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Thread: Bubblehash FAQ

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  1. #1

    Default Bubblehash FAQ

    ok, so here's the thread to ask all the general questions you think everyone of us should know about Bubblehash

  2. #2


    I use an industrial strength paint mixer is this a good idea?
    NO, one of the biggest newbie mistakes is overmixing the herb....manually mixing or using a washing machine will give you the meltiest heads

    I've done everything right and I still don't get Clear Domes!
    NOT every strain will produe full melt hash....and, no there's not really a way to tell if a strain is melty untill you run it

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2007


    I wonder how much ice is really necessary and what is the ice actually doing?

    Ice is incredibly important for this process. Not only does the ice freeze the wax membrane that covers and holds our cannabinoid profile in place, but it also is used in the extraction process. The ice freezes this wax membrane and makes it extremely brittle. This allows the ice to do its second job. Which is while bashing back and forth in the mixing process, it breaks the heads free of their plant body prisons. because they are dense ie the heads, they are still affected by gravity even inside water. So they sink

    How do i go about cleaning my bags

    Also a very important part of the process, i clean each one of my bags THE SECOND i pull the hash or plant matter out of the bags.I flip them inside out and rinse them immediately with cold water. This will keep resins from drying and turning to a crusty sticky mesh on your bag screen. Many are so excited they pull the hash out of the bag, and throw the bag down to clean later. This is a big mistake. Those tiny little heads will slowly plug your screen and the collecting of bubble will be greatly compromised.

    If my screens is already dirty how do i clean it, will cold water still work?

    I would attempt to first freeze the screens, and then crack the residual resin off. As well have a bowl of ice water, that you can rinse the flipped inside out screen in. This often can clean the not so dirty bags, but if your bags are really a mess, you will need to stretch your screen tight, i use a large plastic bowl. Then i take a tooth brush ( an old one) and some 99% alcohol and lightly brush it over the screen, taking care not to let the alcohol come into contact with the edge of the screen, where its sewn to the gortex. The alcohol can and may degrade the thread that keeps the gortex and screen together.

    What kind of returns will i get, is it worth it?

    Well this is a question that i have been asked more times than any other question. First off i will answer the second part, IS IT WORTH IT. Well lets see what that question really pertains. IS it worth it to extract the active resins from their plant body prison in order to concentrate it and offer up a unadulterated cannabinoid high that is uncomparable in every way to the original diluted resin. YES ITS WORTH IT>

    If you can wrap your head around the fact, that its the trichome gland heads that are active and giving you all those wonderful feelings you get when smoking or vaporizing, you realize of course its worth it.
    Now for returns. I have gotten anywhere from 3% to 10%. Now these numbers are acquired by weighing dry trim or bud, ( if wet you have to adjust your numbers, ie 100grams of wet trim will be more likely around 25 to 30grams of dry.) Also you have to dry your bubble> i have known to many who weigh the bubble wet, and then write to tell me they got a 18% return> This is a very high number and very unlikely. I'm not saying its impossible, but check your ratio's before you start printing it, As it throws off the newbies who may not be growing the best herb, and are only getting a 3% to 5% return.

    Last edited by Dianamite; 01-30-2008 at 11:24 PM.

  4. #4


    How Much ice should I use
    The simple answer is as much as you can fit....if hand mixing you want to make sure there's plenty of ice throughout the entire process(which we know takes roughly 45-1hr)

    How long should I mix for
    the time of mixing can vary...the average time for hand mixing i'd say is 13 min...again you don't want to overmix, so no longer than 20min is recommended(using the 5 gal kit)

  5. #5


    Is It hard getting Melty Hash on your first run?

    No, as long as your starting material is melty(strain is a known melter), and you follow all the online advice and instructions, anyone can achieve full melt.

    lets see some others post....questions people have asked you or questions you've asked yourself, are all to be posted here

  6. #6


    I was asking me if the freshness of the matérial you use can make a diference ( I know there is a diference between bubble hash from fresh trim and dry trim) but is there a diference beteween bubble hash made from 1 week old dry trim and 6 month old dry trim ? will the 6 month old will make fmcd if (the strain and all the condition to make fmcd are respested )or it will make some dry powder ??

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    heaven, B.C.


    Fresh trim usually has a better chance of making FMCD, once material is dry there is less chance. So curing dry material longer or shorter will likely not change your chances, if it was gonna melt when its dry it probably doesn't matter. Peace GS
    Changing the color of cannabis one grower at a time.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2007


    Yeah i have seen trim that has been sitting around for near years, still produce melty bubble, so thats a hard one. I tell people ya may as well run it fresh for multiple reasons, A: its less heaty than drying trim, that shit stinks.
    B: you can throw it from the plant right into your buckets, or you can throw it in the freezer and not have to think about it again till you want to make your hash.
    C: the less volatile oils that evaporate out, the more likely your hash will taste and melt nicer.

    My two cents

    Bubble man

  9. #9


    that's what I wanna heard !! thanks !!

  10. #10


    Is it a good idea to let the greens and ice sit for a while in the bag so that the ice freezes the wax membranes and makes the trichomes brittle?


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