shot these with my camera phone and a 60 to 100 microscope.
chem dog
Pink Panther
obviously im not a pro, but i thought it was neat to try.
shot these with my camera phone and a 60 to 100 microscope.
chem dog
Pink Panther
obviously im not a pro, but i thought it was neat to try.
cool pics, keep it up
nice dustin . i have some similar pics i took with w 20x loop .. ill see if i can dig em up ..
I really like how there is almost a space like looks to those pics. I think it is really cool! Keep trying maybe you cold make some cool art out of it!
edit: The pink panther one looks like the Eagle Nebula.
Last edited by BigManNew; 01-08-2010 at 06:34 PM.
M.A.N. Glass Art
“Only that in you, which is me, can hear what I'm saying.” ~ Ram Dass
"Creativity tends to feed more creativity. Experiencing other people's work makes a better artist." ~ Jonathan
"If it smells like trout, get the hell out. If it smells like cologne, leave it alone. If it doesn't smell at all, give me a call!" ~ Jebub
Friends don't let friends use BHO.