I was luckky enough this year to once again get to smoke and photograph this lovely h ash.
This year instead of skunk dry sift it was one of DNA's new strains SLEESTACK.
An incredible producer of resin... with a very uplifting high . I felt it hard to fall asleep after a nite of puffing this hash.

I would love to start a disucssion here on dry sift potency and quality vs water hash. We know that when we make hash using water we lose valuable water soluble terpenes... however these can be recouped via dry sift methods. and reconstituted back into the bubble in order to produce the full tastes without losing any of the potency. POtency is lost for the most part when people lose site of the purity issue of their hash. Dry sift is extremly difficult to clean up to the poiint of these photos. In fact minus sam's method i would say near impossible from what im tried and seen anyway ( which is by no means every method)
That being said... lets see your dry sift shots.. lets hear about your ideas....

anyway here are some of the photos i managed to snap in my haze.... hope they inspire

Bubble man