Hey ya'll, found a lil weapon in spotting powdery mildew. This might be common knowledge to some, but i've never had it before so this is new to me. And with this i've found powdery mildew before it was really visible to the naked eye, viewed under normal room lighting and hps lighting. I have this small cheap LED flashlight. It seems to throw out a nice white/slightly blue light that just seems to make PM stick out almost like lint does in a blacklight (remember those?). I've found tiny lil specs of it that i seriously could not see without that flashlight. I don't have the largest grow in the world, modest at best with 30 plants under 2k, but that little flashlight has seriously probably been the number one thing that's kept my grow from going to shit. Definitely helps to be able to clip off affected areas ASAP to limit spreading. Oh and another thing, as long as you don't have your lights slammed onto your canopy, you should still be able to see the PM with the flashlight while the HID's are on. It's like PM radar. Hope this can help someone out!