon.
Last edited by SuperBudz; 05-27-2009 at 04:34 AM.
is that a peruvian torch bman?
I have some san pedros iso torchs and peyote
can someone please inform me where I can find either of these cacti, to grow not dried and what not. I know you can order them off some sites, but I don't know how much I trust or do not trust them.
2nd that ^^^
lookin' great guys, anyone tried their cacti yet?
Just fooling around with my new camera, Thought I would share some more peyote pictures. if you look closely you can see baby peyote's all around started from seed at about 8months old, the regrowth buttons are @ 4months old. Amazing how much faster the buttons can grow with a already established root stock.
Last edited by SuperBudz; 06-25-2009 at 04:29 AM.
so back to the original question, how may I acquire one of these, PM me if you know please.
I did not know so many people still grew their own peyote and experimented with the drug anymore.. interesting thread.
Hmm I don't know much about peyote, but doesn't it take anywhere from 5-10 years to mature before you can actually take some off and make it smokeable? This is what I have heard but this maybe a retarded question.
If it does take that long then it is no wonder why you can never find it anywherE!