these are some pics. of the gulf coast cubensis i picked last summer out of very large cow field that is very remote. . All in all i picked about 1 lb. of dry unpopped caps. NOt to many producing fields around here anymore and a hour north of here they dont grow because of the drop in humidity. Its like being a kid again on christmas mornin walkin up on a huge patch of wild cubensis. I leave a large portion of some of the nicest caps for spore production and use a very sharp nice to cut the stem so not to disturb the mycelium. At the end of the season i brought some of the older patties back to my greenhouse and had them fruiting in the winter time on top of a worm bed. After they were spent i just fed that to the worms , and then grew tomatoes the next summer with that compost. Hope you enjoyed my first thread..
The last three photos is of a cubensis fruiting from my turnip patch from some of the same manure!