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Thread: Ayahuasca

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Default Ayahuasca

    Well I did not see anything about this on here so i thought i would start a thread.

    It is pretty much one of my favorite ways to "explore" the universe.

    If anyone has any questions I guess post them in this thread.

    When i have time i will post a tek on brewing and different plants and admixtures.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Suburbs of New Jersey



    id rather smoke DMT anyday than drink that remedy haha

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2008



    Been wanting to learn!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    DMT chills so hard.
    Those that rushes my cluthes get put on crutches. Get smoked like dutches from the master, Hate to blast ya, but I have ta, you see I smoke a lot. - The Illest

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2007


    Ayahuasca is definitly no joke... its the real deal....

    I was lucky enough to have a caredero shaman living in my village for the past 7 years...
    he has been drinking ayahausca for decades...

    He turned us on to making it with bannisteriopsis caapi ROOT BARK... the highest levels of the molecules we are seeking can be found there.. ie Harmine and Harmiline.. potentiators for the DMT ( which is usualy found in the viridis virola..)
    however one can find the DMT necesarry for the trip in Psylocibin mushrooms. The psylobin and psylocin are actualy in the Tryptamine family.
    I have done sirian rue seeds mixed with mushrooms and found a very similiar experience for those of you that cannot locate the initial plants needed.

    Woud love to hear how you prepare and some of your experiences Lepstadder..

    thanks for starting this thread..

    Bubble man

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Houston, TX


    DMT was the shit... chill as fuck but like orgasmic all over my body

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    After doing some erowid research I'm really interested in your remedey and experiances.
    Those that rushes my cluthes get put on crutches. Get smoked like dutches from the master, Hate to blast ya, but I have ta, you see I smoke a lot. - The Illest

  8. #8


    first time smoking dmt was at a rave hahaha

    saw universal knowledge, then I was floating in space and gazing down at the milkyway which turned into a dying red milkyway afterwards the last thing I saw was the energy that people produced so instead of seeing people I would see glowing stick figures practically

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    DMT is fun -- But it is NOT Ayahuasca.

    Ayahuasca is a name given to the plant Banisteriopsis caapi as well as the drink that is made from it, which can also contain up to over 100 different admixtures.

    Some of these addmixture plants contain DMT plant like Chacruna or Chaliponga , other contain medicine for many different ailments that the shaman will heal during a ceremony.

    Caapi is a moai, it inhibits your body from metabolizing DMt when you drink the brew. Dmt is not orally active even in large doses, unless you take an maoi, the maoi that is present in caapi is harmine, harmaline, and tetrahydroharmine.

    The average concentration of alkaloids in a brew are

    * 250mg harmine
    * 160mg THH
    * 30mg harmaline
    * 36mg DMT

    This was from Banisteriopsis caapi and Chacruna as tested by t.mckenna.

    Ayahuasca is first and formost a spiritual endevor not to be taken lightly. It is not a party drug. It can be wondrously beautiful or terrifying beyond your worst nightmare. It can be a great cleansing experience.

    Ayahuasca is a purgative, it can and will make you vomit, the natives believe this to be part of the process, and very beneficial to mind and body.


    A proper diet must be taken for at leat 24 hours before and after. You must be on a tyramine free diet becuase of the maoi. Also many medications must be stopped for 2 weeks, you can to a quick interent search for all medications foods and even herbal suppliments that are contradicted by MOAI.

    Now like bubbleman mentioned there are several other Ayahuasca "analouges" that have a certain popularity, like the aforementioned syrian rue or Peganum harmala , it containes the alkaloids hamine and harmaline with very little tetrahydroharmine. syrian rue can be known to feel toxic and less forgiving as an maoi. ---------Do not eat the seed strait!-------- you can make a tea out of them, they are cheaper than caapi.

    They can be taken with mushrooms or any other ayahuasca admixture. Mimosa hostilis is normally taken with rue becuase they are more cost effective and contain higher concentraitions of the desired alkaloids.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    I will go over prep at another time, sorry it took so long to post the info,

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