Sounds like some sort of re-press i would steer well clear, dont confuse it with soap beacuse its probably far worse. Its a common thing in the uk and has been for a while, what they do is take some prefably bad quality soap to start with and re-press it adding all kinds of shit like baking soda chocolate powder ive even come across some with a distinctive smell of herion.

Its usually a verry dark brown coloured hash its verry hard and brittle it has a funny smell to it and sticks to your fingers when burned and sprinkled and hardly fluffs up at all nor does it sprinkle very well usualy rolling up into balls, when smoked it has a wierd taste that varies and is often confused with diesel, It causes headaches alot and really bad hang overs, i would guess theres a thc content of about 1% if that the rest of the buzz is more of a chemical effect.

And recently there has been a bit of pollen hash going around thats the same it sprinkles more like slate/leb and is noticiably darker with a funny taste it still does the job but aint half as strong as i remember and will also cause head aches if you use too much.