Ok at first I thought it was my goofy 'puter putting out. I have since read JonnyBB 's Toro thread and he made comment , too. I want to trade pics on my Hedman thread, so I can turn the tube around Peace, Colitas
Ok at first I thought it was my goofy 'puter putting out. I have since read JonnyBB 's Toro thread and he made comment , too. I want to trade pics on my Hedman thread, so I can turn the tube around Peace, Colitas
"warm smell of colitas rising up through the air"
i can't post pics either I got a sweet trashcatcher for my roor and I can't put anything up. anyone have a solution?
Try this, it's what i did to get my pics up. Upload the pics to your gallery here, then click on the pic you wanna post. Scroll down, you'll see something like "direct link code" or some shit. Copy it, and when you go to post, click on the "insert image" tab. Erase whatever's in the box, and paste the link in. Should work.
you lost me at "some shit" I just wanna re - download the files from my hard drive like I did at TC ...
"warm smell of colitas rising up through the air"
If you go to gallery and then to the UPLOAD button all found on the same main blue bar across the front of the top of the home page.
A box will come up and let you upload as many photos as you want.
Once you are done, you go to a forum, to reply or start a thread, and merely click the
MY PICS button on the bottom right side of your text box( this box im typing in)
Its found right under the smiley faces.
a new box will open up with the photos you uploaded. Click the ORIGINAL File button so
it shows up full size. and then all you have to do is basicaly click one left click on any picture and it will show up in your text box..
I am trying to get the attachments working again, but when we upgraded our vbulletin we lost the ability.
Feel free to copy and past this anywhere you see people wondering how to get their attachments to work..
thanks for your patience and understanding
Bubble man
Weird, the new version has the paperclip for attachments. Seems odd the upgrade would leave the attachment button even though it doesn't work. The world is conspiring to stop me posting pics. LOL. Peace GS
Changing the color of cannabis one grower at a time.
that makes since BBGman I will try that later thanks...
"warm smell of colitas rising up through the air"
You can still upload photos green, you just can't attach..
Try something different you may like it.
Bubble man
Oh NO not another learning experience!
"warm smell of colitas rising up through the air"
I did something wrong, cause when I went to my gallery all that was there where thubnails, even though I saw photos when I "uploaded" them
"warm smell of colitas rising up through the air"