I do apologize guys for not posting these pics earlier... if anyone else was there and got pics please post away.. i barely got away from the booth.. but that didnt stop me from taking some shots....

here you go GS.

Some shots from this year's cup

Walking into hops room to get a cup of water.. i opened the cupboard and what did i see... INLINES>>..

walking thru amsterdam is always beautiful especialy at nite... on our way to the cannabischat party...

Bumped Into Sheldon black and he had this to give me... a six perc bubbler... i really dug this piece all cup long...

A few shots driving on the way to the powerzone...

Setting up our booth at the Powerzone a few hours before the cup begins...

A few shots of the attitude seeds company motorcycle... i almost got to go for a ride... but before i could.. who rolled up on me... who else.. the police..
he was nice and let us keep the bike.. even though i had no helmut no license. no insurance and no plate.. lol

SOme shots of the booth and people around the booth.. some glass.. and a passed out hops...

Some more random shots of people in the clear dome at the bubble booth.. as well as marco rendo from treating yourself.com getting a few pie's thrown at him... apparently some of the people who were slandered in his magazine weren't to happy about it..

hope thats enough for now... i have a few more.. anyone else that came please throw some shots up...

Bubble man