Quote Originally Posted by HeadyHashster303 View Post
what kind of BHO did you vape/smoke?, you must of not had properly purged BHO.
I don't know what you mean by what kind. I have smoked BHO that was extracted with Butane, Co2 and even oxygen. The Oxygen extraction was alright but the other two have always been absolutely disgusting to me. I have made it with multiple strains and it all ends up pretty much tasting the same. Maybe if bubble didn't exist then other methods of extraction would appeal to me. However, nothing I have seen could ever compare to the product I make using just water and bubblebags. I'm a naturalist. I don't do drugs. I try to keep my lifestyle as clean and pure as possible. I am very careful about what I consume wether I am combusting or ingesting. I haven't smoked BHO in well over a year, and I can confidently say I never will again.

Having said that, to each his own....