Well as many of you may know i recently purchased a canon EOS 40D slr, along with 17-85mm lens.
I was looking localy for the MPE 65mm macro lens that canon sells ( UNBELIEVABLE LENS) and found it for 1350 $ . Without thinking i ordered it from the shop, as well as the 24EX dual flash, which was another 1070$ . AFter thinking twice about my order, i went online and started to find this equipment much cheaper. I gotta tell you guys, do not buy without checking the net. I had to call the camera store i ordered and cancel my order, cause of how much cheaper i had found it online.
I want to put this link up here for anyone thinking of buying camera equipment, as these guys are unreal in their service.
They are located in new york, i called them up on the phone which was nice, many of the online retailers of camera equipment do not have contact phone numbers. I asked if they had the mpe 65mm and they said it was on order and would be in tomorrow. This was two days ago>
So i ordered one up for 820us $. about a 600$ savings before tax. I also ordered the flash which came to 650$ , which was another 400$ savings before tax. A total of 1000$ saved.
I called today just to see if the lens had come in, as Mark on the phone mentioned it would be in today> Well i got mark again and he tells me not only is it in, but he has sent my order out already>
I gotta tell you i was blown away. When ordering things online i think sometimes we fear the worst situation and never expect the best. Not only did these guys save me a ton of cash, they are quick and efficient to> So i wanted to share with all of you who are thinking of getting any new equipement, check these guys out, they ship worldwide, and are ON THE BALL.
Thanks 17photo.
Bubble man
Ps, i will write back here when the package arrives and let you all know how it turned out for me.