Sounds a little "HOT" to me .Personally I dont take any chances with the soil mix.If you have to much nutes in the soil its a bitch to dig up the burned up plants and start over with new soil.Much easier to have a nute schedule and add as needed. Dopnt know if this is a hidden grow or medical....That would make a difference.consider adding some peat. Top soil in bags is way HEAVY and needs to be lightened up a little.Some people have great success with adding the nutes to the soil.... I dont like to take the chance of it being too hot .When you add water the first time you'll know if your mix is light enough by the way it takes water in .It should accept it easily without it standing on the surface for a long time... Find what works for YOU..We ALL do things differently and if it works for you...go with it!!!! PEACE!