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MACRO shots of Dry Sift with the bubblebox
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Thread: MACRO shots of Dry Sift with the bubblebox

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Default MACRO shots of Dry Sift with the bubblebox

    Well i had an interesting idea today, i wanted to photograph macro style all the levels of material that i run thru my box. starting at the top screen with the actual plant matter.
    Now this particular plant matter is krush, and was already bounced a bit, so that is why some heads are obviously missing.

    the second screen was taken before i worked it thru the screen, as you can see the contamination level is off the charts. This second screen on the bubble box i sometimes actualy will use in my vaporizer. as its got more heads to plant matter ratio than actual herb, but not to much that it plugs the unit.

    This shot was taken with my other camera just to show you what it looked like from the point of view of the naked eye. It looks golden and clean> but this is where people go wrong, listening to their eyes.

    This shot was taken after a bit of work, ie gently rubbing the material over the screen with a card, will push thru most plant matter leaving the glands on top of the screen. However this is the trick to full melt dry sift. as you can see there is alot of material you need to work thru. I only rubbed it back and forth for about five minutes, and you can see its still not near pure. but much purer than it was.

    Here is the shot of the stuff above, with my other camera looks much cleaner from a distance, amazing what the macro' can do> dont get me wrong, this sift as is, is very potent, and melted in the bowl, not full melt but sizzle melt. It takes a very patient person to make full melt dry sift, with most starting materials. I hope this opens some eyes to the difference in the screens, as well as the difference in purity compared to bubblehash> Even some of my dirtiest bubble , looks about 5times cleaner than the cleanest dry sift i made here today.

    I also wanted to show the hash melting a little, it was by no means full melt, but interesting how you can see in the melt shot the capitate stalks and plant matter melting into the reddish cannabinoid mixture.

    finaly i leave you with the bottom plate of the bubblebox. by no means super potent, but also well worth a vapor hit or to cook with. I look foreward to your comments on this little experiment.Macro lens would sure be helpful to growers, maybe one day all growers will have a little macro lol

    Bubble man

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007


    Wow. Thanks for the illustrated, up close, indepth view of what dry sifting looks like. Amazing pics. Just as you say, the stuff thats golden, looks, well, golden. lol. but as you take a closer look you really do see how contaminated with plant matter and stalks. Maybe you should put up a pic of ice extraction to show the difference?
    Lifes got me mad, but
    If i Had a Midget Id Be Glad

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2007


    yeah good idea vodoo, here are a few shots of some bubble taken at 5x


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    In a van down by the river


    Holy Fullmelt BM. Nice pics. Which lenses are you using? The Canon 65mm maybe?
    I'll quit growing my meds the day they pry the bong from my cold, dead hands.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2007


    Hey resinryder, i am absolutely using the MPE 65mm canon macro lens. Along with the MT-24EX macro twin lite. Works like a charm. also definetly need a tripod for this particular work, i am rocking a 410gearhead head, along with manfrotto 055xpro legs.

    Realy been having a blast so far with it. just a matter of getting more material to shoot and i will be doing some more threads.

    Bubble man

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2007


    Inspiring shots Bubbleman, I'm definitely perplexed by the difference in the purity of dry sift vs. bubble. makes me think I need some bags before the box hehe, enjoy that man

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    In a Van Down by the River


    amazing shots!! thanks for sharing

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    HELLA Nor Cal


    Can't wait to get one of those boxes

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    ya i need to get one of these boxes asap

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Beautiful BC


    Wow those boxes really look crazy
    A tree is a tree...

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