My first suggestion - make Artintel shut the hell up
I made this suggestion over at icmag too, but it's too big now for people to listen. I don't know what you guys think about censorship, but I think we can all agree that certain words ARE offensive, ie nigger, cunt, faggot, that kind of thing. But really, isn't the whole $#@% thing kinda played out? On this other forum I used to take part in, we had the option to make it so when someone says certain words, the forum automatically changes it to another word. So say for instance you hate the word "faggot", you could make it equal to "Flabbaflooba" so when someone says "You fucking faggot" in a post, it comes out
You fucking flabbaflooba!!
I'll keep posting to this thread as I think of things.
Oh, and, even though I'm not a huge fan myself, if we don't have some kind of posting limitation before a user can go to chat, we're prone to a lot of advertisers for porn, and little kids. While I think that the 75 of ICmag may be a bit too much, I think they have a good idea. How many posts do you guys think it takes to be able to tell if someone is a flabbaflooba or not?