Hi i would like some info witch will save me lot of time .Im using a portable washing machine with an XL aqualab zipcro i read to let it spin for 15 mn then rest for 30 should i let it soak a bit before turning it on? its my first time using this method so i would enjoy all info . I got the bubblebags 8 bag 5 gal kit ill be processing 3 full garbage bags of m 39 indica dominant THX the trim is bone dry and on my closed up balcony at -20 . How would u guys all info apreciated bubbleman told me that mixing the bags up will still be above comercial graded hash.im using a home made press i made using an 8 tons hydraulic jack kinda like the oldtimer press found on the net im gonna heat the mould and pressing plates to 100 f is this to hot or not enough and then making a nice brick everthing is on theory so all comment will be most apreciated THX