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Thread: BubbleBags Vs. Generic Bags

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Red face BubbleBags Vs. Generic Bags

    Can someone please post a video or explanation of why bubble bags are so superior to the less expensive brands?

    Let me know if this is in the wrong forum

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2010


    Have you tried both types?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Nope, Im looking to buy one and figured saving up for bubblemans would be worth it.

    just wanted to know if everyone on this site agreed it was better to wait for bubblemans

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2010


    I'm pretty sure most, if not everyone, here will agree Bmans bags are worth it.

    I mean, c'mon, they're made in Nepal.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2010


    I bought my first set of bubblebags over 7 years ago. I just recently had to get a new set, and I probably could have gotten away with just buying a new 73u and 45u bag, which is really all I needed.

    I don't think the cheaper brands have even been around that long.

    Bubblebags are worth it.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Yeah I should probably decide what kind of hash I want to make an buy a couple of bubble bags

    good call thanks
    I was still wondering if someone had like a comparitive review or something

  7. #7


    I've heard most of the super cheap brands are crap, but at least one kind I've used personally is pretty much identical to bubble bags in terms of materials and construction. Unfortunately they do not offer a proper 8 bag set, so I only recommend them as a supplement.

    The slightly less expensive name brand bags are typically of similar quality, but will only save you a few dollars.

    Since we're only talking about a few bucks, you may as well support bubbleman, who will have your back if there is some kind of problem with the bags, and who puts up this nice site for us to chill on. And whose bags are apparently not made in a sweatshop.

  8. #8


    i see your from CA. I don't know if your 215 compliant but if so offers a discount to MMJ patients.

    i bought a set like 7 years ago. 1 of the bags was lined with an inferior material that they have since left behind. They also didn't make the 90 micron bag when I bought them. Years later the material failed. So, I called up fresh headies asking for a new bag and wanted to purchase a 90 micron as well. They REFUSED to accept money. Only wanted to have me pay for shipping. They never charged me. I believe in karma and they were so nice I called 3 times to make sure they would charge me the miniscule 20 bucks for shipping. They never charged me.

    I've had friends buy other bags and in my experience the quality just isn't as good. The screens are pretty much the same but i've seen many seems bust. like I said I have a set from over 7 years ago and I've done 100+ runs with them, still going strong. Like a lot of equipment it pays for itself the first couple runs.

    hope this helps

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    In the Frozen North of Canada


    - Bubbleman's production facilities in Nepal offer the chance for third world workers to earn first world wages. That to me says a lot about the man himself, and his products.

    - Some cheapo brands dont offer 8 bag systems, and many of them don't even specify what micron each bag's screens are, just A,B,C etc.

    - I dont know of any other bags that have a support/forum site like this, period.

    - Product support is top notch, if on a rare occasion something goes amiss, they go far to make things right.

    - Not sure about other sites, but Bubbleman's store offers discounts to medicinal users.

    You can come up with your own reasons to use the best products. Me, I gotta go make some hash.

    I am the Eggman, Coo Coo KaChoo

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    these threads make me sad cause your never going to really get a legit answer...

    no one wants to offend bubbleman or be rude... which makes sense but it's not in the best interest of people asking questions.

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