Hey guys thanks for the good words, This thread was definitly a lot of work, Not to mention the actual bubble making was no day at the beach .

To answer your questions TILT, the 2lbs is the bubble, so i am not sure what you mean by bubleable? or just the finer grades, but all the bubble i posted melted, and was indeed bubble.

This bubble is 90% heads guaranteed. Maybe 95% or higher. I have never actualy done the taking it apart and seperating out the fine fine contaminant. But i would suspect it can't be more than 10%. More like 5%. And i would NEVER MiX it together, that would is basicaly sacriligeous to any conesuer bubble maker. What your talking about ie mixing the grades, is soley for commercial purposes.

As for the drum question, i am not sure what drum you are speaking of. If your talking about a pollinator, drop mila an email at www.pollinator.nl and ask her she will know the proper rpms of the unit.

Bubble man