Well thank you Sir
Thats about all I could ask for and I do understand

This thread was posted over at t y where I after 4 years had just been abused and banned and I will confess my taking advantage with it

I was banned for comments actually at FaceBook and not even at ty as I was warned and did not make any comments there

I contrary to what emery may say filled the slate for our first provincial election and ran twice for the bcmp

I gave thousands and thousands of dollars to him while trying to recover from my jailing as an innocent man for 8 grams of cannabis

I was laughed at and ridiculed by emery as ""No one goes to jail as a trafficker for 8 grams""

Well imagine the ol karma meter after emery plead guilty for a joint and ended up in my old exact cell 13 years later in saskatoon

And I must confess I do not know who you are either

But people like michelle rainy chris bennet david melmo renee bojee neil magnuson and tons more know who I am and what I have done with nothing

I am the guy who got a party to say they wouldre legalize and who ran for president of the ndp and exposed laytons cowardice

I am the green candidate taken out and labeled an antisemitic just before the 2008 election call

I sued elizabeth may and have my appeal hearing actually tomorrow and having to try to clear my name here is not something I have time for and actually marko knows this and is only trying to again hurt me

Its a long story but if I could be so bold and just for now give you this ...


Until I get time to explain further

Thank you and yes it was kind of you to already show more restraint then some others

in my world no one has created more political damage to our cause then emery and I am sure those selling products dont really understand what he did but in my circles we had worked since 1972 getting a party to say they would address cannabis and as we inched closer and I passed on info like for example for emery to take down the partying videos of using acid or LSD he said somethings that showed legalization was not his goal and only his infamy important
He would not do so and kirk tousaw paid for it

again I need to explain and I need time right now

so thanks and later