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Diy beeline
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Thread: Diy beeline

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    SW ontario

    Thumbs up Diy beeline

    This DIY is a great idea from Thenewguy. He posted it at Breedbay and I found it there and he gave me permission to post it here. I hope you guys like it.

    DIY Bee Line/Ital Hemp Lighter, a hemp cord coated in beeswax for a more organic ignition source. Here's a simple method on how to make your own.


    1 Beeswax Candle

    1 ball of 48Lb. hemp cord, I went with the 400 Foot ball

    The How To:

    First I light the 100% beeswax candle.

    Get a nice pool of wax built up in the candle. (I once heard that a candle should be burnt for 1 hour for each inch in diameter that the candle is. Depending on the size of your candle, it might take a little longer for the wax to pool) this took close to an hour for me but I only have big candles at the moment.

    Take how ever many feet of of line you want to make & cut it off. I like to Untwist a small section to dip (usually ends up being 3-6 inches).You don't have to untwist it but I feel it absorbs better into the hemp when untwisted, so that's what I do. If you decide to just dip the cord as is, you should rub the excess wax into the cord while wiping it off.

    Start feeding the cord into the pool of wax.

    When coated, twist the hemp line back together while wiping off any excess with your fingers.

    Then smooth out the line so it is round again.

    Repeat until the length you have selected to dip, is completed

    This gets a little messy. There is always excess wax on your fingers, so a sheet of news paper or something that will collect the wax you rub off your fingers is a good idea.

    Allow to cool & wrap it up around a plastic card or a piece of cardboard. I chose to use an old gift card that I made 3 or 4 cuts in.

    The cuts are simply to hold the line in place both while using & on the card.

    Now you light the wick with a lighter, candle, stove, or some form of fire power & toke away.

    Make sure to extinguish after use!!!
    These things really hold a cherry so make sure it is totally out so you don't burn something.

    Closing Thoughts
    It surprisingly does taste better than when using a lighter. This is pure speculation but, I think this thing works because hemp alone burns like $H!T. Since the hemp doesn't burn very well on it's own, I think that's why beeswax is added... to fuel the flame. I think the result of combining these two organic products (the word organic appeals to a pretty big crowd these dayz), causes the flame to burn @ a lower temperature than the lighter's flame does. One last note... it is kinda funny that essentially the idea is lighting weed with weed.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Thumbs up thanks

    thank you for this nice simple tutorial on making this. Good DIY

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    SW ontario


    no worries i found this and just knew it had to be shared. And thenewguy is got to be one of the nicest guys out there to let me post this and hes a member here too.

    Thank thenewguy. I'm just the messenger.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2007


    Cool and thanks for sharing...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2007


    yeah nice thread dude.. thanks for sharing... always nice to see a nice diy thread.

    Bubble man

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    thanks for this

  7. #7


    Did the same thing, except I used 100% natural non-dyed bees wax..

  8. #8


    yeah check this beeswax 100% organic from my buddy's hives, gonna make a bunch of bee line and give it as christmas presents to my friends.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    thats a beautiful block of wax
    Last edited by thenewguy; 09-13-2009 at 11:41 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    SW ontario


    ya thats some nice wax. I gotta get a buddy with some bees.

    Then i could start my TV show idea "A Room Full of Bees", where you have to do ordinary task and then out of no where the bees are released on you and the longer you last the more money you get.
    Can ya tell i was stoned when i thought that one up. lol

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